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Dogs Playing With Dogs

Agility Dogs

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Yep - i'm with you. My dog LOVES the park, bowling around like a moron with other dogs and as i've said earlier she was a touch DA when we got her 4 months ago as she hadn't been socialised as a pup so in her instance it's important to us to keep her comfortable just playing with other dogs, ESPECIALLY given her size. I'd rather she encountered other woofers in a non-threatening off lead environment - the park we go to is 5hectares so HEAPS of room for each dog to have their own space.

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My border collie loves just sitting in the water and the occasional swim but isn't interested in strange dogs. When we meet our friend's dogs down the river though she plays with them. I don't intentially go to dogs parks to socialise them with strange dogs, but unfortunately there are always strange dogs there and they need to be able to cope with that. Having said that, I have now stopped taking her because she has become so intolerant of other dogs because of people who can't train them properly and let them jump all over her when she clearly wants them to back off. If she still enjoyed it, I would still take her.

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Yep there was a death at my local park too - didn't see it but heard about it - Dachsy gotten by a Malamute.

Is that a recent incident? I didn't hear about it.

From memory happened a few years ago.

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My dogs love to play in the dog park. However, I am one of the regulars there and know most people who come in the evenings. For me, the following rules apply to get the best out of dog parks:

  • Allow my dogs to play with dogs I know.
  • Watch any new dog very carefully and leave at the first sign of trouble.
  • Don't go to the dog park if any known troublesome dogs are there, or walk out if they come in.

Most of the times when I go to the dog park, there are only three or four dogs there whom I know very well. I love to see my dogs playing chase with other dogs.

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My reply wasn't aimed at anyone so no insuating going on here.

My comment doesn't imply that the dogs aren't already happy, the original topic was 'what's the point of playing' - I was just trying to demonstrate that I think (my personal opinion) that dogs may get further enjoyment/fullfillment out of other activities we may not usuaully agree with or particpate in, whether that's playing, swimming, eating icecream or digging holes in the backyard. :laugh:

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My reply wasn't aimed at anyone so no insuating going on here.

My comment doesn't imply that the dogs aren't already happy, the original topic was 'what's the point of playing' - I was just trying to demonstrate that I think (my personal opinion) that dogs may get further enjoyment/fullfillment out of other activities we may not usuaully agree with or particpate in, whether that's playing, swimming, eating icecream or digging holes in the backyard. :rofl:

Yes, I think the original question got lost somewhere along the way :laugh:

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Also just want to point out that having met Huski's Daisy, shes a happy well adjusted little dog, and definately the apple of her mumma's eye (-: She'll happily have a sniff and lick with my GSD Sophie, she's a curious little munchkin!

She's a really happy little dog, you can just tell. For example at training so many dogs are straining like moron's trying to play with other dogs or getting frustrated at waiting (like mine - LOL) but Daisy is happy go lucky, I held onto her for 5mins while Huski went up to pay and again she was happy enough, wagging tail and smelling all the nummy smells.

I just don't want anyone insinuating that Huski is somewhat depriving her dogs for not having them down at a park regularly because from what i've seen of Daisy as an example she's such a happy little doggie and a real credit to Huski.

Aww thanks Nic :rofl:

Whenever I've taken Daisy to Kroll, she takes herself off on a little scenting expedition by herself - she's a real Nigel :laugh: Other dogs? pffft, not when there are smells to be smelt! LOL.

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Whenever I've taken Daisy to Kroll, she takes herself off on a little scenting expedition by herself - she's a real Nigel :laugh: Other dogs? pffft, not when there are smells to be smelt! LOL.

Sophie did a Daisy yesterday morning - haha. Lots of good smells! We hadn't taken her to a dog park in a few weeks so she was just beside herself with happiness to sniff all the smells.

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