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Barking Issues


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My 10mth old toy breed is developing a barking problem. She continually barks and cries when crated or where she is unable to get to me (like when I am outside and she is inside) I tell her to ...Quiet!!!! Shes stops momentarily then recommences. I have never had this with any other dog Ive owned, she has been treated no differently to any of my other dogs. She tests my patience, but Im more concerned about her starting to do this when I am out, and possible neighbour issues. How can I nip this in the bud?

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Have you tried a spray bottle with water in it?

I can sympathise, whilst mine don't ever bark while crated etc Jonty has become a barker when there is excitement happening (or he *thinks* there is something exciting happening!) & it triggers his drive & despite my best efforts his barking has become out of control. I have just invested in a bark collar for him, I'm pretty sure it will work, well I hope to god it works, not sure what I will do if it doesn't.

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I considered a water pistol but then I thought it might make her timid of my actions toward her. So I am looking down the idea of a lemon spray collar, that way the correction isnt a consequence of my physical contact with her. If that makes any sense???Will be interested on any opinions of such collars as they are quite expensive.

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I don't like using punishments such as water spray etc when a dog is crated. The crate is the dog's 'safe haven'. When crated try ignoring (no speak, no touch, no eye contact). If the crying/whining keeps up cover over with a blanket or crate cover. Wait until there is no vocalising - give it about 15 seconds or more longer (you don't want to do it too quickly after your dog stops vocalising but you do want to grab an opportunity to show your dog he/she can 'win' by being quiet. As soon as the vocalising starts up again, close the cover over. Use this as a "response cost" type punishment. You can have the cover on the crate already, with just one or two sides open, then pull it over when the whining re-commences.

When your dog has been quiet for a good time let him/her out of the crate if it is suitable to do so.

Randomise this, but sometimes give a chew item to keep him/her occupied in the crate (also helps to keep the crate a nice place to be).

There are a couple of possible things going on here :

  1. Your dog is 10 months old and is testing boundaries. Perhaps from previous experience your dog has already learnt that if he/she vocalises it will gain him/her attention. Or perhaps your dog already knows the boundaries from his/her upbringing and perceives it his duty to be around you when you are home/in sight.
  2. Your dog has not had much in the way of crate training and doesn't understand the confinement.

As for #1 above, this could be the same reason he/she is vocalising when denied access to you. Have you ever done the 'ignore' treatment and kept it up until your dog is quiet? You can treat that similar to what I've described for the crate. If necessary, close the blinds to block your dog's view of you when he/she is vocalising, opening them only when he/she has been quiet for a while. When you open the blinds, don't make a big deal of it - even try opening them when your dog is not paying attention to the window.

As for #2 above, if that is the case, then you need to do more work on the crate-training side of thing before expecting your dog to happily accept it.

If your dog is vocalising only due to denied access, then it is less likely this is going to be an issue when you are not home (unless it develops to the far more complex and serious nature of "separation anxiety"). However, it would do well to fix the problem even if you don't mind it as much as you would mind your dog barking and annoying the neighbourhood, as it is indicative of a degree of anxiety.

Edited by Erny
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Thank you. I totaly agree with you re the crate is her haven, up until a month ago she was not fussed and accepted that 'bedtime was bedtime" and if I chose her to be in the crate (ie when non dog kids were visiting) shed accept it no problems. Then we got the I dont want to go to bed dance (ref photo forum) which when I insisted would see her still quietly go to bed. But the barking is new and is whenever she feels she should be with me. (like if I go to the mailbox)I have always crated her while I am at work,which is the only time I dont get protest (see knows my work uniform) I do not ever release her from the crate until some time has passed from when I first get home (and she is quiet) I think the only think I have felt has changed is that of late she has decided she is the no1 dog in the house. My heart dog Luci is a yr older than her and I always hoped she would be the top dog and have treated her as such, but unfortunately the younger dog (barker) seems to have become no1 dog. Currently there are some jealousy issues with her and the other dog when I am around. Thus she has started 'shadowing me " where possible. She never tires of bark/crying within an hour. She seems excessively submissive to me, belly up and seeking my attention by licking my feet, wheeling around incircles around my legs. Am I missing something??? I will endeavour to try the cover up technique. Thank you again. I do not want to ignore this and get a dog developing seperation anxiety.

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