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Split Pads


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mason keeps spiltting his front pads, the front 2.

its making it really hard to walk him and get the weight off as he limps.

i try and keep him on the pavements, as that is better for him, i have nothing rough at home, only patio and soft grass. :thumbsup:

they split right down the middle, but are also red inbetween the toes, i have tried putting on ilium cream that i have.

should i take him to the vet? can they do anything?

he isn't a very well put together bully, he "dish's" at the front when he walks. :thumbsup:


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If you google for info on paw pads and their problems, there's quite a lot of information available. I should know as I'm having a whole set of other issues with my boy's feet/pads. Because the issue for me is different than yours, I didn't retain all the stuff that I read about split paw pads, but one of the things I do recall is the possibility of being low on zinc. But read up first, as it could be any of other things as well. I think it comes back to diet, and/or the dog's ability to absorb, assuming the splits are nothing to do with external trauma to the foot pad.

I am hydrating my boy's paws with the use of Aloe Vera Gel at the moment. Couldn't give you a verdict at this stage - it is too soon, but it may help. I think Vitamin A and E are also indicated for split paw pads. But have a read - as I mentioned, I've been reading up over these past few days or so but my focus is on something else. It is just that split paw pads happen to be written up in some of the articles I have viewed.

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lucas paw paw balm from the chemist or supermarket will help as well, i use it on dry pads so i guess it would do the same for a cracked one?? if ur dog comes inside massage it into the pads and try to get him to stay still afterward so it soaks in - this isnt always possible and helps to do it late at night when the dog is warn out or after a walk so he will slepp and stay off his feet for awhile :banghead: hope that helps?

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thanks :banghead:

he lives out 24/7, but spends most of the time fast asleep on a bed, only moving to wee, eat and change beds, so putting it on last thing would be fine.

i did look at something called "mushers secret" going to see if my mum can bring some over from the us, but will try the paw paw first.

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I've had the same problem with Archie and followed the greyhound experts advice :laugh:

Lanolin (very cheap from any chemist or supermarket!) works even better when left in the fridge as the texture is easier to work into the pads. I used to cover this paw with a baby sock after applying to make sure it stayed sligthly moist a bit longer (not that he kept the sock all day long though :laugh: ), especially at bed time when I knew he wouldn't be active.

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