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Agility Training


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I have set up some low jumps, tyres and seesaw in my backyard. When I run my 11 month kelpie is so excited she jumps up on me and barks in between obstacles. She has usually been up up with me from 4.30 am getting the cows and helping during milking so its not lack of exercise. Any ideas on how to stop this without taking away her enthusiasim. Thanks in advance. Kaye

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Hi Kaye

How long have you been doing agility? Just wondering so I don't give you advice aimed at beginners if you are more advanced.

One thing that might work is focus forward and obstacle focus exercises, as it sounds as if she is focussing more on you than the obstacles. Have you done much sending work - on the flat or over say a couple of jumps? You could start by sending to a toy or food reward on the flat, then send to a toy or food reward over a jump, so the dog is not looking at you as much.

Also some more obstacle focus could help - there are a lot of great exercises on Susan Garett's One Jump DVD. One that may help is to set her up in front of a jump in a sit stay and reward with food when she looks at the jump instead of at you (by either coming in to reward sit stay or throwing over the jump so she does the jump).

Hope that helps :)

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My young Border does this and he is fairly new to agility, but in general he has a jumping issue So im adressing that by not letting him jump up unless he is invited. In a ring mind you I tend to turn around and ignore him so then he stops and waits for me, not the most ideal thing but he is getting alot better!

My Shleti also does this in the ring esp when he's excited or trying to be the boss. I stop and make him lie down and then continue on.. he very quickly gets the oh if I do this my game stops

I know thats not alot of help but its working for me so maybe there maybe something in there for you!

Good luck

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Hi Kaye

How long have you been doing agility? Just wondering so I don't give you advice aimed at beginners if you are more advanced.

One thing that might work is focus forward and obstacle focus exercises, as it sounds as if she is focussing more on you than the obstacles. Have you done much sending work - on the flat or over say a couple of jumps? You could start by sending to a toy or food reward on the flat, then send to a toy or food reward over a jump, so the dog is not looking at you as much.

Also some more obstacle focus could help - there are a lot of great exercises on Susan Garett's One Jump DVD. One that may help is to set her up in front of a jump in a sit stay and reward with food when she looks at the jump instead of at you (by either coming in to reward sit stay or throwing over the jump so she does the jump).

Hope that helps :laugh:

Thanks for reply. I have done competive agility with a GSD who was a perfect angel :) I think you are right in that Ruby is focussing on me. I will try send her to a toy, sounds like a good idea. All dogs are different and I think Ruby will be not too bad at agility if I can focus her energy. Cheers

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My young Border does this and he is fairly new to agility, but in general he has a jumping issue So im adressing that by not letting him jump up unless he is invited. In a ring mind you I tend to turn around and ignore him so then he stops and waits for me, not the most ideal thing but he is getting alot better!

My Shleti also does this in the ring esp when he's excited or trying to be the boss. I stop and make him lie down and then continue on.. he very quickly gets the oh if I do this my game stops

I know thats not alot of help but its working for me so maybe there maybe something in there for you!

Good luck

My girl has a jumping up issue also so I will try and address it a bit more strictley than I have been. Cheers. Thanks for reply

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