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Pinned Studied About Dogs


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I like the idea of a studies about dogs header somewhere and have been watching the one in the General Dog Discussion. I don't think it's working very well. Only a couple people have posted. I think it's unfortunate that there's no discussion of what has been posted, as some studies warrant discussion. It isn't evolving into a useful reference compilation, as I -- and no doubt others -- had hoped would happen.

As the number of headers on DOL grows, some important topics, like training, go off the list and you have to scroll down to see them.

This should have gone in the forum suggestions area . . . but I don't think very many people scroll down to the bottom in the list of forums . . . so that area is a waste of breath.

Edited by sandgrubber
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The OP asked that there be no discussion on the links to studies about dogs. I guess if someone wanted to post on the topic, they could begin a thread? I thought the idea was to have a reference for things people might want to read.

I would like to see more of those topics posted for people to read, but I guess the forum users aren't that interested. Once there would have been threads galore about stuff like that, but not these days - different forum users,different interests, different focus.

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Long ago I had a Mexican friend who liked the US because people joined at the end of the que . . . rather than the front as happens in Mexico. In the time I've been on DOL, I've notice a bit of the problem that happens when everyone joins at the front . . . and the bottom entries just keep moving down. I think we're loosing active forums as Breeds 101, In the News etc. move to the top of the que. And I think the pinned discussions are great, but I tire of seeing them every time I go on to a forum . . . when I've seen them several hundred times before.

I don't mean this as criticism. Just reflection . . . if no one else has the same sort of concerns, I'm happy to shut up. I know it won't be discussed if it ends up next-to-last in the forum que.

The OP asked that there be no discussion on the links to studies about dogs. I guess if someone wanted to post on the topic, they could begin a thread? I thought the idea was to have a reference for things people might want to read.

I would like to see more of those topics posted for people to read, but I guess the forum users aren't that interested. Once there would have been threads galore about stuff like that, but not these days - different forum users,different interests, different focus.

Edited by sandgrubber
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