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Eye Infection


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Hi guys,

My boy is just back from a boarding, called barkingham palace.

And i noticed he has eye mucus in one of the eye. So i cleaned it up, as i thought it's just normal.

but it quickly appears again.

I noticed that the color's not normal also..it's slightly yellowish or greenish.

I talked to a friend and she mentioned that it might be an eye infection and asked me to check if his eye is slightly red/pinkish.

It is pinkish and the mucus accumulates quickly.

Called lort smith but they're not available today. I'll need to bring him in tomorrow morning.

Is eye infection dangerous if it's yet to be treated in few days?


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I think the solution of choice (in the interim of seeing your Vet) is saline solution. I am a "good ol' salt & water" advocate as well and admittedly have cured a mild dose of conjunctivitis in my previous girls eyes with its use. But I think it might have been Rappie (or someone else knowledgeable - sorry if I'm misquoting the author name) who pointed out that you have to be careful with salt water into the eyes as it is possible to burn the cornea with it.

I'd be using saline solution and also dosing the dog with some Active Manuka Honey (UMF 20+ or higher) to help boost the immune system if you have these things. For me, they represent a permanent stock in my medicine cabinet, along with Colloidal Silver and Calendula Tea. This in the interim of seeing your Vet, of course. Conjunctivitis isn't something to muck around with, but I agree that it wouldn't warrant a rush to the emergency Vet.

Oh - if you don't have saline solution but do happen to have Colloidal Silver to hand, you can use that to rinse your dog's eyes with. You're supposed to be able to use the Calendula Tea as an eye wash as well, but I concern myself with the doubt on sterility and also the possibility of particles from the tea stock, so I'd be more comfortable using the Colloidal Silver.

Edited by Erny
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If you have a late night chemist in your area, you could try to get a tube of Brolene (sp?) ointment - works a charm on most forms of eye infection - faster than the expensive stuff you get from the vet too. My vet has checked it's makeup and declared it safe to use on dogs eyes also...


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