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Fighting Bsl: A Place To Add Links


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hello :cool:

via twitter i follow quite a number of US rescue and other similar type orgs in their fight against BSL and i come across quite a few informative stories and a number of wins *claps* in america's fight against BSL!

for instance: Good news in the pit bull wars

By Christie Keith

March 11, 2010

Aren’t we all tired of dogs seized in fighting busts being treated as dangerous ravening beasts instead of victims of cruelty who deserve, at the very least, to be evaluated as individuals? Bad Rap is reporting that the Kent County Humane Society in Michigan got tired of it, too — and decided to go to court about it:

A federal prosecutor in Michigan tried to convince a federal judge to order the euthanasia all dogs swept up in a cruelty case this past summer. The problem is, Kent County Humane Society has been housing several of the dogs for months and believes that they’re adoptable.

The solution? Kent County hired a lawyer and filed an affidavit to argue in favor of letting the adoptable dogs live.

Guess what? They won the case today for 11 dogs in their facility, and they also won the right to evaluate four dogs that have been housed in a different facility.

Bad Rap’s verdict?

We were keeping our eye on this case since we first learned of the dogs’ plight and, and are just jumping up and down around here with the good news. We salute Kent County Humane for their MAJOR CAJONES tonight and are celebrating this victory for the dogs.

Read more here!

Photo: Froggy, one of the dogs involved in the case, who will now get a chance to be adopted.


let's face it, the US is a globally strong influence and i do believe that if america sneezes, downunder generally catches a cold :D

just sharin' :D

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