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Luki - Parvo Survivor

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K9A thank you so much for taking the time to post so many lovely pics. Luki is a gorgeous boy. I've recently rehomed a husky x pei and have a new appreciation of huskies. Aura was a wonderful ambassador. Looking forward to more installments on Luki and his progress.

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  Ams said:
K9A thank you so much for taking the time to post so many lovely pics. Luki is a gorgeous boy. I've recently rehomed a husky x pei and have a new appreciation of huskies. Aura was a wonderful ambassador. Looking forward to more installments on Luki and his progress.

Wow thats an interesting mix. A husky/pei mix. A shusky. :laugh: Aura sounds lovely.

Posting the odd pic and update is the least I can do. Many fellow DOLers sent well wishes & support for this little fellow.

(and Thankyou jerojath, spyda62, kookaburra and a lovely lady called Barb :rofl: for your help with donations -hope I didnt forget anyone)

Luki is alive & well today thanks to a group of caring people. For that, I am forever grateful. :)

And to think, some poor dogs dont even have one person to care about them.... :laugh:

Edited by k9angel
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Just an update on little Luki

He is doing fantastic. He sit AND shook hands today for the first time. I am so proud of him. I have only shown him a few times and he does it already - its so cute. I am teaching him to stay and roll over next. He walks great on the lead (inside) and even holds it in his mouth as he trots along. We often practise for when its time to go out in the real world.

He listens too, which is good. He only has to be told once or twice "No" and he stops whatever he is doing. Like today he decided to grab the babys bottle. I said "No Luki, No" and he walked away. Same for the kids, if he gets a little rough in play - he doesnt mean to but he still has his pin teeth and they hurt when he accidently nips - I simply tell him a firm "NO Luki" and he settles down and stops. Its vital he learns good manners at this age. We have also taught him to retrieve his toys when he plays fetch. He brings it right up to you now and drops it. He is such a smart little boy. I think its his eagerness to please aswell that helps. When he does something good, he gets lots of praise and attention and he thinks its great so does it again. :thumbsup:

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After just over 3 weeks Luki is finally out of quarantine. He has got to play with Skye and Storm for the past few hours and is having a ball. At first he wasnt sure. He probably thought 'hang on - who the hell are these 2 little gremlins' :) and vice versa. Its like they were thinking "Heeello there, where have you been hiding?" :D

They got used of eachother quickly and now there is no stopping them. :(

Storm gives him a run for his money. He has also met my old girl Gypz, through the crate and also Jasmine, no issues. Gypsy appears to love him, Jasmine is just Jasmine. :laugh: Bobby however has taken a disliking to him, as I expected :(:laugh: But all is good, I will just have to do the dog shuffle (change overs) a while longer.

Luki sits for his dinner and waits patiently for the bowl to be placed on the floor. He eats chicken wings now, he chews them up nice and slow and throughly enjoys them. He also likes the odd lamb neck and spends hours knawing at it.

I went over and got 4kgs of the lamb necks, 4 kgs wings and 2 boxes of chicken frames (15kg to a box :eek: ) earlier today, then this arvo, my neighbour comes over with ANOTHER box of chicken frames. They are such nice ppl. So I have been chopping and bagging meat a good part of the night. :laugh: The old tucker box is nice and full. Should keep me going for another week. :laugh:

Luki loves his fresh meat, as do the others.

I have been bagging their Easter treats too. They got some toys, choc chip cookies (made for dogs), choc drops (also for dogs) and liver treats. So theyre will be some happy hounds here tommorow morning :laugh:

I have to transform into EAster Bunny soon and deliver the eggs & Easter goodies! thats if the little one ever sleeps - he is too excited. :laugh:

Some pics to come if my computer hurrys up - its part snail tonight. :)

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  Mother Moocher said:
OMG! He must be in heaven.

Don't forget it is the end of daylight saving, so you can give yourself an extra hour and then turn the clock back before you go to bed.

Have fun tomorrow.

Will do. Same to you. :(

Happy Easter to everyone and their dogs!!!

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Exploring bubbles the other day. He just couldnt figure out where they were coming from or where they dissapeared to. :(


"Those blastard bubbles" he thinks "Where ARE they coming from?" :)


Gone from seeing bubbles to seeing double :D with Skye & Storm his new found friends


Get a load of that cheeky smile on Storms face - and you can clearly see Lukis up to no good, trying to provoke playtime


And its on :( wrestle time


Skye tries to join in on the antics as they move to the kitchen


Catch me if you can says Luki ready for a game of zoomies :laugh:

As you can probably see, Luki is starting to fill out lovely. He is a gorgeous little boy.

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  k9angel said:

Exploring bubbles the other day. He just couldnt figure out where they were coming from or where they dissapeared to. :)


"Those blastard bubbles" he thinks "Where ARE they coming from?" :D


Gone from seeing bubbles to seeing double :( with Skye & Storm his new found friends


Get a load of that cheeky smile on Storms face - and you can clearly see Lukis up to no good, trying to provoke playtime


And its on :laugh: wrestle time


Skye tries to join in on the antics as they move to the kitchen


Catch me if you can says Luki ready for a game of zoomies :laugh:

As you can probably see, Luki is starting to fill out lovely. He is a gorgeous little boy.

He is adorable, You did a miracle saving this boy last min

Look how happy he is now no one can tell that he was ever sick

Perfect well done :(

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Well Luki got to meet my eldest girl today. Gypsy, nearly 11 years old.

She absolutely loves him. I was a little worried actually that she may hurt herself while playing so had to keep an eye on her to make sure she didnt show off too much and over do it. :laugh:

Gypsy done her back in last year in Feb and has come such a long long way. I am so proud of her. She was paralysed from the weist down after injuring herself mucking around with her 9 yr old daughter Jay jay out the back. (crushed a vertabrae in her back)

It was a long road to recovery, I had to help her learn to use her back legs again and for weeks had to assist her by putting a towel under her belly and supporting her weight while she learned to walk & use her legs again. :thumbsup:

When she was at the Vet (weeks) I would go and visit her and wasnt allowed to actually pat and cuddle her incase she got over excited and worsened her injury, so I had to watch through a glass door. :thumbsup: She always knew I was there and would try and drag herself over to me. It broke my heart. A time I will not forget. Anyways sorry a little OT there.

I was pleased with her reaction to Luki today. They got along like a house on fire.

Pics to come of Gypsy and Luki's intro.

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Their smiles are priceless :thumbsup:


Trying to get a pic of them close up together, neither would keep still long enough :laugh:


Gypsy & Luki


Gypsy's eyes are saying "Well come on, what you waitin' for?"


Gypz watches on as Luki heads to the kitchen :thumbsup:

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