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Luki - Parvo Survivor

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Little Luki has just been put into bed. (His crate) he came out and had a little bit of chicken & rice, and lots of cuddles.

Yes Teekay, it will be very hard parting with this little fellow. I am trying not to think about it at this stage.

He has such a lovely nature, even the Vets wife commented on his beautiful nature. He is quiet and loving. Ofcoarse, he'd still be recovering. He is very interested in bugs. :banghead: A big cockroach wandered into the loungeroom, you should of seen those antenna ears go up. Gorgeous. :rofl: He chased it around and had a great game of it. :laugh:

He is so thin. He reminds me of a baby mouse. His little bones sticking out all over the place. ;)

He still hasnt pooed. I have been waiting for him to, but he hasnt.....yet. He has had his antibiotics for the night.

It will be early to bed for me tonight. Now he is home, I can rest.

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Luki woke me up this morning just before 7. I came out and let him out of his crate. (after I rounded Gypsy, Jasmine and Bobby into the spare room) He was so excited to see me. He did a poo at 7.35am. Nothing messy or smelly. It was mostly solid. :laugh: Out came the bleach, the boiling water and gloves. :laugh: Thankfully he did it on the lino and not the carpet. :)

He had a game with the lorrikeet through the cage. The lorikeet thought it was just as much fun as he did. :laugh:

Then the guinea pigs. (who come in at night) he was trying to have a game with them, running around the cage, ears pricked. It will do him good to see all these other animals. His food bowl was empty this morning, so I am just warming some chicken and rice for his brekky. He has to have small, regular meals.

I was in bed before 11 last night (I think) I fell asleep watching spongebob squarepants with Jack. :D

Luki is watching the guinea pigs atm. He is fascinated at these little animals, rustling in the straw. :)

I just snapped a pic. Upload in a min. ;)


Awww.....guinea pigs

He is such a gorgeous little creature. ;)

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This is such a wonderful outcome. He is like a rescue mascot and will only get better from here on in with your love and care. His next goal is to fatten up given he looks like settling in is not going to be an issue!

Congratulations Luki and thank you for not giving up K9Angel!

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  tdierikx said:
With those Jack cuddles, I'm sure little Luki will be fully well again in no time...


And just think of the wondeful life lesson that Jack is learning about compassion and love and respect for animals....there's nothing like learning through example.

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  Puppy_Sniffer said:
This is such a wonderful outcome. He is like a rescue mascot and will only get better from here on in with your love and care. His next goal is to fatten up given he looks like settling in is not going to be an issue!

Congratulations Luki and thank you for not giving up K9Angel!

Luki is proof that "Anything is possible" when you dont give up hope.

And yes he is so tiny and thin. He has eaten well today, hopefully it wont take long to fatten him up. He comes out again shortly. He likes to suggle his nose under your arm or into your lap. He is a very loving and very gentle natured baby. :(

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  k9angel said:
  Puppy_Sniffer said:
This is such a wonderful outcome. He is like a rescue mascot and will only get better from here on in with your love and care. His next goal is to fatten up given he looks like settling in is not going to be an issue!

Congratulations Luki and thank you for not giving up K9Angel!

Luki is proof that "Anything is possible" when you dont give up hope.

And yes he is so tiny and thin. He has eaten well today, hopefully it wont take long to fatten him up. He comes out again shortly. He likes to suggle his nose under your arm or into your lap. He is a very loving and very gentle natured baby. :(

he is adorable...i still dont understand how these babies get left in the pound...wasnt someone looking for him..

its so sod.

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  ellies mum said:
  k9angel said:
  Puppy_Sniffer said:
This is such a wonderful outcome. He is like a rescue mascot and will only get better from here on in with your love and care. His next goal is to fatten up given he looks like settling in is not going to be an issue!

Congratulations Luki and thank you for not giving up K9Angel!

Luki is proof that "Anything is possible" when you dont give up hope.

And yes he is so tiny and thin. He has eaten well today, hopefully it wont take long to fatten him up. He comes out again shortly. He likes to suggle his nose under your arm or into your lap. He is a very loving and very gentle natured baby. :mad

he is adorable...i still dont understand how these babies get left in the pound...wasnt someone looking for him..

its so sod.

IMO this little one and the blk & white one came in together. Apart from colouring, they were identical, in age, size, no microchips and both were in incredibly poor condition. One came in first, than a few hours later the other arrives. *suss*

They were probably starting to show signs of sickness at home so the owners thought they'd offload them. :) Prob got one family member to bring one in, then a friend or other family member to bring the other. Very sad. :(

If only Luki could talk, I say he would tell a very sad and sorry tale. :rofl:

I do not know how the other little husky is fairing, but I hope she too, is recovering. I also do not know how the other little pup is going, that shared their kennel. The staffy x girl. I hope she is ok also.

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Little Luki is settling in just fine. :( He follows me around everywhere. :cheer: Would you believe he goes to the front of the human toilet and wee's. Its incredible. He is so smart. He has been nibbling all day, so I am pleased with that. He only eats a little at a time. He was laying on Jack, who had just fallen asleep on the lounge, he (Luki) was listening to Susan Boyles "Amazing Grace". :cheer:

"I once was lost, but now I am found, was blind but now I see". How fitting for little Luki. :)

Some pics taken this afternoon and tonight


Taken this afternoon - sitting with JAck on the lounge :)


Another one taken in the afternoon.


Look at his little bony hips.... :laugh: although he is much better now to when I first picked him up. He had that sucked in look to him.


Luki's crate. It is nice and roomy for him. It was kindly given to me by the vet. :p


Taken tonight on the lounge as Jack fell asleep


Falling asleep to Susan Boyle :mad


Both in la la land - sleeping peacefully :cheer::)

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  k9angel said:
Little Luki is settling in just fine. :) He follows me around everywhere. :cheer: Would you believe he goes to the front of the human toilet and wee's. Its incredible. He is so smart. He has been nibbling all day, so I am pleased with that. He only eats a little at a time. He was laying on Jack, who had just fallen asleep on the lounge, he (Luki) was listening to Susan Boyles "Amazing Grace". :mad

"I once was lost, but now I am found, was blind but now I see". How fitting for little Luki. :)

Some pics taken this afternoon and tonight


Taken this afternoon - sitting with JAck on the lounge :p


Another one taken in the afternoon.


Look at his little bony hips.... :( although he is much better now to when I first picked him up. He had that sucked in look to him.


Luki's crate. It is nice and roomy for him. It was kindly given to me by the vet. :)


Taken tonight on the lounge as Jack fell asleep


Falling asleep to Susan Boyle :laugh:


Both in la la land - sleeping peacefully :cheer::)

Awwww those last two pics are just devine :cheer:

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Little Luki continues to improve. :laugh:

He woke me up again early this morning to come out and go toilies. :rofl:

He howled a little bit (in his crate) last night after being awoken from his little nap with Jack. But settled about 15 mins later. He is eating well. I offer several small meals a day. I have to say the chicken in rice is his fav.

He adores Jack. I think he thinks the sun shines out of his butt. :D He loves Bailey too and vice versa. Bailey has been intrigued with him since he first saw him. Bailey is only 1, (human baby, that is ;) ) and I think the fact Luki has different coloured eyes, fascinates him. He giggles at him and ofcoarse little Luki doesnt mind the attention.

Yesterday, Jack was calling Luki Teddy Bear. I think because he is soft like one. :eek:

Oh and Luki has the cutest little habit. When you pat him and make babying sounds, like awww....you ok little boy?

He lifts his paws and covers his eyes like he is shy..... :eek:

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An update on little Luki. :)

Little Luki has been discovering toys today. He loves them. He carries them around in his mouth, making little crying sounds. Its so cute. He is learning to fetch the ball and already brings it back. :mad This little fellow is extremely intelligent. He has learned to walk on the lead (inside the house) and picked it up first go. I am teaching him to sit and shake. He spotted himself in the mirror yesterday. It was so funny. :mad The head went from side to side, ears pricked. He got up on the dressing table today and was nose to nose with this mysterious other dog :mad who copies his every move. Tail wagging, he admired himself. :D

As per usual he woke me early to go to the toilet, have a run and have his breakfast. He is better than an alarm clock! :mad

Everyday he seems a little brighter. I am very pleased with his recovery. :)

A few pics to come later, my computer is running super slow atm. :D :o

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