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Owning Multiple Entire Dogs Without Kenneling Arrangements?


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Hey there guys, wasn't sure whether or not to post this in General or Breeders but here goes :hug:

Let's say you're a hobbyist and own two or so dogs for show. For this topic's sake lets say one is a bitch, the other a dog. You live in the average house with a fenced backyard (though dogproof may be questionable, so you'd rather supervise their outside time) but the dogs are inside/outside pets. You don't own any runs or have the yard sectioned off into quadrants.

Now, let's say you don't ever plan on breeding these two, be it their lines are not compatible, or they're different breeds, or whatever reason you like. What do you do when girly comes in season? I can imagine leaving them while going out would be the easy bit - you could crate one and keep the other in a separate room or crate them next to eachother with no easy to 'mate-through' holes, or whatever. But how would you deal with it on a daily basis? Would putting bitches britches on the girl in question be enough? Would you endeavour to keep them in separate parts of the house through the duration? Belly band for the boy? (I don't know how belly bands work so don't jump me on that one)

I was just thinking about it recently and it never actually occured to me before, so I'm curious. :cheer:

Thanks everyone!

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I keep both here and currently have two bitches in season...mmm not fun...I just play juggle dogs and let each have3 free run/play time and then put in a run (I only have one run as I prefer them not to be locked upif I can help it) I have had an accident before though when my bitch had a silent season and her son mated her (succesfully Alizined and she now is proud mum to a compatible dog!) So you just have to be more aware of what your dogs are up too!

It can be done but it is a bit of a pain in the bum!

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thanks guys :hug:

If i were to apply this situation to my place, it's a rental so I can't imagine asking if I could put in dog runs.. haha. I guess in that situation it would be easier to have either or, not both.

eta: posted at same time as cowan :cheer: i guess it would be a pain but if determined enough it can be done sans accidents. (one would hope.)

Edited by alexhegyesi
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Okay, if they are showdogs then you do what so many do.......musical dogs !!!!! one into the laundry or other room, one out, when the music stops grab a dog and swap again !!!!

AND....build nice runs with kenneling !!


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We had multis & lived in the burbs & had seperate areas.

Most people though will often board the bitch at the worse stages although for many the bitch in heat is easy to deal with,the changes in some males is much harder

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I did this for years... we managed with one crated (or locked inside) and one out. If you are well aware of your bitch and know her behaviour you really only need to keep them separated like this for a week to 10 days. Not such a big ask really. :hug:

I do think it would be mean to crate them next to each other tho... very frustrating for both to be so near and yet so far :cheer:

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fifi.. I just got a very interesting image in my head indeed! :hug:

winpara: I'm not sure, I've just heard from some people their dogs seem more at ease if they've got 'their girl' in their sight and safe from any other boys who might steal them, so to speak.

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fifi.. I just got a very interesting image in my head indeed! :cheer:

:hug::cheer: when you have a boy that will howl the village / district down if left in a run when a girl is in season, or two dogs that REALLY dislike each other, then musical dogs becomes part of the rich fabric of life with entire dogs !!!! :cheer:


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I did this for years... we managed with one crated (or locked inside) and one out. If you are well aware of your bitch and know her behaviour you really only need to keep them separated like this for a week to 10 days. Not such a big ask really. :hug:

I do think it would be mean to crate them next to each other tho... very frustrating for both to be so near and yet so far :cheer:

A week to 10 days is not long enough. Had them mate at day 21.

I also think crating next to each other would be awful, especially for the male.

I have seperate rooms & the garden sectioned, alternating them with time in & out & turns each in the lounge for one on one company. The boys are naughty though & do try & mark territory when the girls are on heat, if I don't watch like a hawk.

My 2 boys hate each other but they both love all the girls :cheer:

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We have one entire male (though likely to be desexed within the next 12 months) and two entire females. Under normal circumstances they sleep at opposite ends of the house so that they don't "sing" whilst we're out. There is also a large size difference between male & females so they're never run together anyway as Grover (the deerhound) has absolutely no concept of his size and the Fauves get sick of him jumping on their heads. When the girls are in season he literally never has any contact with them - when he is out, they are in, when he is in, they are out.

When we had General here we boarded him when the girls were in season as he went ballistic.

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I have one entire male and two bitches. When either of the girls come into season, I pack their overnight bag and they go and have a holiday at Nanny & Poppy's house :cry: or my boy goes for a holiday. Normally it is one of the girls who goes for a visit. With me at work, I don't have to worry about playing "musical" dogs and they get to have a holiday as well. Mum & Dad are both retired and are home all day with very secure fencing.

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Musical dogs is the easiest, cheapest and land lord friendly way to go if you one have 1 bitch and 1 dog. Bring another dog or bitch into picture who do not get along (especially when in season), then you will need to think about putting up a run. I bought a portable run a couple of years ago when I decided I needed a good place to put 4 week old puppies without using puppy pens etc. And when I got my second dog. I've attached a photo. Best $800 I've spent. I later put shade cloth around the outside and a dog kennel inside. Worked a treat.

Border Collies are can be hard to manage. I have had issues with running the 2 boys together, they were never aggressive, but the one would pin the young boy down and chew at his coat. Left him quite bald on the wither at one stage. I've had multiple bitches run together but sisters fight, visiting bitches fight, puppies bought in at a young age seem to get the pack order early on and dont try to fight it. I and most breeders I know run 1 dog and 1 bitch together only, unless in family packs.


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We have two entire boys and two entire girls. Of the boys, one is still a puppy, the other has a Suprelorin implant which is a male contraceptive. With the implant, you do run the risk of the testies shrinking which is a no no for a show dog, but it is reversible. The implant comes as either a 6 or 12 month implant, so I guess you can try it out for the side effect. It didn't happen with our boy. He's now gone through two seasons, one for each girl and other than the odd sniff, has never tried anything.

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Before I had my detached garage which I built a kennel run in, I had to use crates and rotate dogs. that's not tough but it was the singing that got to me by the boys!

We have four large yards here and the front yard which are all fenced properly, however we still use crates and the trailer if needed (as all the darn girls come into season at the same time so separating 4 isnt' as easy as just one!)

The key to preventing unwanted matings is simply do not rush anything being done with the dogs and never assume that someone else has secured one of them. We always yell out to each other to ask if Bitch A or B is where she should be before letting anyone else out or moving anyone around. If no one answers, nothing is touched til we know for sure that the situation is under control. It only takes a moment of a lapse of concentration in moving dogs around for an unwanted mating to occur.

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