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Storm Damage


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I know a lot of people across Melbourne suffered a lot of damage to home and property after the freak hail-stone storm on Saturday ... but damage to a family member? Well, this has to be one of the most freakiest things I have ever had the misfortune to be a small part of.

Got a phone call from one of the puppy buyers from my last litter, very upset, from the vet on Saturday afternoon.

The puppy (aged 12 weeks here, two weeks before the weekend we have just had):


The storm hit their place suddenly while she was outside playing (she has free rein in and out of the house when they are home) - her owners heard the first hailstone hit and then her scream almost immediately ....

The result:


The treatment:


The aftermath:


The cost:

For just the weekend's vet bills alone - over $5000 (thankfully, $3000 of that will be covered with the 6 week insurance policy I send out with all of my pups - which believe it or not, runs out tonight!)

For ongoing weekly check-ups, x-rays, surgery to remove some pins, then surgery to remove the rest - one can only guess, but thankfully covered with the insurance policy they have just renewed!!!

The good news ('cause apparently there is some!):

Prognosis is excellent for a complete recovery. If she had to be hit by a hailstone anywhere, and had to break anything, apparently what happened was the best outcome. The break was clean, and no where near any growth plates, and they expect she will make a full recovery (just might not make that show debut quite as soon as we were expecting - but heck, I think she deserves a cheering squad when she does get out there!).

The challenge:

She's to be kept quiet for the next three weeks .... and this is one active and mischievous puppy!

Edited by armahani
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Oh my goodness. That poor little puppy :hug: I really feel for the family too what a horrible thing to have to go through with such a young pup.

Good on you for offering an insurance policy to cover those first couple of weeks :cry: That is an excellent idea and I wish more breeders did it. I'm sure there are many times a new puppy comes home and when exploring their new surroundings get's themselves into trouble.

I hope for a speedy recovery for the little puppy.

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Poor baby, I bet that hurt a lot. Sounds like its time for the tiny play pen to come out and lots of stationery playtime with soft toys and chew ropes.

Keeping them occupied is the hardest part. My girl fractured a growth plate on her hind leg and was restricted for a quite a while and I used it as a good time to teach her some games. She was much older, six months, so ready to learn retrieve using the back training clicker method. Natsu Chan put me on to this, a great thing to teach a dog that can't really move around. Might be a little much for this tiny tot, worth the suggestion though, they might have fun with it.

Oh, I also taught, Hi-Five, Shake Paw, Shake Other Paw. And another two they could teach is nose to hand targetting and play dead.

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Oh, I also taught, Hi-Five, Shake Paw, Shake Other Paw. And another two they could teach is nose to hand targetting and play dead.

Great ideas! I'd already suggested that this would be a good time to work on her scent work :cry: - but they might find some tricks a bit easier at first :hug:

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Good on you for offering an insurance policy to cover those first couple of weeks :cry: That is an excellent idea and I wish more breeders did it. I'm sure there are many times a new puppy comes home and when exploring their new surroundings get's themselves into trouble.

Well, have to say, it doesn't cost anything, and is just a little bit of time in paperwork, so I can't see any reason why not really. It has come in handy for a few of them a few times (nothing quite this big though :hug: ), and a number of my buyers have ended up taking out a policy, so I suspect it works out well for the insurance company..... generally ...... I might be blacklisted now though! ;)

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Holy hell, What a shock for the poor baby & owners, and for you armahani.

Thank dog you had taken the time to do the insurance.

Pretty schmick set of fixtures :-)

I wonder how many other poor animals both wild & domestic where hurt in those savage hailstorms ?


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My god that hail storm was nasty and poor Kirra to be so unlucky! when you think bout it though, if one of those had hit her on the head...well its dosen't bear thinking about!

Get well soon Kirra!

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I know a lot of people across Melbourne suffered a lot of damage to home and property after the freak hail-stone storm on Saturday ... but damage to a family member? Well, this has to be one of the most freakiest things I have ever had the misfortune to be a small part of.

Got a phone call from one of the puppy buyers from my last litter, very upset, from the vet on Saturday afternoon.

The puppy (aged 12 weeks here, two weeks before the weekend we have just had):


The storm hit their place suddenly while she was outside playing (she has free rein in and out of the house when they are home) - her owners heard the first hailstone hit and then her scream almost immediately ....

The result:


The treatment:


The aftermath:


The cost:

For just the weekend's vet bills alone - over $5000 (thankfully, $3000 of that will be covered with the 6 week insurance policy I send out with all of my pups - which believe it or not, runs out tonight!)

For ongoing weekly check-ups, x-rays, surgery to remove some pins, then surgery to remove the rest - one can only guess, but thankfully covered with the insurance policy they have just renewed!!!

The good news ('cause apparently there is some!):

Prognosis is excellent for a complete recovery. If she had to be hit by a hailstone anywhere, and had to break anything, apparently what happened was the best outcome. The break was clean, and no where near any growth plates, and they expect she will make a full recovery (just might not make that show debut quite as soon as we were expecting - but heck, I think she deserves a cheering squad when she does get out there!).

The challenge:

She's to be kept quiet for the next three weeks .... and this is one active and mischievous puppy!

Poor little baby, glad it was no worse and I hope she makes an excellent recovery. I bet the owners are glad they got their pup from someone with pet insurance to cover their pups.

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When Toby was in a cast that young the vets didn't clip his nails in between cast changes, it sounds stupid but the pressure ended up making his dew claw dig into his flesh and he now has a splayed foot and nails that over a year on I still have trouble getting to a decent length.

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