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Another Lovely Day Out...


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We turned out yesterday for two shows in one day. Mr Ellz grumbled incredibly annoyingly at first but thankfully, the Misses Rajacadoo and Mrs Rajacadoo were there to help me put him in his place. Although it's a bit of a concern that Mr Ellz and Mr Rajacadoo seem to be joining forces somewhat! :laugh:

Huge thanks to Miss O Rajacadoo for again ably assisting me with my two Staffordshire Bull Terrier babies, but this time at their first Champ shows.

Many older, more seasoned exhibitors go a bit pale at the thought of handling Stafford babies, but to Miss O's credit, she takes whatever is thrown at her with a big smile and a very capable hand. I think my puppies love her almost as much as they love me! :laugh:

Here is Miss O with Flame.....chillin'


And a bit of puppy slobber never hurt anybody! :(


And the other Miss Rajacadoo.....Miss I, deserves a BIG mention too because not only did she happily take Bad Alice into the ring for me when we clashed with Stafford judging, but she also happily took on the task of learning to brush a "hairy".

Many thanks to the Rajacadoo-doo-doo team for another enjoyable show! See you all again on the 20th! :laugh:

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Yes - it was a lovely day out - made even better by meeting the adorable Roger and Flame - what a gorgeous pair of babies. :laugh: (though I worry whether they need more socialising so they won't be shy of people :(:laugh::laugh: . ) Gotta love them - they spot you, and you're their new best friend. :laugh: They really are beautiful looking pups, and their natures are to die for. Love those photos, too.

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:laugh: I know Tassie, the poor wee souls are very shy....

just like their breeder/owner really! :(

Thank you for your kind words though.....I love my bubbas and it thrills me to see them charming other people too!!

And I've gotta say that your young lad is really growing up nicely too.....even if he does have his brains "elsewhere" at the moment! :laugh:

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:laugh: Thanks Ellz - yes - I'm very happy with him - for a dog who was coming over on Limit as a performance prospect, he's turning out pretty nice. Gotta work on that tail now - thinking of plaiting sinkers into it :( . He's having way too good a time out there - but hey, I'm happy with that rather than the opposite.
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Well the VERY slack rajacadoo has just realised that I didnt add anything to this thread :o:o

They be very nice piccies of Miss R, playing with the 'o so cute' Staffords, and being eaten alive by them :(:)

Ive told Mr R he isnt allowd to join forces with Mr Ellz, cos... Just cos :rofl:

Fank you Ellz for de nice comments on the Miss O and Miss I... They did enjoy the day too, and are really loving being able to show whoever needs to be, whenever... Miss I 'ticked' me off when she had finished grooming Malice, and I came over to give Malice a cuddle :eek: ... Miss I wasnt pleased that she had to rebrush her, cos I 'ruined' her !!! Cheeky widdle sod ;)

Tassie you are so right I think the Stafford bubbies need to get out more for socialisation... They just wont 'cut it' with the shows if they arent given more people time :mad:rofl: .

Yep I love the pics too, they are gorgeous...

Really looking forward to the 20th, cos there will be another new baby out and about, getting ready for the ring, AND, another dog, in another group, to be juggling :eek: ;) ...

Question time... Does anyone know if puppy training is on this WED, and is it 6.30-7.30 ???

Edited by rajacadoo
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Yes - just saw the new baby on FB - gorgeous -can't wait to meet.

As far as I know, puppy training is on this Wednesday (tomorrow) - 6.30 - 7.30. I'm planning to be there - in an effort to work on the naughty tail :( .

You guys coming up tomorrow?

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Well...it'll be one less dog because at this stage, there'll be no more Bad Alice in the show team. :(

So that'll lighten the load a bit.

And I'm still working on Karen to convince her to show Roo again. She's due to whelp herself in July but I've told her that if she enters Roo SOMEBODY can handle her! :)

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Ok, now Im really confuddled :D :( (Not that that is hard to believe :o ... What has happened to Bad Alice ???

I would love to see Roo in the ring, she really did look VERY promising when we last saw her, love to see her again :) . The more the merrier :D .

Tassie, glad that you will be at show training, and thanks for the confirmation, I thought it was on, but didnt want to drive all the way in to find Ive got the wrong day :D Poor widdle man doesnt even have a name yet, (Richard is naming him, and he has a short list of about 10 names, then a short-short list of about 5, and we have just got down to the short-short-short list of 2 :o:o:( ) :) !!! Had his first training session, and he was really good. He took a while to get the gist of heel, but as soon as he 'got' it... Off he went ;) Clever little 'eeler he is ;) ;)

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I'm trying to convince Karen that she doesn't need to be able to bend over, or run her out because one of us can help but she's a bit "funny" about others with her girl which is understandable. Not being as much a part of the scene, she doesn't understand how "one in all in" it can be! :cheer:

Bad Alice has other fish to fry at this stage. Not confirmed but looking pretty definite at the moment.

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