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Puppy Won't Toilet In Rain!


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Hi there,

We have a lovely 16 week old Frenchie named Sid. He's doing really well with his toilet training - until it starts raining! When it's raining he will go outside and then get really distressed, come in and wee on the floor. And once that happens he goes right back to peeing and pooping inside. Even when we see the signs he wants to go (or after sleep, food etc) and we take him out, he'll hold it till he gets inside again. My husband just spent 20 minutes out there with him in the rain yet he wouldn't go, but of course the minute he came in he did it on the floor. And yes, we've tried making going in the rain normal and fun by taking out toys, treats etc. It doesn't seem to be the rain that is upsetting him, more the feeling of water under his feet (which is also odd seeing as he has a little paddling pool he loves to play in when it's hot!). I feel so bad for him as it obviously upsets him! Has anyone else had this problem and does anyone have any other suggestions how to make him comfortable going in the rain?

Thanks so much!

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Our Frenchie doesn't like going outside when its wet either... it gets easier as they get older. Asti went outside in the afternoon in the rain but wouldn't that evening... maybe because it was dark AND wet? :thumbsup: The guy at puppy school told us that he had a client who had to go outside and wipe the grass with a towel and hold an umbrella over the dog before it would wee! :laugh:

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Take him outside, have an umbrella and just stand there If he gets upset, take him inside to break the pattern then straight outside again and keep going till he toilets. It sucks but how else are you going to get him used to it if you let him get away with it while little? Our puppy was like that at first but now he goes outside in the rain happily.

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Our dog Sammy doesn't like to go in the rain. She'll hold on all day if she has to, or wait for a break in the rain, and then go just off the patio.

We found that if we put her on the lead, took her out into the rain and walked around the yard for a while, the walking action got the bladder (and bowels) working

and then she got the urge which she couldn't ignore and she'd go! :dancingelephant:

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awww taite is so cute!

ETA: All of my dogs have been babies about going outside when it's raining. I usually have to go out there with them and once they get a bit wet they stop sooking about it. As for your puppy - I'd probably try putting him on a lead and taking him just outside the front gate for a bit of a wander - if it were mine.

LOL That's sweet that you feel bad for him but you needn't :thumbsup: He is just being a wee sooky lala which is understandable at that tiny age hee hee

Edited by spottychick
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