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Help - Digging Fauves - Suggestions?


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The Fauves go for a minimum of 60 min walk every day. I do some training with them (not a lot but we train). We've redone all the back garden and they hadn't been digging but for the last 2 weeks they've been digging like crazy. I really think that they're chasing something in the soil as they have their noses deep in the soil. They haven't dug like this for months and are digging in 3 garden beds but completely ignoring one other.

I've seen a couple of crickets around - would it be something like that hatching in the soil? What the hell, short of keeping them inside a lot or standing out there, can I do?

Also - it is very, very easy at the moment to catch them digging - what do I do? I give a verbal correction but what else is appropriate in this situation?

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But I don't think that they're digging to dig but to chase stuff in the soil if that makes sense? They haven't dug for at least 2-3 months until 2 weeks ago and now they're on a mission.....

Lay chicken wire flat across the garden beds. Things like bark or gravel can be placed over it to hide it but the dogs can not dig down into the garden beds.

Have you just had rain in the last couple of weeks? Our 3 don't usually dig in the lawn, but each time they have it has been after a period of dry and then some rain and I also think they are after something in the ground. It is normally a one off at our place, in 2 years with 3 dogs they have done it maybe 4 times.

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Chicken wire flat and pegged, covered with mulch or if its turf they're digging in, the turf will just grow through the chicken wire. Very very effective- thats how we have been able to have a great garden in our backyard.

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scent hound + bored + new interesting mission :dancingelephant:

Why dont you just let them dig in one section of the yard, or make them a sand pit and bury tasty treats for them to find. Obviously their minds need a good work out so come up with some scent hound excercises or maybe even start some basic tracking with them in the park a couple of times a week

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Will try the chicken wire pegged - that should fix it. Its really interesting that they've completely left one garden bed alone. We have had rain too and I know that they dig more after rain.

We've started doing some targetting and stuff with them - will talk with Cosmolo when they're up at the end of the month about the scenting and basic tracking. Have to be honest I have no idea how to do it but I'd love to.

They're being used in France for truffles and I can see why :happydance::dancingelephant:

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:dancingelephant: Trish, maybe you have TRUFFLES :cheer::happydance: do you know how much a pound of truffles fetches ?? :thumbsup:

Are Fauves included in earth dog trials ?

I agree with Nek's suggestion of a dedicated dig / play area.

poor GB, I think we better dump a ton of soil in your new dog yard for Fauve excavations !!!


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I'm pretty sure that I've worked it out - its the stupid Portugese Millipedes which is why they're leaving one garden bed alone. The millipedes love heavily mulched areas and are out in force after rain at this time of year. They're absolutely EVERYWHERE in Albury at the moment and their smell would really attract the Fauves.

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Hi, I also had a problem with my dogs digging in the lawn (as well as the garden beds). I laid chicken wire over the entire lawn. It has worked a treat. My lawn has never looked so lush (mind you we have had a lot of rain!). The lawn has grown through the wire, however, my lawnmowing man won't use his lawnmower over the wire, he just uses his whipper snipper, which is a pain sometimes as the grass cuttings are everywhere, but at least the lawn no longer has holes.

I do have a digging area for my dogs which they use a lot - one of mine particularly likes to dig and lie down in the hole where it is cool. I have lots of shade and shelter in the yard. I'm about to put in a doggy door so they will have access to the house and the yard, as they wish, and I think this will make a huge difference as I know they love being inside (even if I'm not home) and they never destroy anything inside. They are happy to be on their inside beds but will have the choice of going outside.

Hope this helps. :thumbsup:

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