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How Soon To Make Contact?


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Ok...as a few about here already know since falling for a Berner i met in the flesh, and after reading more about them - i want one! Now I'm not being silly about it - partly because i already have two dogs and don't want a third in the pack unless the other two are old and decrepit :laugh: So hence the 3-5yr plan...tho it will probably be closer to the 5yr plan then the 3 yr plan. I'm wanting a male puppy to show, with a commitment to show, train and go from there.

I've saved the links to a bundle of breeders sites from which i really like the pics of their dogs, but thought i'd ask for the current opinion for how early should a person start contacting breeders, and how early do you ask to go on a puppy list? And then there is the thing of if there are say two sets of lines from different breeders you are really interested in do you ask to go on multiple puppy lists and let those breeders involved know? Or let logistics play a part in the decision, eg if i don't want to fly in a pup i limit myself to breeders i can drive to etc?

Also how often are deposits asked for these days? is that a fairly standard thing?

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I don't take deposits.

I have two people who would like a puppy from my next litter, i haven't even found a sire yet :laugh:

That litter is a tleast 12-18months off.

I think 5yrs is a bit keen, i would wait until 2 years then make contact with some breeders.

BUT in the meantime, go to shows, research, learn and listen.

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I was also wondering if average litter size plays a part? eg for breeds where the smaller litter is the norm is it better getting in early (i agree tho that 5yrs early is going a bit far! :laugh: ) and the other way around...for breed that the big litter is the norm is there a bit more leaway in regards to how soon?

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If you have a Berner breeder locally you like and they seem like someone you might want to get involved with you could offer to help out at shows and you will probably pick up lots of info about the breed and showing, plus how to handle and present them. :laugh:

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I am not a dog breeder however have been involved in showing and breeding other animals.

I would hold off a bit on the puppy list thing after 5 years you may get forgotten.

Why don't you contact a few breeders and express your interest in learning showcraft.

Many breeders would be happy to have an extra set of hands at or even on the day before a show and will give you a chance to pick up the ins and outs of preperation etc.

The added advantage of this is that it will stand you in good stead to get a top quality pup when the time comes, after all I know when selling an animal which will represent my name, I would always give preferance to someone who I know will present that animal the same way i would.

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I am not a dog breeder however have been involved in showing and breeding other animals.

I would hold off a bit on the puppy list thing after 5 years you may get forgotten.

Why don't you contact a few breeders and express your interest in learning showcraft.

Many breeders would be happy to have an extra set of hands at or even on the day before a show and will give you a chance to pick up the ins and outs of preperation etc.

The added advantage of this is that it will stand you in good stead to get a top quality pup when the time comes, after all I know when selling an animal which will represent my name, I would always give preferance to someone who I know will present that animal the same way i would.

This is what I recommend too. :laugh:

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Because you are interested in future showing, I would follow some Berners in the show ring.....And when it is quiet maybe you can occasionally chat to some breeders. I made fairly early contact with newfie breeders, I was going to wait for five years with my first purebred newf :laugh::) I got one within the year, we had two dogs, but the two older dog did a wonderful job teaching our first newf how to be a lovely dog, especially our Scotch Collie. I have seen some lovely berners from Wagga. A couple of friends own some. Lovely dogs

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My worry is from what i understand not too many Berners may it to the shows at Durack - and it seems there is no Berner club is Brissie - however i guess i can always lurk and even send an email or two asking when/if the local breeder/s are likely to attend?

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Years ago when I got my Dobe I started researching breeders a year out and meeting breeders about six months from when I got her, it just so happened that I found my breeder when she was three days old, so I also got to look at her too.

For my current girl, I started researching and meeting about six months out.

I've been researching breeders for my next doggie for the last month and will start meeting breeders from around April/May, I've made contact with most of them all already. Ideally a pup wouldn't be ready to come home early 2011. I have a very specific idea about my next dog though, so when I meet the perfect breeder I will stick with them and wait for the right pup - so it may be available earlier or later than I expect.

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I don't think it's too early to make yourself known to a few breeders. Take a day trip to a show where some might be being shown and make plans with a breeder to meet up. I think they are just beautiful but I heard that they are quite short lived? Is this true?

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5 yrs i wouldnt bother,some breeders may have retired by then or the stock you like now you may hate then.

Join the berners clubs that are around .head to shows or make a trip to a berner shows.

I think Kitkat mentioned that there is no club in Qld.

There is much to be learnt by enquiring and watching and listening, even if you don't get a dog from one of the people you hang out with. I think it's in a dog owners best interest to know as much as they can about the breed. Five years sounds like an excellent amount of research time - far more than most would do but if the interest is there, why not?

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I think Kitkat mentioned that there is no club in Qld.

There is much to be learnt by enquiring and watching and listening, even if you don't get a dog from one of the people you hang out with. I think it's in a dog owners best interest to know as much as they can about the breed. Five years sounds like an excellent amount of research time - far more than most would do but if the interest is there, why not?

I now he said no clubs but there are others which is why i said join them.

5 yrs for me would be a waste ,Berners arent rare & what you see now may not be the same in 2 yrs time.You can certainly learn the ropes of showing /grooming & the likes but to enquire now i would say most breeders wouldnt even put the name on there list .

2 yrs the breeders would have some idea of planed breedings or what there future holds.

I dont even now what my plan is for 5 yrs :thumbsup:

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I've been talking to breeders about my next dog for about a year and it won't happen for a while - hopefully within the next year though. In that time, I've learnt who I trust, who to avoid and the type of dog I can expect out of different litters. I'm really excited but now that contact has been made and the decision to go with a certain person made, I'm impatient!! :thumbsup:

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I am in agreement with Showdog, I think 5 years a bit early to contact breeders but not to early to start and research the breed, here and around the world. Will give you masses of time to open an account just for your new dog. Just think how much you can save in the time.

If somebody had told me I would living in Tasmania three years ago I would have laughed at them. But there's me hanging on for dear life down under Victoria and loving it.

Also use that dog account to go to interstate "Royals" and view the breed in differant states. Sydney Royal is coming up in few weeks.

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Thanks everyone :mad

Part of the reason for the long term plan is to save the money - i'm on a single budget now so not so much to play with, even less if i don't win the job i'm acting in. Leave also isn't likely unless i can win the job. I figured the term gives me enough time to save money and decide if i really do want a Berner - not just having fallen for the one Berner - i have always liked them but had never had too much to do with them as they aren't exactly common.

I wasn't looking to rock up to a breeder and say "put me down for a show male pup from your first litter in 2015". I want to learn the lines, types and of the dogs themselves, and the breeders before i put my name on someones list. I figured because they aren't a common breed (at least not in QLD), only a certain number of litters allowed from a bitch in qld (from memory) and other such things that i might be better off getting myself known by breeders of Berners, and getting to know them - i'd then be in a better position to be considered favourably and know what i was getting, and getting into.

There may also be other Berner breeders by then, and i'd have an idea of what their dogs are like, and what their pups might be like as well. All this without walking in and being smitten by a fluffy pup without considering further. I'm a sucker for a pup - but if i have the info behind me (and perhaps Berner kisses and cuddles along the way) i'll be able to make the decisions for the right reasons.

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My worry is from what i understand not too many Berners may it to the shows at Durack - and it seems there is no Berner club is Brissie - however i guess i can always lurk and even send an email or two asking when/if the local breeder/s are likely to attend?

Wel there were no newfies in Albury.....I traveled many miles to see some in Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne. I am still very lonely now when I enter locally with my newf :laugh:

The other thing is, if they get to know you a little you might be thought of for a rescue or a re-home and that would be cheaper. i know budgeting is hard...Newfs are not cheap either. Good luck anyway

Edited by newfsie
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On this page it has links to Berner groups both in Oz & worldwide.These rae a great place for chatting/talking & learning.

Obviously in your case the best shows for a good Berner turnout would be the Royal Show .

You could always email the Qld breeders & ask what shows often have a good turnout as your interested in the breed

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I'll just tell you my story: :laugh:

Since I was a child I knew I was going to own and show Border Collies as an adult and last year decided, although I may or may not be ready for a pup for another 1-3 years, put my feelers out. As it turned out a topic I posted on the Breeders forum caught the attention of a particular breeder whom I deeply respect and consider a mentor of mine now, and she contacted me. We shared a few emails and I made apparent what it was I woud be looking for in the future and exactly how keen I was to learn, and as she is interstate from me spread my name onto a few breeders in Victoria. Breeders and exhibitors are all very interconnected so it speads quite fast whether someone is really keen and dedicated to the breed or someone to stay away from, so generally people are incredibly friendly and helpful once they know what you're about.

As it is now, one of these breeders I have become great friends with, they mentor me, and I go to almost every show to them where they teach me everything from conformation of the BC to show grooming to handling. It's awesome fun and it appears that I may even end up with a fantastic pup by the end of the year.

So, moral to the story is I guess that it's never too early to start making friends in the breed as people do get to know you, and they do appreciate the help and love the breed enthusiasm (hey, we're all crazy dog people, right? :cry: ) and when the time finally comes when you're ready for a pup, chances are you'll be offered something pretty special.

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So, moral to the story is I guess that it's never too early to start making friends in the breed as people do get to know you, and they do appreciate the help and love the breed enthusiasm (hey, we're all crazy dog people, right? :laugh: ) and when the time finally comes when you're ready for a pup, chances are you'll be offered something pretty special.

That is so true. The better the relationship you have with Berner breeders around the place the more likely you are to be offered something of real quality when the time comes. It can be difficult for breeders to trust somebody they haven't known for long, so the longer you've shown commitment, the better!

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