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Snail Bait Poisoning In Dogs


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My little Aussie Shepherd puppy (9 months) ingested a large amount of snail bait. We didn't realise until he started convulsing uncontrollably. He's now in hospital in an induced coma. Has this happened to anyone else and did your dog survive? I need some hope.

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Ah I hope he's okay! I don't know what the chances are - fortunately every time I've had a dog eat snail bait I've been able to induce vomiting and get the stuff out of their system before it could go very far.

I refuse to use any kind of poison because of episodes like this. The worst was with ratsack..... man that was not nice.

But hopefully you got your sweetheart help in time!! Fingers crossed for you.

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Great news all. My little boy has made (and I quote) 'a miraculous' recovery. His seizures stopped and he came out of his induced coma. The vet is really thrilled with his progress and now they are just monitoring his blood & liver to make sure there's no issues coming up there. A big thank you to the excellent staff at the Vet emergency clinic in Carnegie, Vic.

Unfortunately the snail bait was in my mum's garden when we were visiting with the dogs. 3 key learnings here:

1. Supervise, supervise, supervise

2. You not only have to be vigilant around your own home but also when you take your dogs to other people's homes

3. Take out pet insurance. Seriously.. esp if your dogs are naughty like mine

Thanks to all for your well wishes. I have no doubt all that positive energy helped!!

Edited by husky_love
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Excellent news!!! :happydance2: I am so happy for you!

Yes snail bait is awful stuff. My girls got a whole packet when they pushed some pailings out of the fence and went into next doors yard. I won't have it anywhere here.

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Excellent news :happydance2: So glad he's made it thus far!


"naughty" is when a puppy does something deliberately, after training/educating in the 'correct' way.

eating something which smells enticing, and is readily available is not "naughty" :thumbsup:..it is being a dog.

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