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Tilt Shift


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I've been tempted to buy one to play with, but never get around to it.

I don't mind the effect when it's used well but there are far more images out there where I don't think the TS offers much to enhance the photo really. I think it's tough to learn when the effect is essential to get the image right but I'm sure it's great fun to play with. I can see one in my future, especially if I ever decide I want to shoot buildings and the like - they are an essential piece of gear for architecture etc.

From what I've seen of the people I know using it for portraits/people & general scenery they get awfully excited about using it for the first six months or so and then start to pull back and eventually come to realise that it was a little hokey after all. Maybe not *bad* hokey, but a little hokey...sometimes verging into the realm of selective colour :D

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