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Advice About Itchy Puppy's Diet

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Hi there, I have an itchy young SBT boy and was hoping for some advice on his diet. He's just over 4 months old. He has general (but frantic) itchies since we got him (8 1/2 weeks). I've been reading a bit about nutrition and allergies and have modified his diet to try and remove a few of the nasties (grains, preservative etc..). But I want to check with you all to make sure he's still getting the right stuff for a growing puppy.

So.... currently (as of last two weeks) I've been feeding him Natures Gift puppy (has rice) about 2/3 can/day; Dr Billinghurst BARF patties (rabbbit) 1/day; and every other evening either a can of sardines with cottage cheese or a lamb neck. I've fed him turkey wings and chicken maryland in the past and will do again when they are available.

His itchies have reduced a bit in the past couple of weeks - no more weepy sores on his body and the redness on his stomach and under his armpits has gone - however he still has a good chew at his feet and has a few sores on them.

My question are... is this going to satisfy his nutritional requirements? I recognize that it could take 4-8 weeks for me to really see if a change in diet has made a difference.

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Agree get rid of the Nature's Gift. In an itchy dog I would be steering away from any red meat as well until it's well under control. By that I mean Beef and Lamb.

I agree too that he should be under regular care of a Vet to try to get a resolution.

Think about fleas too, if he's never had any treatment. My Staffy seems to react to only one or two fleas (and you never see them).

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Far out, I'd serioulsy be sending the dog back to the Breeder if it arrived like that.

What does the breeder have to say?

Get pup onto a good diet i.e. a high quality kibble like Royal Canin, Pro Plan, Eagle Pack etc. Tin food is pretty much maccas for dogs.

Take the dog to the Vet and get them to rule out what they can i.e. yeast skin tape test, skin scraping for mites (although you can't always get a reliable reading) get the Vet to check for fleas or signs that fleas have been on the dog.

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Agree with what everyone else has said, especially scrap the tinned food - most of it is crap, when a special diet is needed...

Have you checked your yard for itchy plants, checked his bedding is natural fibres (like cotton), is he laying on stuff that will make him itchy?

A vet visit is the first point of call to diagnose the problem... Change the diet, remove the red meat, all preservatives and grains... Feed natural foods (fresh veges like pumpkin, zucchini, organic meats if possible but human grade chicken, turkey, fish) or get a hold of Barf patties (the barf diet has great success for itchy dogs) and feed chicken wings/necks too for something to chew on... Some extra oils in the diet might help, like fish oil (sardines in the tin - just home brand people food)...

Visit an holistic vet if you can as these people often get good results for itchy pups...

PM Zayda Asher on here who has lots of experience with skin problems in dogs - I am sure there is a thread here somewhere, will see if I can find it...

Good luck - it can and often does take a while to get these things sorted out.

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Take the dog to the Vet and get them to rule out what they can i.e. yeast skin tape test, skin scraping for mites (although you can't always get a reliable reading) get the Vet to check for fleas or signs that fleas have been on the dog.

Quite right, Demodex is very common in Stafford pups.

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Our 11 month old puppy also suffers from itchy skin. He has been itchy on and off since we got him as a puppy but is much worse in summer. He was on a similiar diet to your pup - Nature's gift puppy tin food, BARF patties and chicken necks. He is a fussy eater and it was a diet he would eat but his vet has now put him on Royal Canin Skin and Digest. Surprisingly, he will eat this particular brand of dog biscuits ( he has previously refused other brands). He has this either on it's own or mixed with yogurt as well as chicken necks and tin sardines/tuna. Initially, there was no real change but he has been on this diet now for a few weeks and I am noticing that he is less itchy and his coat has become thicker and glossier. After a course of AB, the hot spots are gone and has not returned. I also wash him in Alpha Keri Oil.

All the best in finding the right diet for your puppy.

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Growing puppies are generally a little itchy due to growth and arrival of adult coat. Feed a regular balanced diet suitable for puppies and add some additional omega 3 fatty acids. The best thing you can do for your pup is to brush him! This will stimulate and distribute the natural oils in his skin and help you bond with him. Have fun with your puppy and don't worry so much. Messing with his diet can cause you more problems.

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