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What To Tell My Workmate, Possible Dog Pregnancy


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Hi all.

As I am known as the crazy animal lady at work, people tend to come to me with questions, which can be a worry cos I really not always confident with my answers, lol.

She has two biggish mixed breeds, mastiff x ridgeback x something, i think she said. The boy is 2 of the crosses, the girl all three. Similar size at least. Naturally not desexed, she said she couldnt afford it, and I went straight into c-section costs etc.

Workmate says 7 weeks (she thinks) ago she saw the dogs tied. Females behaviour is different, sooky etc. She says the thinks the dog is fatter, but isnt really sure. Same with the teats. When I suggested desexing, she said she couldnt cos of the possible pregnancy, I said it was still possible but she was totally against the idea. I also suggested an ultasound to know for sure, again, cost, and to be honest I think to her that comes under -only crazy animal people (like me) would do that.

Dog is outside only, Im a little concerned she is going to go out one morning and there will be pups there. Im hoping its only a phantom. At possibly 7 weeks along, is there any 'at home' ways to know for sure one way or another? What else can I tell her!

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There is no at home way of confirming pregnancy 100% except whelping.

Maybe you could explain that their girl could die during whelping for so many reasons and that they would be best to at least be prepared. Their vet should have access to canince pregnancy test (blood) that can be a cheaper way of confirming instead of an ultrasound. If confirmed the vet should be able to help them out with some info they need to know. Be aware though, that some vets love crossbreeding and may just convince your friends to repeat this many times.

If she's a mum herself, liken it to humans and ask would she think it safe to go a whole pregnancy without being checked by the doctor at least once.

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My breeder vet charged $35 last I was there but a pet vet I went to many years ago quoted me $350 because it "required a specialist reader". The blood test was $55 and so a lot cheaper than the pet vets. Just trying to give all the information I have. :cry:

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Wow she sounds like a dream :cry:

Tell her to get her cheap ass to the vets and get an ultrasound or a blood test at the very least. Then tell her to get her act together because if that girl is pregnant she's going to need a whole host of looking after.

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It's going to cost her a whole lot more in food, vaccs, microchips, wormers, whelping necessities, washing powder, towels, bedding and the list goes on.

An ultrasound will be a fraction of what the above is going to set her back.

Having the bitch desexed now would cost a lot less than raising a litter of big breed puppies. A large breed bitch would cost more to feed per week while she is lactating than an ultrasound will cost. Many people think the bitch will feed the puppies without her eating anything extra and they don't realise that the puppies need to be be fed as well for several weeks. They think that the bitch takes care of everything and they get to sell the puppies. When they work out how much food the bitch and puppies need, plus worming, vaccination, microchipping and then can't find homes for them, it comes as a big shock.

The stupidy of some dog owners never ceases to amaze me. I really think you should have to sit an IQ test to be able to own a dog.

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Thanks all. I will call my vet tomorrow and ask their cost for ultrasound / test. I have explained (over and over) cost of vaccs, c-section, time off work, etc etc, but I swear its just going in one ear and out the other. Im really hoping its a phantom, the dog isnt allowed inside from what I understand, she certainly doesnt appear to want to spend money on it.

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Keep persisting with her, if she is not going to de-sex the bitch then maybe all you can do at this point is advise her on the proper care of the puppies when they arrive. Hopefully you can covince her to desex the bitch before her next season.

Not all people are morons, they are just not educated on dog breeding and what is involved with breeds/care/cost. Some however no matter what you tell them will do whatever they want anyway. At the very least you know you have tried your best :laugh:

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She isnt overall a bad person. She grew up in the country where dogs were for working etc, not pets. I think she just doesnt 'get' it, and I have also heard other people telling her how cute puppies are, and how all dogs should have a litter, all that kinda guff, which could be hard not to get sucked into.At least she is asking what to do, and I'll just keep plugging away at it.

On the plus side, I have talked a client into talking to a rescue org re the big dog who lives at her house (got dumped there by a family member) she knows she cant afford it, or look after it properly.

So I guess its not all bad to be considered the cray animal lady, lol.

edited for sp

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  • 1 month later...

I got an update on this yesterday (Ive moved worksites so dont see the person often)

Apparently there was no puppies (yay) not that she actually did any of the things I suggested, vet, ultrasound, etc. Nor has she gotten either dog desexed, she told me she got up yeasterday morning and her female has started another season. Seems pretty early to me actually.

So we did the talk again, keep them seperated, blah blah. I suggested at least getting the male desexed but apparently her son wont let her. Whatever.

I think I give up. Well, in reality I wont, but again it feels like Im smacking my head against a brick wall.

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You do get to a point were ppl come for your advice yet dont listin.. It is like hitting ya head up against a wall you are right.. Iv gotten to the stage where i just wont answer anymore.. If she cant afford the dogs she has why has she got them?


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Apparently there was no puppies (yay) not that she actually did any of the things I suggested, vet, ultrasound, etc. Nor has she gotten either dog desexed, she told me she got up yeasterday morning and her female has started another season. Seems pretty early to me actually.

The dog is probably trying to whelp! If you don't know the difference, it could happen.

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Apparently there was no puppies (yay) not that she actually did any of the things I suggested, vet, ultrasound, etc. Nor has she gotten either dog desexed, she told me she got up yeasterday morning and her female has started another season. Seems pretty early to me actually.

The dog is probably trying to whelp! If you don't know the difference, it could happen.

That was instant thought to Jed.

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Apparently there was no puppies (yay) not that she actually did any of the things I suggested, vet, ultrasound, etc. Nor has she gotten either dog desexed, she told me she got up yeasterday morning and her female has started another season. Seems pretty early to me actually.

The dog is probably trying to whelp! If you don't know the difference, it could happen.

That was instant thought to Jed.

Or she has actually had puppies in a hole, under a bush, under the house or some other obscure place. Or eaten them. Or the dog has eaten them. Yep, real caring owner. :(

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Well crap. Erm, I was clearly not thinking properly and did not connect that possibility.

However, if she thought the dog was 7 weeks at the beginning of March, wouldnt something have happened prior to now? 8 weeks later? Unless she had her dates totally mixed up, split season? Im not a breeder and dont have enough knowledge.

I might log onto our work and find her number, see if I can convince her to take the dog to the vet.

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Who knows, the dog would have had to be mated at the beginning of March! But even then, if she was in season in December/January, she shouldn't be back in season now. Approximately 6 months between seasons is normal

Bitches often have a discharge for a few weeks after whelping. I have one who discharges for 6 - 8 weeks. Her bitch might have had the pups, they've died, or as Ceilidh says, adult dogs killed and ate them (happens) and she has a post whelping discharge.

The universe should save dogs from people like that :laugh:

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It is quite possible that the bitch is back in season after 4 months. While 6 months is average they do vary from 4 to 8 monthly cycles. A four month cycle usually indicates that all is not well and she should probably be speyed sooner rather than later. Fixing the hormones on a valuable breeding bitch with a 4 month cycle can take a lot of time and money. Not something that you would bother with a large cross breed.

The other possible reason for a discharge is the start of an open pyometra. Either way a vet visit is a must.

Good luck convincing her.

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