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Ouchie ... Thanks Goodness Its Dark When I Walk!


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Max the Wonderdog tripped me over this morning. We were ambling along in the dark, me listening & distracted by the 6am news report when a cat (I think!) dashed from a bush and darted across the road - Max, who was walking nicely next to me darted after it and rather than dashing in front or behind me - he decided to go straight through me and knocked me over like a skittle!

I landed fair on my hip and am not in a lot, lot, lot of pain - and I think I'm going to have a fair sized bruise by the end of the day :(

Thank goodness it was on a dark stretch because it must have looked quite a sight :)

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Yep... been there done that... it's all part of the joy of dog ownership :( Hope it feels a bit better soon and doesn't bruise too badly :laugh:

During a storm, Sasha took off and dragged me (literally knocked me off my feet and DRAGGED) across the garage, straight into the steps and dislocated my finger. She has also, on many occasions, forgotten to stop or change direction when doing zoomies and collided head on with various parts of my body... SHE thinks it's all hysterical...

PS. I'm afraid to admit, if I'd seen it I probably would have giggled :)

Edited by Kelly_Louise
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Oh dear yes you are not alone. I have a scar from when my dog tripped me in front of a whole heap of golfers. I picked myself up and wandered off home with blood dripping down my leg but I wasn't going to let them know it hurt! :( And then the time I slipped on a slimy gutter. Though it wasn't my dogs fault that time and she did come to check why I was sitting there.....

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Hope your hip is okay.

I can sympathise, think Stafford and Dobe running along together bouncing off each other and mouthing each other. Run from bhind me, swing bum out at wrong moment, legs taken out flat on my back! Once I got my breath back I decided it was good I lived on a far as if anyone had of seen it they would have killed themselves laughing!

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I have been flattened several times by my dogs, current and previous, thankfully nothing broken... It's always embarrassing as hell when your pooch takes you out!

I took my old rotty boy out to play ball in the park with a mate's dogs, he got along fine with other dogs just not people, so I had to keep a hold of him until we were ready to play ball. I'd climbed out of the back seat of my mate's car with his long line wrapped around my wrist, I'd just gathered it all up without really thinking... anyway mate doesn't realise I'm not ready and throws the ball... Doggo takes off full pelt with the long-line attached to his harness, pulls me straight off my feet! Thankfully I managed to land on my knees in mud and slid along about 10ft before I could reel him in and pull him up, but my mate pissed himself laughing, the bastard :)

I've also been dunked in a lake by a GSD I was looking after, when some bloke threw a ball for his fox terrier... caught me completely off-guard and into the water we went... I think that was even more embarrassing as it was out in public :(

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I am very sorry and know the feeling of being glad no one saw you. I am three and half weeks from a very similar fall that resulted in black eyes, bruised chin and nose and a couple of fractured ribs. All I was trying to do was have a nice morning walk. Oh well hazards of dog ownership I suppose.I hope you recover quickly but I suspect a badly bruised hip is going to give you grief for a while.

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I am very sorry and know the feeling of being glad no one saw you. I am three and half weeks from a very similar fall that resulted in black eyes, bruised chin and nose and a couple of fractured ribs. All I was trying to do was have a nice morning walk. Oh well hazards of dog ownership I suppose.I hope you recover quickly but I suspect a badly bruised hip is going to give you grief for a while.

:thumbsup: Oh goodness - hope you are also recovering well!

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oh yes been there done that. worn a few bruises after the kids have had zoomies and run into me.

also had a very sore nose when they have jumped to give me a slobber as I am bending down.

have also knelt down to have cuddles only to be greeted by 50 kilos of "oh lets jump on mummy cause we can"!!!!!

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Ouch hope your hip is okay.

Edward did that to me too. I was caught off guard and got dragged a few metres - enough to take the skin off both knees and seriously dent my pride. The pride injury as it was broad daylight with witnesses :thumbsup:

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