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Gut Health, Eye Health And Overall Wellbeing


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Okay, a bit of an odd question but I am curious.

Around 3 weeks ago after a tummy bug and a round of antibiotics I started my dog on Inner Health Plus.

It seemed to help settle the last of his gut issues but I also noticed something else - Kei has always had really gunky eyes (particularly first thing in the morning) and I was wiping goobers out of them out a couple of times a day. Nothing was wrong with him, no conjunctivitis or anything of the sort and I had just put it down to all the dust and dry weather we have up here. (We had already tried herbal eye drops, eye cream from the vets and cammomile tea in the past with little to no effect.)

BUT, within a week of starting him on the probiotics he no longer had gunky eyes. None, nothing, it's now completely gone :laugh:

And over the past week or so his nose which has always been slightly dry on top is starting to very black and moist again :laugh:

So my question for those in the know is - do these issues all relate back to gut health. Could there have been a minor issue all along? Or is it all just a co-incidence?

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Yes, SK, they'd be related/impacted upon. At least by my experience, I very much believe so.

When the immune system has been compromised/running low, the body in other areas is open to infections and such like. I notice with my own boy (you'd know I've been having health issues with him for a while). When he's not feeling great and hence not eating, I notice gunk in his eyes more so than normal as well and find myself cleaning them numerous times throughout the day. Not conjunctivitis either, although I am watchful for that as his system is obviously under some sort of load and the 'goop' could be the initial symptoms of irritation.

With myself, if I get run down, I am susceptible to conjunctivitis.

Edited by Erny
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Yes, SK, they'd be related/impacted upon. At least by my experience, I very much believe so.

When the immune system has been compromised/running low, the body in other areas is open to infections and such like. I notice with my own boy (you'd know I've been having health issues with him for a while). When he's not feeling great and hence not eating, I notice gunk in his eyes more so than normal as well and find myself cleaning them numerous times throughout the day. Not conjunctivitis either, although I am watchful for that as his system is obviously under some sort of load and the 'goop' could be the initial symptoms of irritation.

With myself, if I get run down, I am susceptible to conjunctivitis.

Thanks Erny, that's what I thought.

It is odd though as he didn't seem to be showing any signs of ill health up until the tummy bug :laugh: Maybe a slightly decreased appetite from time to time and we had some dandruff issues a while back but other than that there was no sign of anything else wrong. But obviously there was something there so this improvement can only be a good thing :laugh:

There are some other areas that I'm waiting for improvement in with fingers crossed though. At the moment I am having terrible problems with his energy levels :laugh: He seems tire way too easily and just wants to lay around all day, hyped one minute and exhausted the next :laugh: Thyroid/bloods came back clear so I'm hoping he will improve as the weather cools down...


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There are some other areas that I'm waiting for improvement in with fingers crossed though. At the moment I am having terrible problems with his energy levels :laugh: He seems tire way too easily and just wants to lay around all day, hyped one minute and exhausted the next :laugh: Thyroid/bloods came back clear so I'm hoping he will improve as the weather cools down...


I'm noticing my boy is tiring somewhat quicker as well. More than I would have thought. And that's taking weather into account too. Hope your boy bounces back to full health and stays that way for a long time to come :laugh:.

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I'm noticing my boy is tiring somewhat quicker as well. More than I would have thought. And that's taking weather into account too. Hope your boy bounces back to full health and stays that way for a long time to come :( .

Thank you Erny. Wishing the best for Mandella too :)

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Oh - SK, something that I had temporarily forgotten about but thought of last night ..... when Mandela contracted a dose of Canine Cough as a puppy, I remember noticing more 'goop' in the corner of his eyes back then too. In fact, the colour of the goop changed over the days from the pale creamy/white colour and threatened a greenish hue (which to me suggested infection/conjunctivitis). I treated that with a bit of salted boiled water and it never progressed further and resolved fairly quickly. Since then I read that you have to be careful with using salted water as you can burn the cornea, so I'm not sure if it is something I'd do again - I tend to use saline instead, but use it early to stave off infection rather than trying to cure it with that.

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Yep, my experiences suggest the same and in particular the foods they eat.

I've got one boy who was fed an combination of dry and raw, he always preferred the raw and we made the switch about 12 months ago for him. His eyes cleared up ( they used to get runny and he's have sleep in them in the mornings ), his skin really good, teeth are are excellent condition.

I gave him two days of dry when my meat man was late and he was back to having sleep and runny eyes almost instantly. It's taken about three weeks of being back on all raw for things to balance out again and his eyes to return to normal.

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Oh - SK, something that I had temporarily forgotten about but thought of last night ..... when Mandela contracted a dose of Canine Cough as a puppy, I remember noticing more 'goop' in the corner of his eyes back then too. In fact, the colour of the goop changed over the days from the pale creamy/white colour and threatened a greenish hue (which to me suggested infection/conjunctivitis). I treated that with a bit of salted boiled water and it never progressed further and resolved fairly quickly. Since then I read that you have to be careful with using salted water as you can burn the cornea, so I'm not sure if it is something I'd do again - I tend to use saline instead, but use it early to stave off infection rather than trying to cure it with that.

Thanks for that Erny. I've never used salted water on Kei (but have on myself). I currently have some Berigora Farm eye wash for pets here. I haven't used it often but it is very gentle and safe :happydance: ingredients are distilled water, colloidal silver, tinctures of golden seal and eyebright.

Yep, my experiences suggest the same and in particular the foods they eat.

I've got one boy who was fed an combination of dry and raw, he always preferred the raw and we made the switch about 12 months ago for him. His eyes cleared up ( they used to get runny and he's have sleep in them in the mornings ), his skin really good, teeth are are excellent condition.

I gave him two days of dry when my meat man was late and he was back to having sleep and runny eyes almost instantly. It's taken about three weeks of being back on all raw for things to balance out again and his eyes to return to normal.

Wow, it's amazing how these things can affect dogs (and us for that matter!). The interesting thing in Kei's case is that nothing in his diet has changed apart from the addition of probiotics so I can only out it down to that.

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Wow, it's amazing how these things can affect dogs (and us for that matter!). The interesting thing in Kei's case is that nothing in his diet has changed apart from the addition of probiotics so I can only out it down to that.

IMO the 'goop' in the eyes was because Kei's system was 'down' - obviously fighting off the effects of the tummy bug. When she came good (which was potentially aided by the probiotics) her system returned to a better state of wellness, and hence no goop. That's how I figure it, anyway.

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With the inner health plus, is that the human kind from the chemist, and do you just give the pup the pill, or do you split it into food?

Charlie has eye gunk, and Im trying to stop hubby from occasionall feeding dry to see if it clears it up.



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Wow, it's amazing how these things can affect dogs (and us for that matter!). The interesting thing in Kei's case is that nothing in his diet has changed apart from the addition of probiotics so I can only out it down to that.

IMO the 'goop' in the eyes was because Kei's system was 'down' - obviously fighting off the effects of the tummy bug. When she came good (which was potentially aided by the probiotics) her system returned to a better state of wellness, and hence no goop. That's how I figure it, anyway.

Erny, the goop was there long before the tummy bug. Otherwise yes, tummy bug = low immune system = goopy eyes. But in Kei's case he had, had it for as long as I can remember, not just in the lead up to and the time in which he was ill. That's why I'm wondering if there was a problem from very early on that has now been eased by the probiotics :cheer:

With the inner health plus, is that the human kind from the chemist, and do you just give the pup the pill, or do you split it into food?

Charlie has eye gunk, and Im trying to stop hubby from occasionall feeding dry to see if it clears it up.



Human type. It comes in a powder form as well as capsules - I bought the powder form in 'dairy free' and just sprinkle 1/2 a teaspoon into his food on a night.

There are however Probiotics which are made specifically for dogs too (I think Pet Pep-up is one?? but there are a few around). The reason I went for the IHP was that it was available to me locally and quickly when I needed it. That said it has worked just fine for us and the bonus is that I can take it too :)

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Erny, the goop was there long before the tummy bug. Otherwise yes, tummy bug = low immune system = goopy eyes. But in Kei's case he had, had it for as long as I can remember, not just in the lead up to and the time in which he was ill. That's why I'm wondering if there was a problem from very early on that has now been eased by the probiotics :cheer:

Oh - I beg your pardon .... I did misunderstand. Then I don't know - but perhaps it could be that Kei's system just wasn't running as well as it could or should have been and potentially may have wound down to the point of a tummy upset. And maybe the probiotics have helped right what was wrong, with Kei running on all pistons now ??

Either way, coincidental or not, I'm really glad that Kei is over the tummy bug and things are looking good :)

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I agree that an immune system that is under attack will show up as many things including eye goop. Eyes can be cleaned / flushed and treated with some colloidal silver. You can also give this to your dog as a maintenance thing as well.......a large dog 40kg about a tablespoon a day in their meal.

I personally believe a lot of health problems are contributed to by diet and environment, I am not fan of dry foods as a complete food and choose to feed our guys on a BARF diet, we now have four generations of BARF fed dogs and their health is great! We have very few if any Vet bills now and I believe it due to mostly a healthy / natural diet.

Another great tonic / immune booster is Apple Cider Vinegar, but make sure it is the cloudy one not the highly filtered one.

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Erny, the goop was there long before the tummy bug. Otherwise yes, tummy bug = low immune system = goopy eyes. But in Kei's case he had, had it for as long as I can remember, not just in the lead up to and the time in which he was ill. That's why I'm wondering if there was a problem from very early on that has now been eased by the probiotics :(

Oh - I beg your pardon .... I did misunderstand. Then I don't know - but perhaps it could be that Kei's system just wasn't running as well as it could or should have been and potentially may have wound down to the point of a tummy upset. And maybe the probiotics have helped right what was wrong, with Kei running on all pistons now ??

Either way, coincidental or not, I'm really glad that Kei is over the tummy bug and things are looking good :laugh:

Thanks Erny, me too :D

I agree that an immune system that is under attack will show up as many things including eye goop. Eyes can be cleaned / flushed and treated with some colloidal silver. You can also give this to your dog as a maintenance thing as well.......a large dog 40kg about a tablespoon a day in their meal.

I personally believe a lot of health problems are contributed to by diet and environment, I am not fan of dry foods as a complete food and choose to feed our guys on a BARF diet, we now have four generations of BARF fed dogs and their health is great! We have very few if any Vet bills now and I believe it due to mostly a healthy / natural diet.

Another great tonic / immune booster is Apple Cider Vinegar, but make sure it is the cloudy one not the highly filtered one.

Yep, we feed a raw diet and also use organic ACV :( It's good stuff!

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Interesting you mention the tummy bug

my male dog is just sarting to get over his

he has had it just over a week

at first I thought it was medication he was prescribed for his Arthritis ( even though he has had them before )

but he also ate some cat poo

Vet thought it might be the cat poo

but you mention the bug and you in same state , so wondering if maybe something is going around

my vet suggested Inner health also ( I had not got around to getting any yet due to higher vet bill at the moment )

and also plain yoghurt and cottage cheese

so far so good , but will get some Inner health next pay

Glad to hear you haveing good reports with it :o

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Hi T&S,

Could well be something going around. Not sure where you are in SA though? (We are rural).

In Kei's case it started out with mad grass eating, gurgling tummy and diarhea. No vomiting though. I didnt find any blood in his poop but the vet did find a little when she examined him. The worst seemed to be over within a week but then he kind of relapsed so it ended up being around 2 weeks before it passed completely.

Scourban helped a lot during the first few days but it smells terrible! I mixed it with a little Manuka honey to get it into him. Adding a little bit of ground ginger to his food and keeping a bland diet during that time also helped.

Our vet also thought it may have been something that Kei had eaten, though we couldn't work out what as he's an inside dog and supervised outside - no way he could have eaten anything without me noticing...

Re the IHP, I think it was around $27 for the bottle which should last a while so not too bad. Cheaper than the $12 of boiled free range chicken breast he was eating per day when he was sick anyway!

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Cheaper than the $12 of boiled free range chicken breast he was eating per day when he was sick anyway!

Hehehe .... that's part of Mandela's staple diet - although ours 'on special' here is in the vicinity of $16 per kg. I love it when he has a period of being 'into' minced chicken frames. $2 for 2kgs - that's easy street!! :o

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I agree that an immune system that is under attack will show up as many things including eye goop. Eyes can be cleaned / flushed and treated with some colloidal silver. You can also give this to your dog as a maintenance thing as well.......a large dog 40kg about a tablespoon a day in their meal.

I personally believe a lot of health problems are contributed to by diet and environment, I am not fan of dry foods as a complete food and choose to feed our guys on a BARF diet, we now have four generations of BARF fed dogs and their health is great! We have very few if any Vet bills now and I believe it due to mostly a healthy / natural diet.

Another great tonic / immune booster is Apple Cider Vinegar, but make sure it is the cloudy one not the highly filtered one.

I also use colloidal silver, I use it in my boys ears, eyes and he gets a bit to drink too! Since I fed him holistic yeast free food I have less vets bills as well.

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Cheaper than the $12 of boiled free range chicken breast he was eating per day when he was sick anyway!

Hehehe .... that's part of Mandela's staple diet - although ours 'on special' here is in the vicinity of $16 per kg. I love it when he has a period of being 'into' minced chicken frames. $2 for 2kgs - that's easy street!! :D

Lol, isn't it terrible when the dogs eats better than the owner :D

When Kei was on his 'bland' diet of boiled chicken and pumpkin mash we ended up sharing it some nights as I was just too tired and too broke to bother cooking anything else :o

It actually tastes pretty good though. I made up a small batch a few days back when Kei had a minor belly upset and my 10 year said to me "Well if you're cooking that up I'll have it for tea too." :rofl: At least I know he's eating his veggies :)

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