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Josie's ' I Need Feedback ' Thread


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Very nice set!

#3 for me is the standout. Lovely use of depth of field and the focus on kittehs nose is just right! The framing is spot on, imho, well done!! :laugh:

Edited by kja
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I like the idea in the first one, but the crop doesnt work for some reason. I am distracted by the section forward of the eye...it doesnt balance-but i cant explain why. LOOOVE the water droplets. MY daughter just looked over my shoulder at the yellow 'bug' and said whoooooooooa...shes a hard critic...lol...I love that bug shot also

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Art is DEFINITELY in the eye of the beholder :laugh:

The last two are my favourites :laugh:. Just gorgeous stuff . Nice colour- D O F suits my eye :laugh: The only thing is the lack of detail, or the amount of brightness in the blade of grass the yellow moth is sitting on..... :laugh: and it would have been perfect to have caught his wingtip.

I just LOVE his fuzzy face!! That is so beautifully caught !

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Thanks a lot guys, much appreciated!

I tried tweaking a few, but I think I'll just leave Misty's eye...I agree, it doesn't work, I'm not sure why.




This is another of Misty I took, I think I might prefer this one, I'm not sure-


And just for you Perseph-


It was hard to get a good angle because he was in a very awkward spot and the ground was wet :laugh:

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the moth is beautiful. I like them all but then I always like your photos Iltby. Do you use a tripod, I've never been able to get such clear sharp pics with my macro, and I dont think it's the lens, it's me, I just cant hold it steady enough for the real close up shots.

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Thanks guys :happydance:

Nah I don't Linda, I tend to just hold my breath and rest on my knee...I find that keeps me steady as possible. Like you, I shake a lot so a fast shutter speed helps a lot, too. But there's nothing wrong with using your tripod if it makes life easier. If you don't, try holding your breath...I find it very helpful.

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Aaah perhaps it's youth then sigh. I am just not that steady anymore. I was given a tripod today though, but I am not sure how to use it. The bloke who gave it to me doesn't know either, a bloke at his work was chucking it out and he grabbed it for me which was kind of him.

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Haha, no, it's definitely not the youth...my hands shake all the time and my balance is shocking due to the ME. Honestly it's just the things I mentioned above, along with taking 10+ shots until I get the right, non-blurred shot.

Maybe post a pic of the tripod and we could lend a hand?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wind flowers are awesome, love photographing them :eek:

I think the orange one is a type of poppy.

I think it's a bit of a bark on his nose :eek: I didn't want to flick it off and lose my model.

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Wow I think they are all fantastic, love the nature ones and the cat ones even the close up eye.


oh oh me, I want to give feedback (because I'm such a pro with photography :( )

I really like the first photo, the texture of the fur nicely compliments the patterns of the eyeball.

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