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Hi all,

A little info regarding weather at a show. Does it still go on if its raining/flooding/thunderstorms on the day of the show?

Should I call to make sure it is still happening, or just turn up?

Cheers in advance :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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You can pretty much assume that it will go on for wet weather unless the grounds are washed away. If you look up the Bermagui thread you'll see the conditions under which a show will go on.

For hot weather each state has its policies, some enforced, some a "suggestion".

Cancellations are nearly always posted here and/or on the OzShow list. I would avoid ringing the secretary if you can.

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Are you kidding!!?? We are worse than GOLFERS!! :laugh:

There are now the hot weather policies in place...... and shows are *supposed* to stop when there's lightening but I've shown in 40 degrees, cyclonic winds and fork lightening so yes - worse than if we played golf!

There have only been a couple of shows that have been cancelled due to hot weather but other than that, I can't think of a show which has been cancelled because of rain in recent years : D

Was Bermagui a Sapphire Coast show? I heard from a friend that the Toys were literally WADING around the rings :laugh:

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Are you kidding!!?? We are worse than GOLFERS!! :(

There are now the hot weather policies in place...... and shows are *supposed* to stop when there's lightening but I've shown in 40 degrees, cyclonic winds and fork lightening so yes - worse than if we played golf!

There have only been a couple of shows that have been cancelled due to hot weather but other than that, I can't think of a show which has been cancelled because of rain in recent years : D

Was Bermagui a Sapphire Coast show? I heard from a friend that the Toys were literally WADING around the rings :laugh:

Bermagui is the week before Sapphire Coast shows and is about an hours drive north of Wolumla. I believe it was worse at Bermagui as they cancelled the Obedience on the Friday Night. I was at Wolumla (Sapphire Coast) and we were all wading around the rings. Getting the gear to and from the car was a nightmare. They lay straw for the Sunday as the ground had gotten so wet that the trolleys were getting stuck and making big holes in the ground. It could have been worse though, they had laid a new concrete path from the parking down to the grounds. If we didn't have that we would have been carrying those trolleys instead.... :D :(:)

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the heat is usuall the only thing that stops us, :(

we have shown in ankle deep water, torrential rain, sleet, mud, dust storms, oh there was one show the rings stopped momentarily

for the HUGE bolts of lightening to pass :laugh:

as do golfers, lol :o

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