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Would You Consider This A Successful Mating?


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I agree with the others, go get an ai done asap. Just because your girl is on day 14 or 15 doesn't mean she has ovulated yet or she may have only just ovulated but the eggs still take 3 days to mature.

I have just had a girl ovulate on day 23 of her season..........

Don't worry about the prog test this time, just get the fresh ai done, what have you got to lose??? You are going to try for another mating anyway without knowing what the prog levels are so you might as well guarantee that something gets up there this time!

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Thanks everyone for their responses!!

Yesterday we had another visit to the stud and no luck again :laugh: There was about 5 slip matings but no tie.

We've decided to definetely go AI next time she's in season (if these matings have missed) or to find another stud.

Fingers crossed that the tie and many slip matings worked out. We're going to get an ultrasound done in 4 weeks to see if we have furbabies on the way.

I've got another question, with regards to slip matings..do bitches generally have smaller litters? And if so, is there a greater risk of c-section because the pups would be bigger than those of a larger litter?

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  • 5 weeks later...
Thanks everyone for their responses!!

Yesterday we had another visit to the stud and no luck again :) There was about 5 slip matings but no tie.

We've decided to definetely go AI next time she's in season (if these matings have missed) or to find another stud.

Fingers crossed that the tie and many slip matings worked out. We're going to get an ultrasound done in 4 weeks to see if we have furbabies on the way.

I've got another question, with regards to slip matings..do bitches generally have smaller litters? And if so, is there a greater risk of c-section because the pups would be bigger than those of a larger litter?

Have you had your girl checked out internally?

Maybe she has a stricture preventing a proper tie????????

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Hi Keesha

No, didnt have her checked out internally..but it looks like the mating went well as she's expecting puppies! :eek: All got confirmed yesterday at the vets when we had her ultrasound done. So I guess the mating was successful after all ;)

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Congratulations on the expectant litter but please get your girl checked out internally.

Usually if only slip matings are possible it could mean there is a problem with the bitch eg. stricture, septum, fibrous band etc.

If this is the case you need to know what to expect and will need your vet on standby once she starts into labour.

Hopefully its nothing like that and you will have beautiful puppies with no problems at all. :eek:

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