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Pugs And Cats (kittens)


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I am looking at getting a pug puppy in the next few months but then also want to get a kitten a few months later as well.

I have never had a pug before but have researched the breed quite extensively to make sure it was the right breed for us.

We had originally decided on a Boston Terrier but couldn't seem to tear ourselves away from wanting a black pug.

I have seen some things online about introducing pug puppies to adult cats but I don't know whether there will be any problems introducing a pug puppy to a kitten.

The idea is that we want them to grow up together so that they bond better.

Is introducing a pug and a kitten to each other at an early age a bad idea?

Do pugs and cats get along?

Thanks for your help.


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any breed will get along with a cat, you just need ther right dog!

Puppies can be rough and you need to keep an eye on them at all times.

I had a 1 year old cat when I got my first dog, he soon learned that she was the boss! from there I got another dog, a cat and another cat!! The only ones that do not get along all the time is Atlas and Sumo (the newest cat)

Good luck!!

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My pug gets along fine with my cats, I got one cat when she was a puppy, abut 4-5 months old, and they played together all the time, then I got another cat when Gherks was an adult, fine again, I just keep the cats claws trimmed.

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I breed cats & dogs.

Kittens & puppies are fine together if they are introduced properly. Not left together unsupervised ever under 6 months old, your pup will need to learn the command leave it. The kitten won't & will have to be removed to somewhere seperate if play gets rough & it persists.

They can become great friends. You just have to use common sense & not just shove them together & not watch them.

Same as with a baby & a toddler really.

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I have always had cats and Pugs and I have been lucky to have never had an issue with scratched eyes. I have had a rescue Pug's eye badly scratched by a very dominant cat though. :laugh:

If you introduece them properly, and they are both only babies, I am sure you will be fine. I would be very careful on the kind of kittne you get though. If you get a fiesty, dominant or skittish kitten you will have more problems. Look for a kitten that is laid back, cool, xalm and relaxed more often than not.

I would perhaps invest in a pedigree kitten of a breed known for it's calmness. To my knowledge, Ragdolls and Burmese are two such breeds although best that you speak to a cat breeder about this.

Whatever you do, if you get them both and the situation occurs where the cat scratches the Pug's eye - GET IT TO THE VET URGENTLY! If the eye is seen to immediately, you will have a good chance of saving it. If you leave it, you will end up with a blind Pug. Eye scratches MUST be attended to immediately.

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I have always had cats and Pugs and I have been lucky to have never had an issue with scratched eyes. I have had a rescue Pug's eye badly scratched by a very dominant cat though. :laugh:

If you introduece them properly, and they are both only babies, I am sure you will be fine. I would be very careful on the kind of kittne you get though. If you get a fiesty, dominant or skittish kitten you will have more problems. Look for a kitten that is laid back, cool, xalm and relaxed more often than not.

I would perhaps invest in a pedigree kitten of a breed known for it's calmness. To my knowledge, Ragdolls and Burmese are two such breeds although best that you speak to a cat breeder about this.

Whatever you do, if you get them both and the situation occurs where the cat scratches the Pug's eye - GET IT TO THE VET URGENTLY! If the eye is seen to immediately, you will have a good chance of saving it. If you leave it, you will end up with a blind Pug. Eye scratches MUST be attended to immediately.

I have a birman, burmese and a ragdoll, out of all of them, the birman is the one that will likely scratch one of the dogs, she gives warning growls and hisses first, its usually only if she is cornered and she generally stays away from puppy. The ragdoll is the least likely to scratch, but he is the youngest at only 5 months, he does hiss as them if puppy gets too rough. The burmese is very social, he'll rub up against all the dogs, he can also tolerate a lot more than the other two. I have seen him donk puppy on the head a few times, it was only half hearted though, and the claws weren't out. Having said all that, I think it depends on the personality of the cat as well, my birman is quite skittish and I don't think that is necessarily a breed trait. I have a puppy and a kitten now, but I don't think I would do it again, the puppy can be a bit rough with the kitten, the adults can fend for themselves, but if the two littlies are playing they need careful supervision.

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First of all good on you for wanting a pug, I've had them for over 20 years and just think they are fantastic.

Personally I won't have cat and pugs together.

As much as I adore cats, I no longer own them, not with the pugs it's just to dangerous really, you can't be there all the time and even if they are the best of friends accident do happen and it's painful for the pug not to mention expensive. Also you can't blame the cat if it did take a swipe at the pug, cat's swipe at things, it's in their nature, it's just what they do weather playing or as defence. Googly eyed dogs and cats just don't go well together, it's just the way it is.

If you own a pug you've always got to be careful of their eyes there's no getting around it. Of course pugs can hurt their eyes on all sorts of things, and it can get dear, my cheapest eye problem cost $150.to fix my most expensive to date has been $2500.

I guess you'd just have to decide which one you want the most and go with that.

I hope you choose the pug though as they are the most special little breed, I can't speak highly enough about them. I don't think you'd be sorry for choosing it. Like you'd have your new pug for a week and be saying to yourself cat, what cat?

Take care and good luck with it all.

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There's always de-clawing

*ducks for cover*

Good idea. Extremely unpleasant procedure and outcome for the cat. Why not make the dog wear goggles?

I don't know anything much about pugs but, in general, I like my cats to rule the roost as everyone is indoors here. Cats and dog have their claws trimmed approximately once a week and everyone knows their place. One cat is Queen of the Jungle, her daughter tolerates wet Dalmatian noses but secretly doesn't mind him and the third foster failure kitten is best friends with the dog, although they do play VERY roughly....think kitten hanging off jowls of dog with teeth!

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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There's always de-clawing

*ducks for cover*


on the topic at hand, i took in a tiny lil 5-week old rescue kitten tuesday last and immediately introduced him to bella who isn't yet 2 years ... by day 2 maybe 3, they were both snuggling and yesterday they were having a grand ole time of it :thumbsup:

admittedly, bella isn't a pug but she is a JRx

best of luck ... it's a beautiful thing to see such a relationship develop when you're head tells ya that cats and dogs are generally enemies :thumbsup:

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Boo was 17 weeks old when we brought home Trixie, we never had a problem but I can see how it would be a matter of individual personalities and you should be prepaired to have to seperate them.

this is their first meeting :)

Edited by Kissindra
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Boo was 17 weeks old when we brought home Trixie, we never had a problem but I can see how it would be a matter of individual personalities and you should be prepaired to have to seperate them.

this is their first meeting :)

OMG that video is so cute!! Boo looks so excited, what a cutie!

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although they do play VERY roughly....think kitten hanging off jowls of dog with teeth!

LMAO what a visual!!!

It's very funny actually....

I've posted these pics before but what the heck :)


what excellent photos :cry: i absolutely LOVE this kind of interaction between cat and dog!

i've seen photos of a dog and cat game where the dog the size of yours has the cat by the back of the neck :o and the cat just lays there and takes it ... one of bella's best doggie buds is a gsd just a few months younger and they roughouse like nobody's business! their individual antics absolutely hilarious :love:

thanks spotty for the pix ... fun times :rofl:

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