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Don't want to offend but Ivé never been remotely interested in showing, however my new Ridgeback puppy was one or the pick of the litter and my breeder is a good friend so she has asked if she can show him. I am all good with this, and she has shown me how to get him used to showing his teeth and standing, but just wondering if you have any tips for what else I would need to get him used to for his first show which I think will be in May so he will be about 20 weeks.

Also I expect a bath and brush will be needed before hand? Or do show people do that right on the day?

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I'm still new to showing, so don't have a great deal of advice.

Get him used to being 'felt up' (for want of a better term) by strange people :love:

Good luck :laugh:

Thanks I knew a newby would help me! You guys have the best advise as it's all still fresh! Plus your happy to share. Will do, sort of like a stand for exam in obediance type of thing then? He's still going to be a puppy then though, do many pups go to pieces and just try and kiss the Judges face in happy anticipation of a cuddle? I hope so I fear that's what mine will do! :whip:

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If he moves nicely on the lead, not jumping up or baulking, and lets a stanger look at his teeth and feel his body, that's probably enough for his first show.

Anything more than that the person showing him can talk to you about. You mostly just want him to be happy and enjoy it as a baby puppy (but hey I'm pretty well a Show newby too, so what do I know :laugh: )

Edited by Diva
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So good to see newbie show people helping out another newbie :laugh: . I wish i had this support when i was showing .

Usually the breeder will assist you with most things but i think Diva has already covered what you propbaly need to work on for his first show .

Hope all goes well !!!!

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sort of like a stand for exam in obediance type of thing then?

Yeah, sort of, but add in a testicle grope :whip: I've seen a couple of rather shocked puppies :laugh:

On another note, baby puppy is the best class to be in and the most fun to watch. The majority have a great time (read stuff up heaps) but, hey they're puppies, life is meant to be a joy :love:

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I love showing babies you can get away with so much, the odd bounce on lead, giving the judge a kiss. Just remember to have fun and if he jumps around at his first shows laugh it off and then go home and practice more. Ask anyone who wants a pat to go over him - checking teeth, running the hands down each leg and back and the all important checking the testicles.

I was lucky I grew up in a showing family so I guess you could say it was bred into me. Don't be embarrassed to ask questions at the shows as most people will help you.

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At 20 weeks, he is still a baby puppy. You migt want to consider entering the 3-6 months sweepstakes as well as his breed class. Sweepstakes are usually judged first thing in the morning & you & your puppy will be in the ring with lots of other baby puppies - great practice at having other baby puppies around & behaving & being stacked. You may find that he behaves better in the breed class after the practice in the sweepstakes. Also, it's a good idea to let the steward know that you are a new exhibitor so they can tell you what you need to do in the ring.

You need to practice having your puppy trot on your left side with your puppy on the inside of a circle, and a triangle. You can take food in the ring, so you can use food to train him to stay with you. Practice stacking him in front of mirror if you can, or at least lean back and make sure he looks balanced on the side nearest you and make sure the legs on the side away from you are parallel with the ones closest to you. Your local all breeds dog club probably holds show training classes. It is worthwhile contacting them & going along for some practice sessions.

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Crate training!

The little thing will be crated for a good number of hours so a crate should be a good place to be. If your puppy doesn't already sleep and eat in a crate...you might want to consider that.

And lead work is a must. Do this is short periods and make it fun with a toy or food reward.

Also get different people to handle and touch the puppy.

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the msot important thing at baby stage, is that it is fun!

crate training is MUST, they wont be out all day, and need to know a crate is somewhere they can rest in, esp on a hot day.

a socialized happy puppy is wonderful to see in the ring, its all about learning.

If you have other dogs, when you take yours on the lead,let him lead, sometimes follow, and when stacking, get him used to other dogs beside him being stacked.

Its always interesting and so much fun to see the babys in the ring, even the ones who as soon as they set foot in the ring sit down and refuse to walk, still get as much cheering as the dog that doesnt put a paw wrong.

You want to encourage your dog to have fun, if they arent food orientated get a squeaky toy or his fv toy, and lots and lots of praise when you are handling him.

then when judging is over, head back to shade for a well earned glass of bubbly for you!

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