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Dog Treats And Bugs

Sue Brown

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Iam absolutly furious i just spent a small fortune on treats for family, friends and my dogs.

Most of the bags of treats in the large 1kg bags have this dust on them but turns out the dust moves :rofl:

I plan on calling the company tomorrow and demanding my money back.

Does anyone know what they could be?

PS am i allowed to warn you where i bought them from?

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  Kirislin said:
just watch out, you might infect your whole pantry with them. Where do you store them?

I put the box in the shed straight away when i noticed them, until i call the company tomorrow, so thank-fully i didn't put them inside ( nor gave any to any dogs )

I plan on putting in bin tomorrow night, Or should i bury the box?

Has this happened to anyone else i thought these places had strict cleanleness to adhere by :rofl:

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  Greytmate said:
Don't tell us the name of the place. Give them a chance to rectify this. They may not be at fault.

Who would be at fault?

Edited to add that the company i bought from makes the treats themselves.

Edited by Sue Brown
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  Sue Brown said:
  Greytmate said:
Don't tell us the name of the place. Give them a chance to rectify this. They may not be at fault.

Who would be at fault?

Edited to add that the company i bought from makes the treats themselves.

Basically the weevils have got to the food because of unsealed, unrefrigerated storage, which is not against health regs for dog food.

Maybe the company didn't realise the food had become infested. Infestations can build up slowly, or they can explode over a single week at certain times of year.

You will just have to talk to them about it on Monday. You are entitled to a refund or a replacement (their choice). I would be happy if they immediately apologised and replaced the food with good food. I would be unhappy if they simply offered me a refund and kept selling infested food to others, but it is up to them what they do. Don't bury the food. Seal it up and put it in an esky till you have spoken to them.

Edited to add - Weevil infested food is not necessarily dangerous to people or dogs.

Edited by Greytmate
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  Sue Brown said:
  Greytmate said:
Don't tell us the name of the place. Give them a chance to rectify this. They may not be at fault.

Who would be at fault?

Edited to add that the company i bought from makes the treats themselves.

It is something that can happen to anyone and if they are weavils they would not have hurt your dog. If you have ever bought horse feeds or bird seed you will have come across it quite often. As long as they are happy to replace, I would not get to annoyed with any company for it happening. It is a bit like a locust plague suddenly arriving. no one has really any control. they might have accidentally imported weavils with a product they bought. Just bad luck, part of life and life goes on

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Thanks guys feel a lot better.

I guess i am probably going to alert them and will get a replacement or refund which will be great.

I will now treat it tomoorow with the attitude that 'you catch more bee's with honey' I think that's how the saying goes.

I did a google and wevills look bigger than what these are. These just look like large dust particles but on closer inspection are little oblong beige coloured bits that move.

So don't think they are wevills one site suggested 'Spider mites'!

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If retailers were forced to keep all of their stock under ideal (human grade) conditions, cheap bulk dogs treats would be a lot more expensive to buy.

I agree with newfsie, no point getting angry. :rofl:

Spider mites live on live plants, and do not create dust. You have some type of moth or weevil (moth grub). Each single moth would have laid hundreds of eggs in the treats, and they all would have hatched into grubs at once. In the right conditions a very sudden plague can occur. All because there were a few moths around a few weeks ago.

Weevils are probably quite nutritious in themselves. But they will infest your pantry if given a chance, and that is the real concern here.

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Just some advice for those buying bulk treats and dried product.

Check your bag when you buy it for weevils or dust.

When you get it home, always store in very airtight containers, and refrigerate if you can. Keep pet food out of your house and away from your own food.

If there are weevil eggs in the food (likely), low temperature will prevent the eggs from hatching and the food can be consumed as normal.

I think it is more important to support local retailers who don't sell pets but do sell pet products. Unfortunately when their turnover lowers, stock will sometimes deteriorate. We shouldn't write off a retailer because of this, but be aware of what may happen.

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  Danois said:
Hate to say Greytmate but a lot of the dry products you buy from the supermarket such as flour, rice etc has weavils/ pantry moths in it when you buy it.

Really, where's the health inspectors, or is it regarded as part and parcel of selling food items!

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Can i ask, was it things such as dried chicken necks, and dried other things? If so, I think i may know exactly what you are talking about - I know some people who got some bulk food and it was full of brown bugs and STUNK

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  Danois said:
Hate to say Greytmate but a lot of the dry products you buy from the supermarket such as flour, rice etc has weavils/ pantry moths in it when you buy it.

If so why could they sell it? I have heard the tales of people saying flour has weevils in it yet I never remember ever seeing that happen (not that long ago I threw out the old flour some of which was still in the bags it came it. I threw it out because the use by date was about 2 years earlier - but it was still white and still no bugs at all.

I have seen icky bugs on old discarded dog food that wasnt picked up and rolled under something but other gross bugs were also over near the window and looked more like fly larvae.

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Our huge back of liver treats and a box of dog biscuits got infested with them. I don't blame anyone but ourselves. Nothing was sealed properly. Ugh, just thinking about the day we discovered it makes my skin crawl. I thought it was tiny cockroaches, but maybe it was weavels. Shudder.

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