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Bloody Drinkers And Their Bloody Glass Bottles


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I hope he is feeling better.

When I walk my dogs up here, I have to constantly be on the look out for broken glass.

Its a major problem, its everywhere.

People throw bottles out of cars and break them, or just smash them on the footpath.

It sucks.

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Puck is quite tender on his foot this morning and the poor boy it's his good foot too. He has a deformity on his other leg and it's the one he usually puts less weight on. So far he's been good though and hasn't touched his bandage.

I hate glass bottles at the park, I am forever picking them up. I try to get them whole because the mower man just runs over them and makes it impossible to pick up all the bits.

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Poor baby. Dogs love to do that sad eye thing don't they?

Hoons throw bottles out of their cars around our way too and I am forever picking it up and making the dogs walk around it.

Friends daughter currently has a gash to her hand which required surgery where a bitch (not dog kind) threw a bottle in a pub.

Should have plastic cups in pubs I think

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Poor PUck sending lots of healing wishes for him :laugh:

Just reading through the posts and we have the same problem here everywhere we go for walks there are broken bottles as well, I really can't understand people these days :D I am always guiding my dogs left and right to avoid glass.

I hope he improves with each day and the person who caused this gets Karma back on them.

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Poor PUck sending lots of healing wishes for him :(

Just reading through the posts and we have the same problem here everywhere we go for walks there are broken bottles as well, I really can't understand people these days :hug: I am always guiding my dogs left and right to avoid glass.

I hope he improves with each day and the person who caused this gets Karma back on them.

:( Yes, I'd like to make them run the marathon over broken glass.

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Puck had his dressing removed today and the vet was happy with how it looked as when he was on the table it looked all sealed up. He said it could stay open. Of course when we left it opened a bit and bled a tiny bit but I will leave it open for now. I've kept him quiet and hopefully after a good nights sleep it will have sealed and healed alot more.

I saw a council worker at the park and told him about the glass, he said he would mention it to the council but he also said he can guarantee they will do Jack Sh!t about it.

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