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Bloody Drinkers And Their Bloody Glass Bottles


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Irresponible dipsticks who cant be bothered to put their bottles in the bins and have no concern for what becomes of them. glass will give a sharp edge forever when it's broken, it doesn't matter how long it's been laying around :thumbsup: And here's the result, my poor Pucky was up at the park today having a great time with my other 4, playing in the lake, when he let out a shriek of agony and came hopping towards me screaming. Rush down the vet and he's got a nasty gash up in between his pads. My poor baby.


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:thumbsup: Oh Poor Puck, hope it heals well and gets better soon. We see lots of glass all the time and you can tell it is beer bottle glass because of the color, bloody idiots. Carma will get them one way or another!!
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Ouuuuch, poor Pucky. He looks like he's being a good patient though, but such an annoying incident.

I generally train my girl at a park with a basket ball court and we move between the surfaces, grass and court. Well some moron has smashed glass all over it, so guess who is taking her broom down there to clean it up this weekend. :thumbsup:

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If I were you I would get in contact with either your local newspaper or Council.

A year or two back when I was walking Fraser I always had my eyes 2-3 metres ahead of us as I would commonly find smashed up bottles over the footpath. Most times I attempted to dodge them by either taking Fraser onto the nature strip or onto someone's property dodging the broken glass on the footpath.

One day when Fraser was on a walk I noticed him looking back at one of his hind legs and I looked behind me, seeing that we had walked over some small pieces of glass. I immediately thought he had some glass caught in his pad but was unable to find any. As soon as I got in the door I contacted the local paper and they came out to take photos and do a story on what was happening.

In the end, the paper contacted the Council to get their point of view and the Council mentioned to contact them if you ever see broken glass on council land (footpaths, parks, etc.) and it will be cleaned up within 24 hours. I never ended up contacting the council personally but there are plenty of inconsiderate people around - half the time it can also be due to the lack of public rubbish bins.

All the best to you and Puck and hope he has a speedy recovery. Even though we should not have to do it as dog owners, perhaps think of purchasing some paw shoes for Puck to wear as this may prevent further injury in the future? For what it's worth I belong to the City of Casey here in Victoria and that is their stance on broken glass... I will be sure to test it out when I am able to take Henry for some long walks in the future.

Regards, Shaun (Sticks1977)

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Poor baby. :)

That is one of the worse things about where we live, there is broken glass everywhere! I don't think we have gone on a walk yet where we don't have to dodge broken glass. I wish they would stop selling alcohol in glass...not only does it injure little paws and feet, but it also makes the town (Goulburn) look quite trashy.

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