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Is Your Dog A Thief?


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I have just caught my lil red bandit running out the door with my daughters much loved toy.....i retrieved it only to catch sight of her heading down the yard with my daughters toothbrush. ANNOYING really as she is never that keen on her own toothbrush... DOES your dog seem to target a person in the household to steal from???? WHAT does your dog seek out to add to their own personal treasures. My previous dog used to to get my OH jocks....then bite holes in em. Once a pair survived to the wash....I was confronted one morning to my OH modelling his air conditioned attire.......

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Buster steals undies and socks out of the laundry basket while we are folding them, then lies on his bed with his neck stretched out over the item so we can't get it (Or maybe he's hiding them)

Charli steals my daughters toys, only the pink ones thou.

Charli also sleeps under my desk in my office and if iam not careful will steal toys that have arrived and iam entering into the computer, she will grab them and run off playing with them, so i have to give them to her as they can't be sold, It's costing me a fortune in toys. :laugh:

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shoes! Onslow has become a huge shoe thief!

and not necessarily my shoes I have to be careful with visitor's shoes too. He has stolen my mum's shoes out of her suitcase. I have become friends with his vet and she was over one night. She was leaving and went to look for her shoes, he had taken both outside, luckily not chewed. Another friend thought hers was safe under the coffee table, she was chatting away, Onsy was hanging around and then suddenly he trotted away :laugh: Yep I knew instantly what he had done :laugh:

normally he doesn't chew them but on occassions has chewed mine to destruction grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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Shoes, cat toys or any other random object on the floor that will fit in her mouth.

The dear old cocker that we had growing up came home one morning with a shoe. We found the owner, it was my step sister's boyfriend who lived 2 blocks away. :laugh:

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Here is a picture of Sophie with a bed full of toys. We found all these toys on her bed one evening when we got home from work.

The Black Kong is Hers.

The 2 balls and 1 tug toy are not :laugh:

Little snot managed to poach them from neighbours dogs! lured them into a false sense of security so they dropped their toys near the wire fence between the yards and then BAM stole poor unsuspecting puppys toys. Pretty dumb dogs in my opinion to let her get 3 all in one day but hey. I gave them back. There's a 7ft timber fence there now, so the only surprise toys we find are balls thrown over by neighbours kids, and i've explained that if they go over the fence they're never seen again as sophie will pull them to bits.

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Many years ago I lived with the inlaws and my dog would rip my sister inlaws clothes off the line and destroy them. Never touched anyone else's.

:laugh::clap::(:rofl: Can I borrow your dog.....that is priceless!!!

Sister in law never did see the funny side :laugh: ;)

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My puppy will take my pink thongs. He will take one at a time, generally leaves the left one (his favourite) under the Diosma, and the right one under the washing line :laugh: I try to leave them in my room otherwise whoosh, in comes the thong stealer! He's only put one chew mark in them thankfully.

He borrows OH's work socks too.. but he destroys my socks :laugh:

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My ex house mates dog went through a period of getting out - we spent a lot of time and money dog proofing, and he would still find a way (eventually he went into a run when we weren't home)

The dog was always there and asleep when you went out, and there and asleep when you came home.

But in the backyard was an assortment of bras and undies, new ones every day.

Never socks, shirts, shoes etc, just bras and undies.

We never found out where they all came from.

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Viva steals undies, socks, dishcloths, towels, more socks, toys, paperback books (including the yellow pages), junk mail, dustpans, more socks, the toilet brush, occasional bottles of things (she got my Sorbitol yesterday), to name a few. She doesn't steal shoes or bras, though.

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Viva steals undies, socks, dishcloths, towels, more socks, toys, paperback books (including the yellow pages), junk mail, dustpans, more socks, the toilet brush, occasional bottles of things (she got my Sorbitol yesterday), to name a few. She doesn't steal shoes or bras, though.

We had an APBT a few years back who used to steal remotes. TV, video, stereo, garage door...she wasn't fussed what type...

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Viva steals undies, socks, dishcloths, towels, more socks, toys, paperback books (including the yellow pages), junk mail, dustpans, more socks, the toilet brush, occasional bottles of things (she got my Sorbitol yesterday), to name a few. She doesn't steal shoes or bras, though.

Pete used to steal undies but has stopped that. Occassionally he will find a sock and take it away to play with it ..

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Such a funny thread. My parents have a redheeler that makes a nest in the backyard of various items of clothing she has stolen. We were babysitting it once and sons friend had taken off his socks and shoes. Later he said "I am sure I left my socks with my shoes" sure enough Rosie had taken the socks to the new nest she had set up at our house

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Yes, but only my other dogs treats but so sneaky doing it, I give them both a wee chew bar, Harvey eats it quickly, as Junebug takes her time and will sometimes leave it for a moment, he grabs it when I am not looking, but the sneaky part is he sneaks out the dog door with it and eats it outside, doesn't do it with his own one, thief. I have caught him so many times outside with her treats he sheepishly drops it he knows :laugh:

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Yoshi is the worst for nicking stuff - he loves my undies and he snitched Madi's blanket and decided to keep it... He also tries to take Sebs soft toys whenever he can - poor fatcat is missing half his outfit now!! LOL

The neighbour accidently threw this massive frisbee over our fence and he ate that...

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Goldie steals nothing.

Woody steals the feather duster, so that must stay out of sight.

Woody, Leo and CocoNut will steal food off the benchtops, if they think nobody is around.

Sometimes I leave a plastic bag hanging on the pantry door. If I do that, and go out leaving the dogs alone in the house, they open the pantry by pulling on the bag and then they steal the pantry contents.

It was jasmine rice and spiral pasta the other day, rice all over the house. Luckily they usually only pull out a few items, never more than two or three in one go. They can't reach anything liquid, that is all stored up high. Roasted nuts and Nutrigrain are their favourites I think, nothing left to clean up except the torn up packaging.

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Mika used to steal my undies and tights when he was a puppy, and chew them to bits. He was also known to take shoes and dispose of them in a similar fashion. Now all he steals is all the space in the bed, TBH I would almost prefer he went back to knicker munching :laugh:

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