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Oscar's Law


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For what it's worth, please visit the link. It is a chance to ask the Premier of Victoria Mr. John Brumby to look at what Victorians would like. We would like to see the end of puppy milling, and therefore pets being sold in Pet shops.

It's currently ranked number 2 in suggestions and ideas being posed on the Premier of Victoria's website, it would be great if we could make it number 1.

Oscar's Law

Please go to this site and click on "promote" for "Introduce legislation to stop the abuse of dogs-'Oscar's Law"

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Voted! Dogs in pet shops are a personal gripe of mine, especially when they are left in the window when like they should be tucked up safe in a warm dark place instead of exposed to all the light and noise :laugh:

Edited by Mika24
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This is a good website and opportunity to put forth ideas and show support (for or against).

I guess I'm a bit dubious about whether they'll take much note and whether this is just another "fuzzy wuzzy warm" feeling they want us to have about them. Elections coming up, folks. Are we going to allow ourselves to be duped, yet again?

And no - I don't think that's because I'm negative, or yes, maybe I am, but with good reason - it's because of their track record in doing just that (ie asking for voices but not taking notice) and I will now believe them when I see them taking on board the voices of common sense, reason and observing the laws of Natural Justice and Procedural Fairness. IMO, the Government have much to do to restore the faith in the people - many of whom put them where they are in the first place.

So yes .... I had my vote on a number of things on that website. I'll be interested to see if they start taking things seriously and stop simply banning this and banning that (hurting the good people and dogs, amongst other things along the way) and actually intelligently and with forethought, reveal an ambition to be more constructive in their laws. I'd like them to work away from the "Nanny State" they've made us and begin looking at ways existing laws can be changed for the better and enforced in a way that the public/people will take notice.

Edited by Erny
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