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Nothing Else They Can Do

W Sibs

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So after going for seconds and thirds opinion about Charlie... there is nothing anyone else can do, that hasn't been done before.

SASH did an awesome and thorough job with Charlie. Doing every test they could on Charlie, they've talked to everyone about it. When we took Charlie to the university... they said that every test and theory we've heard before, it's what they can tell us. They can re do all the test SASH has done.. but it's not not the money or time, because none of Charlie's other test are more than 6 months old.

It's kinda frustrating because we still have no idea how Charlie became that way or anything. No one knows till Charlie passes away (and that won't be for a long while) and they can do an autopsy (that's if i decide to donate his body to science).

So, the boyfriend and I had a long talk and decided that, we will let it be for a while. We will still be doing our own research and talk to them if we find something new, and they said they will do the same, but until then we're just concenrating on Charlie's well beginning. Just keeping him happy and healthy (healthy as he can). He is getting stronger everyday and he has accepted that there are things he can or can't do.

Call us crazy but we are evening considering on getting another puppy (don't flame me yet! it's still thinking stage!) after I find a place. Charlie likes other dogs (especially puppies) and it would keep him busy and happy. It will also keep my boyfriend and me busy (a good kind of busy). We all right now need an emotional boost up, and a puppy will do that for all of us (Charlie's the boyfriend's first dog.. and he has to go through all this... not a really great introduction of dog owning). Again, it's just a thought.

Just though I will let everyone know the latest about what's happening with Charlie. The boyfriend, Charlie and I really appericate everyone's support, help and suggestion. All the healing vibes you guys sent over, must of worked on Charlie. Despite his rare illness, the little fella is running around, being cheeky and simply being an absolute joy to everyone.

Thanks you

Vi, Richie and Charlie ;)

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I'm sorry its not better news CW. ;)

Choose your next pup very carefully...I'd be sticking to small breeds.

If you've thought of a breed, let DOLers recommend a responsible breeder to you. Given the care and devotion you've displayed for Charlie, I think any breeder would be delighted to sell you a pup.

Edited by poodlefan
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Best of luck with Charlie. I really admire your positive attitude (know it must be hard to maintain at times) and think the confident vibes you give, would be nothing but helpful for Charlie.

What sort of pup are you considering getting? Such an exciting time!!

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Hi Vi,

I didn't realise Charlie had a rare illness. You have probably explained it in depth somewhere on here but do you mind me asking about it?

You sound like such a loving owner and Charlie is so lucky to have you! It is so nice to hear of people who love their pets like one of their family members!


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Hi Vi,

I didn't realise Charlie had a rare illness. You have probably explained it in depth somewhere on here but do you mind me asking about it?

You sound like such a loving owner and Charlie is so lucky to have you! It is so nice to hear of people who love their pets like one of their family members!


Well, they say Charlie has a rare diease called 'Bone Vanishing Disease' (although no one is still 100% sure he has this)... first dog to ever have it, and in humans about 200 people ever to have it on record. There is no cure for it and uncertain medicial treatment for it. A part of his dolfin (??spelling??) bone has not been fully developed, and no one knows why or how. But, it's only those bones that effected but his other bones and organs are 100% fine. This can cause a lot of pain for Charlie. But, whatever Charlie has no one has seens it (his xrays has travelled around the world too! LOL).

So, how we have been treating it is... Charlie is on a high calcium diet (lots of bones, cheese, milk etc), we feed him more dry biscuits (he doesn't like this very much.. so we make a game of him searching for them to eat). He has inflamantory medications if he is sore or if we think he had a full and hard day of activities. We give him light exercise (walks/strolls) to build up his muscles and give him brain stimulation.

That's the basic gist of the whole thing. Charlie is very much part of the family... there is absolutely nothing we won't do for him. grandparents, aunts and uncles included... :o

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I'm sorry its not better news CW. :o

Choose your next pup very carefully...I'd be sticking to small breeds.

If you've thought of a breed, let DOLers recommend a responsible breeder to you. Given the care and devotion you've displayed for Charlie, I think any breeder would be delighted to sell you a pup.

awww.. thanks!

definitely getting a registered puppy next... i did consider rescueing, but I think I want a puppy so I know all medicial history of both it's parents. very important.

Best of luck with Charlie. I really admire your positive attitude (know it must be hard to maintain at times) and think the confident vibes you give, would be nothing but helpful for Charlie.

What sort of pup are you considering getting? Such an exciting time!!

Have no idea!!!

All i know is that I'll be looking for a puppy with medium-low energy, who's submissive and tolerant (this is for Charlie). also, a puppy that will be fun training and maybe interested in doing some dog sports like fly ball or rally o (this is for me). also, a dog that will eventually like to go running and play ball (this is for the boyfriend)... lol.

it's still thinking stage and going through breed of dogs.

my boyfriend heart set on a finnish lapphund (he loves kivi - corvus's dog). me... i think i will be happy with any breed! lol

Edited by charleswentworth
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Do you think that Charlie might be able to wear some sort of little doggy back brace to protect his weak area? I'm sure one could be made for him... and it could help reduce the stresses a young and active dog may put on a weakened back...


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Do you think that Charlie might be able to wear some sort of little doggy back brace to protect his weak area? I'm sure one could be made for him... and it could help reduce the stresses a young and active dog may put on a weakened back...


Hey T, you know, I thought about that. But, where his back is weak, it's in an arkward position to brace him up! It's close to his hips and we braced it up, he won't be going to toilet properly and he won't be able to move. I have tried to make him a coat for him when his back was shaved from his operation and I was worried he will get sunburnt... but it just didn't work.

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I'd be sticking to smaller breeds. Big bouncy pups and small dogs with back issues are't a great combination.

A CKCS would meet your requirements.

yeah, i'm keeping that in mind.

OH doesn't want CKCS... he wants a man dog.

this coming from him who will make a good wife to anyone, i roll my eyes... :o

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I'd be sticking to smaller breeds. Big bouncy pups and small dogs with back issues are't a great combination.

Ditto... My girl is not much bigger than my boy (He's 6.5kg she's 8kg) but she still knocks him around a bit, even when they're not playing. Just things like bumping into him when they walk through doors etc.

Sorry there's nothing more they can do CW.

There's a CKCS in my agility class and he is a little star :o

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I'd be sticking to smaller breeds. Big bouncy pups and small dogs with back issues are't a great combination.

A CKCS would meet your requirements.

yeah, i'm keeping that in mind.

OH doesn't want CKCS... he wants a man dog.

this coming from him who will make a good wife to anyone, i roll my eyes... :o

Does he want a dog that may harm Charlie? Seriously CW, its something you need to talk about. I'd say the smaller the dog you get the better off Charlie will be.

The dog sports breeds of choice in the smaller size ranges tend to be poodles, CKCS, Papillons and Shelties.

Does he realise man + cute small dog = chick magnet? :vomit:

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CW, I just read through your threads from last year where you were trying to figure out what was wrong with Charlie. Here, for anyone who would like to read:



What a difficult thing to go through for you, Charlie and the whole family. Sounds like you all handled it with great strength, especially Charlie :vomit: , and you are continuing to be positive and do everything you can. I really hope Charlie recovers fully, but I'm sure he will have a lovely, long, life with you regardless :o

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I'd be sticking to smaller breeds. Big bouncy pups and small dogs with back issues are't a great combination.

A CKCS would meet your requirements.

yeah, i'm keeping that in mind.

OH doesn't want CKCS... he wants a man dog.

this coming from him who will make a good wife to anyone, i roll my eyes... :o

Does he want a dog that may harm Charlie? Seriously CW, its something you need to talk about. I'd say the smaller the dog you get the better off Charlie will be.

The dog sports breeds of choice in the smaller size ranges tend to be poodles, CKCS, Papillons and Shelties.

Does he realise man + cute small dog = chick magnet? :o

:vomit: he ain't allow to be a magnet for any chick!! but, if it could help his brother.. hmmmm.... :vomit:

Nah, we are just thinking stage. Just throwing out breed of dogs we like, see if they are will fit in our lifestyle, suits Charlie and all that.

I still have to find a place first, then make sure that Charlie is 100% ready for another dog (strength wise). But when the times comes, it's will be my decision and my decision will be the best for Charlie, me and him (yes, in that order! lol). Despite me saying that I will probably never own a small breed dog again... i may have to eat my words... ;) :o

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I’m very sorry to hear that nothing more can be done to help Charlie at this stage. I think we all hope that some time soon someone will come up with something that can ease Charlie’s pain for good.

Still, he’s not in any better, more loving hands I don’t think – and I’m really happy that Charlie is still happy within himself, and is still being a brave little trooper and enjoying life. That’s what counts J

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CW - I am so sorry to hear that you have come to a dead end re Charlie's condition. I think you are doing the right thing by giving him as normal a life as possible - as long as he is not in pain, let him live like a normal dog! He's such a great little guy - your pictures of him a while ago giving the camera filthy looks just totally cracked me up.

I think getting another dog as a companion for him is a great idea - I won't suggest any breeds, as the only 2 I've ever had (GSP and Standard Poodle) would be too big & bouncy for him, but I'm sure someone else will come up with the ideal dog.

PS - what IS it with men & "macho" dogs? :o

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I am sorry that nobody is able to do any more right now CW. I have everything crossed that someone, somewhere will have an answer for Charlie's problem one day in the near future.

For now, I really feel that your positive attitude and unconditional love for Charlie are going to give him a lot of strength. Hugs to you and Charlie. :o

Ps - Charlie and Leah said to tell your boyfriend that they are good man dogs - just ask their dad, lol.

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I'm sorry to hear you still don't have an answer on what is wrong with Charlie.

I have to say you have been so calm and positive through this whole experience. I really admire your determination to make sure you do the best for Charlie. He is really lucky to have you.

Have fun looking for a new puppy. Choosing a breed is the hardest!! Well it is for me anyway :o

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