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Accommodation When Showing In Different Towns


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Hi guys, just a few questions...

I am going to Mackay for a Sat/Sun show (leaving after work on Friday prob) on the 13th and 14th of March. I could camp, because conztruct has offered to lend me his tent, but I will confess now and say that I hate, hate hate hate camping. I don't like sleeping in tents. I'm a huge sook. ;) My friend has offered me the use of his 4wd which is one of those dual-cab canopied Holden Rodeos. So I could put a board down in the back of that and a mattress and just suck up the discomfort and lack of space.

But I'm wondering, do any motels (just generally I mean not specifically in Mackay, I'm happy to do some ringing around if anyone thinks it's worth it) let you bring toilet trained dogs with you if they're kept crated or in the bathroom or anything? Or caravan parks or something? I might be completely off base and you guys will probably just laugh at my silliness but this would be the best option for my pansy self :welcome:


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Hi guys, just a few questions...

I am going to Mackay for a Sat/Sun show (leaving after work on Friday prob) on the 13th and 14th of March. I could camp, because conztruct has offered to lend me his tent, but I will confess now and say that I hate, hate hate hate camping. I don't like sleeping in tents. I'm a huge sook. ;) My friend has offered me the use of his 4wd which is one of those dual-cab canopied Holden Rodeos. So I could put a board down in the back of that and a mattress and just suck up the discomfort and lack of space.

But I'm wondering, do any motels (just generally I mean not specifically in Mackay, I'm happy to do some ringing around if anyone thinks it's worth it) let you bring toilet trained dogs with you if they're kept crated or in the bathroom or anything? Or caravan parks or something? I might be completely off base and you guys will probably just laugh at my silliness but this would be the best option for my pansy self :welcome:


I usually google my accommodation needs by putting in "dog friendly accommodation in *****" This generally gives me a list of places that don't mind if you have dogs. The motel that we stayed in last weekend allowed us to have the dogs in the bathroom in crates. We only put one in there as he is rather young and likes being close to his mum. The weekend before we stayed at a dog friendly establishment that allowed you to have the dogs loose in the room. They asked that you brought the bedding for the dog and that they not be allowed on the furniture. There are places around that don't mind dogs, it sometimes just takes a bit of looking to find them.

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Suck it up and take a teaspoon of cement.....LOL. Only kidding - I hate camping too. I've only done it a couple of times at shows and avoid it if I can. The best way to camp if you have to is to have a gazebo with the walls and some mats for the floor - but it's a lot of stuff to cart around.

Agree with the suggestions to search for dog friendly accommodation. It can be hard though - it usually only takes one bad experience in the past for motel and park owners to revoke this offer and spoil it for all the responsible people....so there's not always a lot available. I'd just recommend that when speaking to these places you explain exactly how you'll be keeping Luuka there so they understand that you're going to maintain control and be responsible. I have a friend who works in motels and they told me they'd rather have dogs than children any day - of course it really comes back to how responsible the parents/owners are......LOL

Good luck searching :laugh:

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