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Lab With Lymphoma


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Hi I'm new to both dogz online and forums, so hope I can figure it out! My 6 year old lab Halle has just been diagnosed with Lympoma and I have been reading a lot on the forums, but just don't know what to do and would love some support and advice. We are talking to the vet today again about chemo, but don't know how agressive it is yet so not sure what to do, we should find out later today. I have been reading a lot about holistic healing- could anyone give me some more information? I am actually in Melbourne (think my registration says NSW- think I made a mistake somewhere), does anyone know where to get some good food for Halle? Please let me know any advice- Halle has gone downhill very quickly so I really want to do something ASAP to make her quality of life better as I don't want her to suffer. Thanks and sorry if I seem to be waffling, I'm fairly stressed and just don't know what is best.


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Hi Halledaisy, our Border Collie was diagnosed with Lymphoma a couple of years ago with a very poor prognosis, we decided to give chemo a go and thank goodness we did too because although the vets thought there wasn't much hope for her she came through with flying colours and is still here with us today and is fighting fit.

It's a hard decision to make as to which treatment suits you and the dog, all the very best, I hope Halle has an amazing recovery like our Maggie did :(

Edited by Gumnut
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OT a tad, I have lymphoma. Currently undergoing chemo.

If one of my dogs was diagnosed I would be getting all the information I could then make a decision.

I think I would be concerned about suffering side effects that can not be vocalised like humans can do.

I think it is wonderful that we can give a last gift of love if it comes to that with our pets but not our loved humans.

I am sorry that I am not much help at all.

Good luck, hugs.

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One of my dogs was diagnosed with Lymphoma at just under 6yrs old. Prognosis was extremely poor - 1 week or 2 at the most. Treatment was no option for her due to how aggressive and it being in end stage at diagnosis, I decided it was best for her to be put to sleep.

I do believe some people have had success with Chemo if their dogs are not in the aggressive end stage that my girl was. If your dog is in early stages Chemo would be worth a try, and i believe puggy puggy knows of anti cancer diets be worth sending a PM to her.

Best of luck with the visit, and let us know how you get on.

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  Gumnut said:
Hi Halledaisy, our Border Collie was diagnosed with Lymphoma a couple of years ago with a very poor prognosis, we decided to give chemo a go and thank goodness we did too because although the vets thought there wasn't much hope for her she came through with flying colours and is still here with us today and is fighting fit.

It's a hard decision to make as to which treatment suits you and the dog, all the very best, I hope Halle has an amazing recovery like our Maggie did :(

Hi Gumnut, Just wondering, on your post it says you are in Vic- are you in Melbourne? If yes where did you get the chemo done? If we go down that path we can go to a specialist oncologist in Essendon or do it through our vet. Just wondering what you did. Thanks for your response.

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Hi, its not looking good. We cant even start chemo till her biopsy wound heals (probably 4-5 days) regardless of the results about how aggresive the tumour is and now the whole right side of her face seems to have swelled up. I don't know what htis means, I've called the vet and am waiting to hear back from them.

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Our 5 year old kelpie had lymphoma.

We chose not to go with chemo as we were not guaranteed much time.

We were told he had 4-5 weeks max.

With management treatment we had him an extra 3 months. It was only the last week he went down pretty quick.

But we all had the best 3 months.

Good luck

and thinking of you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  halledaisy said:
Hi I'm new to both dogz online and forums, so hope I can figure it out! My 6 year old lab Halle has just been diagnosed with Lympoma and I have been reading a lot on the forums, but just don't know what to do and would love some support and advice. We are talking to the vet today again about chemo, but don't know how agressive it is yet so not sure what to do, we should find out later today. I have been reading a lot about holistic healing- could anyone give me some more information? I am actually in Melbourne (think my registration says NSW- think I made a mistake somewhere), does anyone know where to get some good food for Halle? Please let me know any advice- Halle has gone downhill very quickly so I really want to do something ASAP to make her quality of life better as I don't want her to suffer. Thanks and sorry if I seem to be waffling, I'm fairly stressed and just don't know what is best.


Hi Sasha, sorry to hear about Halle. I saw your other thread in palliative care and want to send some blessings for her recovery.

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