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My Children Doing Obedience


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My daughter Tamika who is 10 and my son Jordan who is 9 and has disabilities are doing children's classes at OB....Tamika is so close to be put up to Group 2 and just needs to work on her foot work which I will be helping her with during the week and Jordan is doing very well but has a few problems because of his speech the dog cannot understand him but I will help him also with his foot work and hand signals.....we are very privileged in that their instructors bring a dog each to OB each week for them to be able to train.....I can't thank them enough for lending their beautiful dogs to my children

Dezzy and I did a perfect offlead recall and a perfect change of position today which I am wrapped about....I was also told that a few more lessons and we would be ready to trial for CCD which I am so excited about

I am so proud of my kids and their willingness to learn and also to be able to do these lessons with dogs that they do not know....huge WELL DONE to them both...at OB they have a large class of kids doing OB which is great to see :)

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That is fantastic Dezzyno1. It is a great opportunity your children have & so nice that instructors bring dogs for them :laugh: .

You will have to take some video for us.

My daughter (11) trains & competes in agility as well & everyone is so supportive & helpful to her. She loves it & will pick going to a trial with me over just about anything. I wish more kids had this opportunity.

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thanks everyone....the kids have a ball.....unfortunately whilst they are doing lessons so am I which makes it very hard to get video footage....I have tried to get my husband to take video footage but he wont be in to coming to OB....he just likes to give simple commands to Dezzy at home and thinks that he is quite good because Dezzy does what he tells him to do......will try and get some footage but don't know how at this stage...may have to wait until the in-laws come down from Sydney which could be months :laugh:

I am glad Vickie that ur daughter loves doing agility....I think it is a good thing for kids....I hope to get them into something like that but really we need another dog....I am trying to get myself ready to trial so is hard when u have one dog for a family...but the kids love the OB and I hope they continue as it is IMO a good thing for children to learn at least basic OB commands and also they teach them different things like not leaving dogs in cars, how to approach a dog etc

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Great to hear.

Good on your kids instuctor for bringing an extra dog for them to handle. I used to 'lend' my girl out once she retired, she loved it and the people got to have a play as well.

What a great thing for you kids to do, out and about in the fresh air with a doggy friend!.

A really lovely story to read. Goodluck wishes to all of you in your canine pursuits.

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