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4 Month Old Puppy In Season?


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I was playing with Luuka in the yard today and she rolled over for her usual tummy rubs. I first noticed that the fur on her vulva was wet but I thought she'd done a wee until I noticed that there was blood around her vulva.

She was born on the 18th of October 2009 making her just over 4 months old. Is it possible that she's in season!?

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Does her vulva look swollen? And is the blood comming from inside the vulva?

I have not heard of any Lappies comming in that early. Perhaps check with the breeder as I am not sure about their lines but it does seem a little unusual for the breed in general.

+1 for the vet if it continues and you are doubting it is a season.

Edited by woofenpup
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Okay I called the vet, she agreed that it's very early to be coming in, I told her she was otherwise normal (she's happily playing in the yard outside with mum's border collie) and she said to give her a bath or a clean up anyway, see if there's any more blood and where it's coming from and if anything changes (more blood, unusual behaviour, diarrhoea or vomiting etc) then to bring her to the surgery. Which I will definitely do. I love my baby girl I'm not ready for her to grow up yet! Going to give her a bath now.

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I have a Rotty bitch here who came into season at 4mths. It was a three day season, came back into season at 7mths (a proper season) as has been every 6mths ever since. She has whelped two litters. I think it is just an early hormonal thing.

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we have a bulldog bitch who, same scenario came into season at 4mths for a couple days which the vets said was a spilt season then again at 8mths full season. Others breeders vets found it unusual that this happened as it is not normal. Think she maybe coming into season again as her vulva is starting to swell no blood yet though & she is now 13mths. Have taken her to get check ups etc with the vets saying everything's okay. Good luck.

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hey Fran, its possible although not common! The ways to check are for swelling around the vulva and spotting - if you gently press on the vulva area you should have blood tinged liquid seep out. There will also be blood coloured droplets on the floor etc which you will no doubt spot fairly soon.

I know its a long shot, but didn't you change over her diet recently? There could be a urinary reaction there, although I agree its just as unlikely!

Give M a call and have a chat, or if you want call me :eek:

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