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Expo Pics


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Here is okay (only just). On a website that has a sniff of offering anything for sale, they would be very anti. Their viewpoint is that if some photographers have paid for the right to shoot and sell, no-one should piggy-back on the event without prior permission thus undercutting business from those who've gone through the right formalities and paid for the privilege. Fair enough.

Edit to add: Gila it's not exactly a public event: it is run under the rules of the owners/organisers and entry infers acceptance of their rules.

Edited by PossumCorner
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This is very interesting....originally I thought as gila did when I took the photos. But when it came to posting them I hesitated as I am unsure of my rights vs other interests. I happily took pictures only as I love photographing dogs and I had been requested there to take pictures of a friends dog. There were camera phones and cameras everywhere, thus I took other photos also.

Would the rules re: taking photos be on the purchase ticket (like at concerts)? Also when you pay to be somewhere doesnt that entitle you to record the experience in pictures? Eg Like the Grand Final? What about dog shows??? Agreed about respecting rights of those who pay to take pictures...Im just asking questions to learn more about rights etc... Is the deciding factor if you 'sell' the pictures?

Any input re:posting pics online is welcomed also. Is there a source to get such information?

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