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How Would You Handle This?


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Just letting you know that we are not getting this puppy. I found the vet that has been treating him, after speaking to my own vet for advice, and the puppy is extremely sick with parvo, worms and he does not think he will make it. The vet that is treating him said if it was him he would not purchase him.

The vet told me that he had given this litter there parvo vacs at 6 weeks but they must of been exposed to it before they had it. He said that he feels embarrassed and is reporting this registered breeder to the powers that be as when the pup arrived he was very dehydrated, and lethargic, something, he feels should of been acted on before. He is worried about the other pups of the litter that have gone to homes. I have to say this vet was fantastic and put my mind at rest about what is going on.

I would also like to add that this breeder has removed all listings and breeder info from this site, the have erased themselves from the breed which again looks a but suspicious. So my gut feeling was right in this situation. So now we are still looking for our puppy and have 3 very upset children, it has been a truly horrible experience.

I know that the breeder did the right thing at the beginning but just plain lying about the whole was not needed, he could of been honest with how sick this poor little guy is. I am hoping that the right pup is out there for us and one day we will find him.

Thanks for all the helpful advice I have really appreciated it.

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Didles so sorry to read what has happened...I really feel for you and the children, but better than having the pup die on you after purchase. I felt they did not give you enough explanation and when a puppy is sick before collection it is worth being concerned about what actually is wrong with them. They should have been upfront with you, hope you find a puppy soon. There are lots of good breeders out there, don't let this one spoil it for you.. good luck

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Sorry for your bad experience but it could have been a whole lot worse " You could have brought him home " and facing a huge vet bill. Count your blessing Your gut instinct was right.

There is definitely a puppy for you out there just waiting to go home with you and your family.

Good Luck hope you find him soon.

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Just letting you know that we are not getting this puppy. I found the vet that has been treating him, after speaking to my own vet for advice, and the puppy is extremely sick with parvo, worms and he does not think he will make it. The vet that is treating him said if it was him he would not purchase him.

The vet told me that he had given this litter there parvo vacs at 6 weeks but they must of been exposed to it before they had it. He said that he feels embarrassed and is reporting this registered breeder to the powers that be as when the pup arrived he was very dehydrated, and lethargic, something, he feels should of been acted on before. He is worried about the other pups of the litter that have gone to homes. I have to say this vet was fantastic and put my mind at rest about what is going on.

I am pleased that this has worked out as best as possible for you..... it wouldn't have been at all good to have bought home a sick puppy.

BUT .. I have to say that I am shocked that this vet would discuss this with you....

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I am pleased that this has worked out as best as possible for you..... it wouldn't have been at all good to have bought home a sick puppy.

BUT .. I have to say that I am shocked that this vet would discuss this with you....


It is difficult enough to get vets to give GOOD references about their clients, let alone damning stuff. ;)

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In this instance I was thankful, although my vet was willing to speak to him if he wasn't going to talk to me. He felt that it would of been his stamped on the vaccination records so why not be upfront. It has been upsetting but I have had a number of people offer to help out and though that I think we will get a puppy one day, hopefully this year sometime.

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How sad for you and your children you couldn't get the pup you were counting on, however I am glad you investigated further so you didn't end up with a very sick pup and possibly a large vet bill or even worse a dead puppy which your children would have had attachment to!

I think it is sad that the breeder didn't keep in better contact, although I am guessing they are going through hell at the moment as well. Good luck finding a puppy, I hope you find one soon and have a much better experience.

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How awful for everyone. Wonder what has happened with the other 12 pups. I can understand why the 'breeder' (read, breeder of sorts) has ducked under the radar.

Parvo is an awful disease . . . poor little pup. You're lucky your kids didn't have to go through the agony of bringing a puppy home only to see it die.

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I am pleased that this has worked out as best as possible for you..... it wouldn't have been at all good to have bought home a sick puppy.

BUT .. I have to say that I am shocked that this vet would discuss this with you....


It is difficult enough to get vets to give GOOD references about their clients, let alone damning stuff. :rofl:

I know as a boarding kennel owner unless we have written permission by the owners at the vet to hand out info to us they cannot talk due to confidentiality issues so yes the vet talking about is a shock .

Whilst the vet has been good talking out of school like that isnt going to be good for him

But yes you can count yourself very lucky not to have got this pup & had your home affected by this disease.

The best breeders can sadly get affected by parvo just as much as the bad ones but how its dealt with makes the difference & yes if they thought it was parvo they should have said straight away ,theyw ould have known the illness was more a worse case even if not fully identified as parvo

Edited by showdog
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An update, this same breeder has sold French Bulldogs to people and one that has been shipped to VIC last Friday is now at the Vet with Parvo. This poor family have had a huge cost involved and now have a sick little boy. In a way I am very pleased that I did not go through with it.

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