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Pele's vet had a vacancy this afternoon so we went for her thyroid blood test. Ness's i-squeaks are in the boot of the car. As soon as I strapped Pele into her seat-belt in the front, her head spun around to the back seat and she was air sniffing. I think that she could smell i-squeaks in the boot :) Her sense of smell is incredible :(

On the way home I stopped at the park. I didn't put her new i-squeak in the car because I wasn't planning on stopping on the way home, so Pele got her de-squeaked large Cuz which she normally loves (well she'd rather have one that squeaks :p ) but today she wasn't interested in it :rofl: Must be something to do with i-squeaks :D :p

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Wow mine might be here tomorrow when I go to town and check the mail.

How exciting. I was thinking of taking the kids for a drive, but I am not sure now after hearing Bully's stories - I might have a mele in the car!

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Wow mine might be here tomorrow when I go to town and check the mail.

How exciting. I was thinking of taking the kids for a drive, but I am not sure now after hearing Bully's stories - I might have a mele in the car!

Absolutely :):(:rofl:

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It normally takes ages to get down here as well, however since they have come from Perth I might be lucky.

Have to take my son to Kindy so will definately check, if not I won't be in town to re-check until Thursday.

I am very excited, at least on here people understand you getting very excited over a dog toy, they don't tend to "get it" in real life quite so much, they just think you are a bit wierd!

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Hopefully mine will be here tomorrow :(

I also ordered some scent articles tonight which will be here this week as I had them express posted (impatient) so I have lots to look forward to this week :)

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I am very excited, at least on here people understand you getting very excited over a dog toy, they don't tend to "get it" in real life quite so much, they just think you are a bit wierd!

Yeah...I told someone in the house today:

Me: There should a parcel coming for me pretty soon.

OPerson: Ok

Me: It'll be squeaky!

OPerson: Uhuh *crickets*

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I am very excited, at least on here people understand you getting very excited over a dog toy, they don't tend to "get it" in real life quite so much, they just think you are a bit wierd!


Yeah, when I pick up parcels at the post office and mention that they are dog toys I get this real weird look. I'm sure they think that I'm that weird dog lady :laugh::)

The i-squeaks were in the post box so didn't have to go to the counter. They were a tight fit so would have had to have let out a few squeaks as they were squeezed in :laugh::laugh:

Pele has a toy box (plastic crate), well she has several - inside and outside. Normally she only takes toys from the top. Cuz toys are not kept in the toy box, they are hidden. I just went out and noticed that all the toys from the inside toy box have been removed. It looks like a bomb has hit the toy box :laugh: I think that Pele might be looking for i-squeaks :)

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Just counted 23 toys pulled out of the toy box :laugh: Pele usually only pulls out the toys on top. Definately an i-squeak finding mission :laugh: Might be cos' I squeaked one while she was outside - I'm such a bitch :laugh: Your i-squeaks are safe in the boot of my car Kenzie, and I've hidden the car keys from sneaky Bull Terriers :laugh:

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I am very excited, at least on here people understand you getting very excited over a dog toy, they don't tend to "get it" in real life quite so much, they just think you are a bit wierd!

Yeah...I told someone in the house today:

Me: There should a parcel coming for me pretty soon.

OPerson: Ok

Me: It'll be squeaky!

OPerson: Uhuh *crickets*

Yep, I get *crickets* a lot!!!!!!!

See we must be wierd dog people.

I just cannot wait to see their faces when it is a ball ....... and it squeaks - will be priceless I am sure

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The iSqueaks have just arrived :laugh:

Mum knew they were coming and went outside and found the package. She started squeaking them and Micha went nutso, ran inside, ran to the front door totally excited and alert just from hearing a squeaky noise coming from somewhere :)

I threw one for him outside a bit and got him to do a bit of lose heelwork, he was SO pumped and excited, gosh he loves squeaky things :eek:

Daisy likes hers, she's in her crate right now chewing it - I'm letting her have it for a little bit because she's not squeaking it, Micha's has been put away until the next training session otherwise it would be squeaking non stop ;)

Thanks so much Ptolomy, the dogs love them :laugh: will do some video/pics up when I am feeling better.

Edited by huski
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Picture this...........................

2 Whippets - both of whom are ball and squeeky obsessed.

Very helpful 2 and a half year old.

VH2yo Gets the parcel from the parcel window for mummy and we walk back to the car. VH2yo gets strapped in still holding bag. He opens said parcel bag and pulls out I-Squeaks. Opens inner bag and pulls out one ball of each size. Said Whippets are very interested as they love balls. VH2yo slowly and deliberately squeezes medium I-Squeak.

Whippets heads just about snap off and eyes are standing out on stalks.

VH2yo had unwavering attention for the drive home.

I-Squeaks are now safely in the dog cupboard as I am sure shift working, sleeping, husband would not be very happy if woken by a volley of I-squeakiness.

We will go and play shortly. Lewis just about followed that postbag on his hind legs all the way to the dog cupboard.

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