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  Ptolomy said:
I came home and watched my trial video last night - really happy with how my kids had gone. That was until I saw the video of Cider. Yes she was lovely, yes her attention was beautiful BUT I knew I had problems in the ring not while she was working but between exercises - she didn't want to hand touch, she wouldn't come close enough to be patted - so I ended up resorting to heeling between exercises.

So tonight at training I taught her to hand touch. I rewarded her for being patted. I rewarded for me pushing her away and her coming back towards me - so it will be interesting to see how this affects her next trial outing.

Stay tuned.......

I did notice this yesterday when you guys were in the ring. I get this a bit with Ruby, she is not too keen on me pushing her away and being physical in play, so I too am working on it. Thankfully she'll hand touch. I did the whole pushing away thing in the ring yesterday and while she didn't respond with "give me more", she handled it much better than she has, she was happy and waggy so I will keep at it and reward for it!

I need to work on my entrance into the ring. It's very hit and miss, still.

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Topic of discussion as I have been watching videos and this one occurred to me - do people prefer heel patterns with more heelwork and less positions or more positions and less heelwork.

I think I prefer (and Kenz) prefers heel patterns that actually contain some heelwork rather than patterns which are 2-3 paces sit, 2-3 paces drop, 2-3 paces stand.

Just wondered what others felt.

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I am finally entering a trial with Rams! I joined dogs NSW yesterday and am going to register Ramses when my number comes through. Our first trial will either be the end of May or mid-July. Rams is now 5 and about 12-18 months ago he was just about ready to enter the ring but I just never took that step. So now we have about a few months to get him back up to speed and ready to go! I started training yesterday and although he is a little bit rusty Im confident he will get there! The biggest problem yesterday was not the kids kicking the ball or the people walking their dogs around us it was the smells on the ground!

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Goodluck with entering your first trial SLLH!! I'm entering my first trial soonish, hehe!!

I just have a little video to share - Lottie worked BRILLIANTLY today, her heelwork was so nice (didn't get much of it as I was out of the shot alot!), and she did the best dumbbell retrieve :eek: . Just thought i'd share as I love working with her, she's such a fun little dog :o

(excuse feral me :) )


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  LuvLottie said:
Goodluck with entering your first trial SLLH!! I'm entering my first trial soonish, hehe!!

I just have a little video to share - Lottie worked BRILLIANTLY today, her heelwork was so nice (didn't get much of it as I was out of the shot alot!), and she did the best dumbbell retrieve :eek: . Just thought i'd share as I love working with her, she's such a fun little dog :o

(excuse feral me :) )


Woo Hoo really nice heeling there - yep you should be tickled pink.

OK - now for the picking, stop pussy footing when throwing the dumbbell. Your dog would love to go for a run and fetch it - so hurl the thing and see what she does. Thats your challenge for tomorow - we want to see video of what happens ;)

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  spoilt lab lives here said:
I am finally entering a trial with Rams! I joined dogs NSW yesterday and am going to register Ramses when my number comes through. Our first trial will either be the end of May or mid-July. Rams is now 5 and about 12-18 months ago he was just about ready to enter the ring but I just never took that step. So now we have about a few months to get him back up to speed and ready to go! I started training yesterday and although he is a little bit rusty Im confident he will get there! The biggest problem yesterday was not the kids kicking the ball or the people walking their dogs around us it was the smells on the ground!

Good to see you here :eek: and we want to hear how your training goes over the next few weeks - maybe we need a Sunday check in session to tell us about the week :)

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Aw thanks!!! She LOVES getting the dumbbell, so will play with her some more tomorrow and really throw it :eek::) And she heeled like that for the whole session, I was super proud of her!! She was just so enthusiatic today :o

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Yesterday instead of going to group training (damn uni:o ) I went to the local school oval and did some training by myself. I figured out what seems like a major revalation to me!! I was walking too slow (I did say seems :) ). I got a metronome app on my iPhone and fixed up the speed by matching with a metronome - and - Toby was heeling much much better, better attention, less lagging. I have been working on the footwork for turns.. so maybe later in the week just straight lines will be a thing of the past :eek:

Lottie looks so good :o Will have to try and do another video of Toby soon.

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  RallyValley said:
Yesterday instead of going to group training (damn uni:o ) I went to the local school oval and did some training by myself. I figured out what seems like a major revalation to me!! I was walking too slow (I did say seems :) ). I got a metronome app on my iPhone and fixed up the speed by matching with a metronome - and - Toby was heeling much much better, better attention, less lagging. I have been working on the footwork for turns.. so maybe later in the week just straight lines will be a thing of the past :eek:

Lottie looks so good ;) Will have to try and do another video of Toby soon.

Getting your heeling pace right is really difficult. You usually find most newbies walk too slow :o and then some oldies (no names mentioned) walk like they are on a mission and there is absoultely no connection between them and the dog. Something inbetweenies is what you need to aim for :laugh:

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  Ptolomy said:
  RallyValley said:
Yesterday instead of going to group training (damn uni:o ) I went to the local school oval and did some training by myself. I figured out what seems like a major revalation to me!! I was walking too slow (I did say seems :) ). I got a metronome app on my iPhone and fixed up the speed by matching with a metronome - and - Toby was heeling much much better, better attention, less lagging. I have been working on the footwork for turns.. so maybe later in the week just straight lines will be a thing of the past :eek:

Lottie looks so good :laugh: Will have to try and do another video of Toby soon.

Getting your heeling pace right is really difficult. You usually find most newbies walk too slow ;) and then some oldies (no names mentioned) walk like they are on a mission and there is absoultely no connection between them and the dog. Something inbetweenies is what you need to aim for :)

If you have access to a metronome ( :o ) I had it set at 130 and found that to be pretty spot on. :)

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:) Ptolomy - some of us can walk like we are on a mission but the dog still makes it appear connected - think Kenz should get brownie points for that performance :eek: . Certainly not my best effort in the ring this year that is for sure. Lucky I got my act together this past weekend else I might have had to come to the Ptolomy boot camp and get whipped into shape again (or at least not hear the end of it until I had it together again) :o.

Think I have lost track at the number of videos where I have been crucified for walking like I am on a mission and Ness has just been tagging along for the ride. I promised Kenz would not have to suffer similar.

I am proud to say though after all these years I think my ability to walk in straight lines has progressed - wonder what they are going to do at training for the next few weeks when I am not there - they now count on me to set the rings up because I am the only one that can set them up nice and square.

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I did ok this last weekend JulesP but boy do I feel sorry for Kenz at the last trial before the ones last weekend - she is a little super trooper though and just kept heeling her black and white socks off despite her mum who was VERY nerve effected. I actually can't remember a time when I have worked Ness as badly in recent times never mind Kenz :eek: .

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It is amazing how your footwork can stuff up your heeling! I was having a play with Zig tonight whilst Em was resting between retrieving training....have had a few problems with crooked sits, drops and stands so concentrated on that. I was slowing down before the halt so I could work out what was going wrong....no prizes for guessing what happened :eek::) Poor dog...don't know how he puts up with me :o

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:eek: TSD - yes that was part of my decision to retire Ness. I couldn't seem to keep my head around handling two different dogs both of whom had different footwork and I was seriously messing them both up. Figured since there was probably no chance of a UD with Ness at this stage that I might as well save it and stop messing up Kenz by trying to keep working them both.

Is very sad though because I nearly died when I realized Ness would be eligible to compete in not Veterans at our club trial in October but Vintage :):o . Ok I don't think of her as that old yet ;) .

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Here is the PM trial from Sunday, Ruby in Open obedience. It was quite a warm day, she had done quite well in the morning trial so for her to still try her little heart out in the afternoon was just lovely :o

Love the cheer squad at the end :eek: Thanks guys, you know who you are!! ;) And thankfully the comments that can be heard throughout were encouraging :)

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  RubyStar said:
Here is the PM trial from Sunday, Ruby in Open obedience. It was quite a warm day, she had done quite well in the morning trial so for her to still try her little heart out in the afternoon was just lovely :D

Love the cheer squad at the end :thumbsup: Thanks guys, you know who you are!! :D And thankfully the comments that can be heard throughout were encouraging :thumbsup:

Go Ruby!!! :confused: She looks great :D

Also Ness maybe silly question but why did you change your footwork? I am just learning the footwork now and it is such a PITA for an uncorrdinated person like me it is highly likely I will keep this footwork forever. ;)

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