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Lol TSD I am from a horsey background and constantly got harassed about competing then too. I didn't enjoy competing then either. Had my riding horse trained up to a pretty high level. I did compete and win in the highest levels of showing, tried the whole dips, biscuits, wine thing and always loved going much more minus the pony. I just got talked into selling my last pony because I was 'wasting' him. He seemed pretty happy plodding around eating and being patted.

I do really enjoy training and have been avoiding going the last couple of weeks as I know I will be asked about my entries. Sigh.

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I have to agree RallyValley I think its more fun when you have somebody to share the experience with.

So........maybe you and Rubystar need to make some plans :rofl:

TSD - it wont be long before you are competing at the Retrieving Nationals the way you are going :)

I think poor Toby would be so frightened and overwhelmed going on a plane and through a big scary airport without me he would come out the other side totally insane! :rofl:

We will see how my next dog goes, let's hope shes not such a sook :laugh: Although if I wasn't going to America this year I was going to travel interstate to watch some showing or Utility Gundog Tests :rofl:

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:) RV my two "wimps" coped being on a plane. Even Ness who as Ptolomy will attest does not do crating or being seperated from me without huge protest. Hmmm lets just say she successfully cleared the fences at Ptolomy's old place when we stayed there and she was left behind when we went to go puppy visiting.

Ness has been on a plane three times and seems to come out the other end ok. Even my worrywart Kenz coped with a trip to Sydney in the plane.

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Thanks Ptolomy :rofl: Still climbing that very steep learning curve but it's a great thing to aim for.

Funnily enough, since I've competed briefly in retrieving and started training Em my attitude towards training and competing with Zig has really improved. I think because when I was running LL's Lab it became much more about focussing on the dog and getting him (and me :)) through each run as one missed/out of order bird is a DQ. Yes I was still nervous but I was able to channel that a lot better - plus LL had us entered in Novice and Restricted so we were doing 6 runs a day. I still remember the elation I felt when he brought his first bird back :laugh: Doing multiple agility runs with Ziggy has relaxed me as well.

JulesP - yes, I thought you were and might appreciate the comparison. I must say, if you are so much happier training and not competing with your lot I would say go for it - absolutely 100% behind your choice because at the end of the day, we're supposed to be enjoying them!

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I do really enjoy training and have been avoiding going the last couple of weeks as I know I will be asked about my entries. Sigh.

OK - starting up a production here its offical you can be our support crew, motivator and entertainment advisor. :)

Now need to look for events coordinator and financial backer :laugh:

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:) RV my two "wimps" coped being on a plane. Even Ness who as Ptolomy will attest does not do crating or being seperated from me without huge protest. Hmmm lets just say she successfully cleared the fences at Ptolomy's old place when we stayed there and she was left behind when we went to go puppy visiting.

Ness has been on a plane three times and seems to come out the other end ok. Even my worrywart Kenz coped with a trip to Sydney in the plane.

My dog has been known to empty his anal glads at the terryfing sights of a kid on a scooter or skateboard, bikeriders (although that is better now) and my grandad! :laugh: Heart of a lion :rofl:

Plus I know he wouldn't enjoy it, he would much rather be at home on a couch or bed.... this is the kind of dog that refuses to get out of bed to train or go for a walk without a bribe before 7am!

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Are you talking about the Sydney Royal? When is that?

I would love to go to the Obedience Nationals in Brissy this year, but like you said, the thought of spending $1000 for a trial and then blowing it doesn't sit well with me! I am used to blowing trials, and I still have fun because it's a nice day/evening out with friends, but I think I have convinced myself there is no use travelling for a big trial until me and my dogs are more experienced :thumbsup: Shame really because the nationals this year would be fun!

14th April :D

Rubystar Maybe you need to think of it as a holiday with your kids. We have a lot of fun , usually end up clothes shopping and as I said the boys get on so well that it makes life very easy. We have a bit of a routine, share the cooking duties, although Bedazzled is a much better cook than I am - so I usually organise the dog treats. I drive, Debazzled navigates and it works really well. The difference this time will be ..........a third dog :eek: , so instead of hiring a 4WD we have had to go for a Van, we are on different flights, so hopefully everything will work out OK.

Its something you should put on your todo list, its kind of addictive in a way, meeting new people, watching how others do things and if your dog does well - its the icing on the cake. If all else fails - there is always the nice cheese, the chocolate and the coldies in the fridge waiting for us when we get home :)

Yep I do agree, and would totally do it regardless of trialling outcome if I had the mula, but I am just totally cashless for this sort of thing and can't imagine a holiday on the cards for a loooong tiiiime. Boo :( Besides the no cash, I have no annual leave available because I keep using it all on study leave!! :eek: Woe is me ;) I would have the dilemma of which dog to take. Millie would be better for the competing side, but Ruby is a muuuuuch better travelling companion :o

Tash did ask if I wanted to share a room for it but I don't think I'll make it this year :o It definitely is on my to-do list one day, maybe try and get it to coincide with something else to make it a real holiday :D

I always have a heaps better time if I go without the animals :eek: I even prefer working at comps to competing.

I went to a trial end of last year without competing with the dogs, just brought my chair, and drinks and nibblies! I had the BEST time! :rofl:

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I am thinking of flying Daisy to NSW in July for a holiday, but I am yet to convince myself she will be ok :)

You know what a worry wart I am about Coco :) and she has flown several times to Sydney and Canberra. I am pretty sure that I do it tougher than she does. Always gets off the other end talking and tail wagging..Coco that is not me. :rofl::rofl:

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Hi everyone :rofl: - long time lurker, 1st time poster here (I think :) ), so thought i'd introduce myself so I can join in on the discussions :rofl: - I have a 18mth old Aussie Shepherd who i'm just about ready to trial (actually - entered my first trial in a couple weekends away :) ), which is a little scary, but I know she's ready - it'll be me and my nerves who let us down!!!!

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Hi everyone :rofl: - long time lurker, 1st time poster here (I think :) ), so thought i'd introduce myself so I can join in on the discussions :rofl: - I have a 18mth old Aussie Shepherd who i'm just about ready to trial (actually - entered my first trial in a couple weekends away :) ), which is a little scary, but I know she's ready - it'll be me and my nerves who let us down!!!!

Woo Hoo another one comes out of hiding - welcome

So have you entered CCD or novice :rofl:

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Best bit of advice I can give you LuvLottie is RELAX there are no sheep stations involved just go out and have fun and treasure every moment you have in the ring.

Pass or Fail you always take the best dog in the world home again :) .

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I live about an hour outside of Brisbane (In a small town near Gatton), and my first trial is actually in Redcliffe - which is on the northside of Bris, hehe!! But hopefully there will be someone there to video me! I'd like to see how we do, and I *might* put it up, depending on how shocking we go :) . My aim will definitely be to get it on video though :)

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Best bit of advice I can give you LuvLottie is RELAX there are no sheep stations involved just go out and have fun and treasure every moment you have in the ring.

Pass or Fail you always take the best dog in the world home again :rofl: .

That's very true!! Hopefully I won't be to nervous... we'll see though!! :) And it's an afternoon/night trial which is nice because Lottie doesn't agree that working during the day is fair :)

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I live about an hour outside of Brisbane (In a small town near Gatton), and my first trial is actually in Redcliffe - which is on the northside of Bris, hehe!! But hopefully there will be someone there to video me! I'd like to see how we do, and I *might* put it up, depending on how shocking we go :) . My aim will definitely be to get it on video though :)

Hi LL I'll be there -most likely the only GSP. Come say hi if you like. Recliffe is a nice place to trial..

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