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Make sure that when you test it you don't unconsciously try to prevent it from happening :laugh: ...If you can get someone to video you all the better. To fix it I would be doing tons of start peg stuff. Set up at the peg, mark and treat. Rinse and repeat...two steps, mark and treat, 5 steps mark and treat, 1 step etc etc.... This scenario would be a good place for a NRM...she goes wide, you mark with 'oops' and withdraw your attention....wait until she comes back on before marking and reward.

:laugh: JUles - sounds like you are really coming on - that's great. And what you are doing is what I was thinking of as a possible solution - big party - lots of excitement for her making correct choices - even if it is just one step. Probably do that outside the ring - then take it in the ring - not even necessarily doing a whole routine at that stage.

She only does it in the ring and only from the start pole :laugh: Actually not sure if the ring being up makes a difference. Can test that on Wednesday. Actually I have start poles here! Will see what she is like at home too.

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Hmm a question for you obedience gurus. :laugh:

So a few things are starting to click for Toby. He will "line up" (left finish) at every angle and distance in current sessions (only up to about 5 meters away from him, although on Sunday I walked away 10 meters). His right finishes are coming along nicely. His fronts are lacklustre (but we only started working on these2 days ago) and from line up position I am taking one or two steps of heeling (so far have not tested this too much) maintaining eye contact. Where to from here without breaking him? :laugh:

Also is there a link to footwork for stopping and turns that is consitent for your dog? :laugh:

He will never be a high drive super heeling dog and to be perfectly honest I don't care if he is or not. He is a pet and I love him and I am having some fun with this so when/if I upload a video I know people will critisize that. He is probably never going to trial so it's just for me to learn training theory/shaping ect that I am pursuing this. :laugh:

Edited by RallyValley
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Footwork is one of the most important things to do with heelwork that a lot of people miss. Once you have a consistent footwork pattern, the communication to your dog is much more effective! It was the difference between sloppy heelwork with messy, slow turns to consistently nice heelwork and tight turns for Jedi.

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Footwork is one of the most important things to do with heelwork that a lot of people miss. Once you have a consistent footwork pattern, the communication to your dog is much more effective! It was the difference between sloppy heelwork with messy, slow turns to consistently nice heelwork and tight turns for Jedi.

I remember you posted a diagram before with the turns footwork which I found really helpful :rofl:

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Footwork is one of the most important things to do with heelwork that a lot of people miss. Once you have a consistent footwork pattern, the communication to your dog is much more effective! It was the difference between sloppy heelwork with messy, slow turns to consistently nice heelwork and tight turns for Jedi.

I remember you posted a diagram before with the turns footwork which I found really helpful :rofl:

Here it is again


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Clinking the champaign glass to getting through all the UDX exercises last night at training without it going pearshaped.

Its the first time :eek:

Now watch it all fall in a heap tonight :eek:

Psst maybe a bit less of the champaign.... today's Thursday. :eek:

Just realised you meant when you train tonight. :eek:

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Ok whose been drinking then??? :eek:

Had a great night of training last night. Poppy didn't put a paw wrong. Amber did some nice prancy work. The judge was surprised by her age. I had been working her off lead before her turn and just continued that way, so pretty happy with her. Brock had a go too and he was pretty good, judge even thought he could have a whirl in the CCD ring :eek: Played with positions on the move and he did that pretty well too. And that was all in the rain!

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:eek: Ptolomy and JulesP - long may it continue!!

Lets drink to that :eek:

I'm in :eek: ;)

Sounds like you've gained a lot of confidence back in the past few weeks, JulesP! Way to go!

I'm so looking forward to this weekend, 2 trials woohoo :eek: And lots of :D and :eek:

I'm looking forward to the new trialling year also where Millie will debut in Open :) I had a great training night with Millie on Monday, her Open exercises are just about there! My clever Moo needs to take Ruby aside and teach her how to do a SFE and DOR :eek:

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I'm looking forward to the new trialling year also where Millie will debut in Open :eek: I had a great training night with Millie on Monday, her Open exercises are just about there! My clever Moo needs to take Ruby aside and teach her how to do a SFE and DOR :eek:

I will be in touch and will organise some training dates in January, while K9 is closed, for our Monday night mob :eek: Might even be able to do a wee little bit of agility :eek:

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I'm looking forward to the new trialling year also where Millie will debut in Open ;) I had a great training night with Millie on Monday, her Open exercises are just about there! My clever Moo needs to take Ruby aside and teach her how to do a SFE and DOR :)

I will be in touch and will organise some training dates in January, while K9 is closed, for our Monday night mob :o Might even be able to do a wee little bit of agility :eek:

;) :o In your own private training rings? :rofl:

I'm also determined to get Millie weaving by end of January, who knows if it will happen, though :rofl:

While I am still training Ruby for obedience, I am stepping it down a touch with her to focus on retrieving and agility. I swear since starting agility with Ruby, her confidence in general has grown so much! I'm thankful I have Millie to do obedience with in the meantime, need my fix! :rofl:

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Principal Feature:

The dog, on command, to leave the Handler and go to the Nominated Area as directed, to

sit, and to come as directed.

Description of Exercise:

The dog on command is to be sent away to the Nominated Area and sit as directed, then

recalled to heel and continue heeling with the Handler as ordered by the Judge.

Simultaneous command and signal is permitted.

The Judge will nominate an area, which will be positioned no closer than three (3) metres

from any edge of the ring.

The Handler will take up a position indicated by the Judge at approximately twenty five

(25) metres from the Nominated Area.

The Handler shall stand the dog in the position indicated by the Judge.

The Judge will then order “Send”. The Handler will give the dog the direction to the

Nominated area with a single motion of either the left or right hand and arm. The Handler

may bend the body and knees to the extent necessary in giving the direction to the dog.

The command to send will be given either simultaneously with, or immediately after the

giving of the direction, after which the Handler will stand erect in a natural position.

The dog must go directly to the Nominated Area at a brisk pace.

Once the dog is in the Nominated Area, it may sit automatically or the Handler may attract

the dog’s attention by using its’ name before giving a command to sit. The Judge will

order the Handler to move ‘Forward’ ‘About Turn’ and then perform a ‘Right’ or ‘Left’ Turn.

The Judge will order the Handler to ‘Call (Call your Dog)’ either before or after the ‘About


The Handler must be given the ‘About Turn’ no closer than ten (10) metres from the

Nominated area.

Orders from Judge:

‘Take up Position’, ‘Send’ (Send your Dog)’. ‘Forward’, ‘About Turn’, ‘Call’ (Call your

Dog)’, ‘Left or Right Turn’, ‘Halt’, ‘Exercise Finished’.


Zero Score: For a dog which needs more than one command to leave the Handler, fails

to enter the Nominated Area, fails to sit where sent, fails to go the required distance. For

the Handler giving a command to sit whilst the dog is outside the Nominated Area, for a

dog that fails to come on the first command or anticipates any part of the Principal


Substantial: If a dog is slow going out, slow response to commands, does not go directly

to the Nominated Area, sits entirely outside the Nominated Area after having entered it,

does not return to the Handler at a brisk pace, or fails to heel with the Handler after being


Minor: For imperfections in heeling and for failure to carry out any of the lesser points of

the exercise.

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I am unable to open the obedience rules on the ANKC website.

Can somebody tell me in UDX in the sendaway when calling your dog to heel can you use a verbal + a signal please.......

Not that I have any confidence in getting to UDX-I can cut & paste :thumbsup:


Principal Feature:

The dog, on command, to leave the Handler and go to the Nominated Area as directed, to sit, and to

come as directed.

Description of Exercise:

The dog on command is to be sent away to the Nominated Area and sit as directed, then recalled to heel

and continue heeling with the Handler as ordered by the Judge.

Simultaneous command and signal is permitted.

The Judge will nominate an area, which will be positioned no closer than three (3) metres from any edge

of the ring.

The Handler will take up a position indicated by the Judge at approximately twenty five (25) metres from

the Nominated Area.

The Handler shall stand the dog in the position indicated by the Judge.


The Judge will then order “Send”. The Handler may give the dog the direction to the Nominated area with

a single motion of either the left or right hand and arm. The Handler may bend the body and knees to the

extent necessary in giving the direction to the dog. The command to send will be given either

simultaneously with, or immediately after the giving of the direction, after which the Handler will stand

erect in a natural position.

The dog must go directly to the Nominated Area at a brisk pace.

Once the dog is in the Nominated Area, it may sit automatically or the Handler may attract the dog’s

attention by using its’ name before giving a command to sit. The Judge will order the Handler to move

‘Forward’ ‘About Turn’ and then perform a ‘Right’ or ‘Left’ Turn. The Judge will order the Handler to ‘Call

(Call your Dog)’ either before or after the ‘About Turn’.

The Handler must be given the ‘About Turn’ no closer than ten (10) metres from the Nominated area.

Orders from Judge:

‘Take up Position’, ‘Send’ (Send your Dog)’. ‘Forward’, ‘About Turn’, ‘Call’ (Call your Dog)’, ‘Left or Right

Turn’, ‘Halt’, ‘Exercise Finished’.


Zero Score: For a dog which needs more than one command to leave the Handler, fails to enter the

Nominated Area, fails to sit where sent, sits entirely outside the Nominated Area, fails to go the required

distance. For the Handler giving a command to sit whilst the dog is outside the Nominated Area, for a dog

that fails to come on the first command or anticipates any part of the Principal Feature.

Substantial: If a dog is slow going out, slow response to commands, does not go directly to the

Nominated Area, does not return to the Handler at a brisk pace, or fails to heel with the Handler after

being recalled.

Minor: For imperfections in heeling and for failure to carry out any of the lesser points of the exercise.

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Thanks girls - I have been using a signal and a voice command to call Moo from the box and somebody who has their UDX title commented last night that I could only use one not both :) . I vaguely remembered using both with Lara when she trialled in UDX many years ago.

Had visions of having to retrain the exercise :thumbsup:

Funny thing is he usually doesn't wait for either the voice or the signal he just comes running the minute I turn my back - bless him :clap:

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I'm looking forward to the new trialling year also where Millie will debut in Open :clap: I had a great training night with Millie on Monday, her Open exercises are just about there! My clever Moo needs to take Ruby aside and teach her how to do a SFE and DOR :clap:

I will be in touch and will organise some training dates in January, while K9 is closed, for our Monday night mob :eek: Might even be able to do a wee little bit of agility :thumbsup:

:mad:) In your own private training rings? :rock:

I'm also determined to get Millie weaving by end of January, who knows if it will happen, though :)

While I am still training Ruby for obedience, I am stepping it down a touch with her to focus on retrieving and agility. I swear since starting agility with Ruby, her confidence in general has grown so much! I'm thankful I have Millie to do obedience with in the meantime, need my fix! :rock:

need your fix :) , I think you need obedience addicts anonymous :angel:

I can't wait for the new year either, start training at a new club, start puppy agility with Bear, I've decided not to do agility with Banjo because I feel he's to big and clunky :) , so Bear Bear the Care Bear will be my agility star :cry: .

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I will be in touch and will organise some training dates in January, while K9 is closed, for our Monday night mob :clap: Might even be able to do a wee little bit of agility :thumbsup:

Sounds like an invatation to try out my new, red agility pup with some foundation stuff! :) And a great chance for you to pick on my footwork. :clap:

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