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I don't find heelwork where the dog looks like its just going through the motions or is looking straight ahead or doesn't have that 'oomph' (for lack of a better word) particularly appealing.


I train for focused attention and not going through the motions. Still a work in progress but we've come a long way in 12 months of me setting firmer criteria for this. If my dog is giving crap work in the ring, even though it's still technically a pass, I feel very inclined to pull out. And have on many occasions. One time I pulled her out a few steps into the heelwork.

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For me the thing that made the biggest difference in heelwork with Daisy was building drive (or for those who don't like that word, finding the right motivation). Everything else fell into place once I had that.

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Tried Daisy on the wood tonight and she took to it immediately :D Ended up putting out a full set of wood and she bought back the right article with total confidence :) For a laugh I put down the wood and the metal and tried getting her to retrieve both the wood and the metal articles (at different times obviously) with no problems :) I am feeling quite confident she understands what to do :love:

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She has an insane drive to scent and I think that teaching her SD made her think "She WANTS me to use my nose for something? OMG, yay!" LOL :D I think we are doing the wrong sport with obedience, we should be doing tracking :)

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So does Ness huski - providing its leftover food at the local school :love::cry: ;) ;) :D :D .

:D :)

Daisy can spot food from a mile away.

We had a tiny single cat biscuit stuck in the back of our book case behind a big box and when she walked past and got a whiff of it she was HYSTERICAL over it - threw herself on the floor, barking and crying, I had no idea what was wrong until I pulled the box out and saw the tiny piece of food. She'd make an awesome customs dog :)

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She has an insane drive to scent and I think that teaching her SD made her think "She WANTS me to use my nose for something? OMG, yay!" LOL :laugh: I think we are doing the wrong sport with obedience, we should be doing tracking :laugh:

That's so funny :laugh: Perhaps you have found the exercise that you can use to break up other not so exciting work! Ziggy likes to run and I think he nearly died of excitement when he realised that a recall allowed him to run flat out AND get food for doing it!!!!

Think I have created a monster too :eek: Finally getting a seriously enthusiastic tug from Ziggy - I can barely stand my ground but he gives as soon as he is asked :thumbsup: I did some weaving poles this week - after having done next to nothing for 6 months (moving house, uni etc) he went from 4 to 12 poles in 24 hours! He's not 100% but is getting some nice independent entries and is nutting out the criteria - when I throw his tug toy ahead of him he grabs and does mad bucking bronco impersonations that I haven't seen since he was a teenager :rofl: Thank goodness as he is entered in his first agility trial this weekend!

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Thank goodness as he is entered in his first agility trial this weekend!

Good luck and have fun this weekend - any chance we will get to see his first attempt on video???

Thanks! I am treating it as a bit of a training run as we've had a couple of ripper private lessons in readiness for the Dally Nationals and have had to squeeze a LOT into a short time. I really should video it, though - will see what I can do. LP was threatening to tape us running but she is away this weekend and not competing :thumbsup:

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Our first trial is a few weeks off and I am still not sure what possessed me to enter but yes TSD we want video and I am sure Ziggy will do really well.

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She has an insane drive to scent and I think that teaching her SD made her think "She WANTS me to use my nose for something? OMG, yay!" LOL :laugh: I think we are doing the wrong sport with obedience, we should be doing tracking :laugh:

I am starting tracking next weekend, I thought it would be fun for Mason to give it a go as I am not doing agility with him this year ( not sure I ever will but we will see) the open day they had last weekend was awesome :thumbsup:

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Let us know how you go MM! I am really keen to get Daisy involved although the early mornings put me off :laugh:

I am always up and about by 8am and its only 5 minutes down the road so its very convenient for us. Tomorrow morning we are having a training session with someone who trials their dogs so lets hope Mason behaves :thumbsup:

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Here's an update of Daisy's scent discrimination exercise.


We started working with wood yesterday and she picked it up pretty much straight away. The above video is a full set of metal and a full set of wood, alternating between the scented metal article and scented wood article.

I am especially pleased with her progress knowing she was 100% with the exercise out on the grass in various levels of distraction :eek: I am still using the carpet at home to stop them banging on the wooden floor. She does struggle to pick the metal article up the second time in the video but she still got it right ;)

ETA: Also had a bit of an oops towards the end with her pre empting me and trying to go and get the article before the command was given.

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Here's an update of Daisy's scent discrimination exercise.


We started working with wood yesterday and she picked it up pretty much straight away. The above video is a full set of metal and a full set of wood, alternating between the scented metal article and scented wood article.

I am especially pleased with her progress knowing she was 100% with the exercise out on the grass in various levels of distraction :eek: I am still using the carpet at home to stop them banging on the wooden floor. She does struggle to pick the metal article up the second time in the video but she still got it right :thumbsup:

ETA: Also had a bit of an oops towards the end with her pre empting me and trying to go and get the article before the command was given.

Wow ;)

She is going great...so confident.

Well done guys!

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