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I hope you are right guys because sometimes it can be downright frustrating :cheer: .

My next is in 2 weeks :cheer:

Heaven help us all!

Good luck Leopuppy - let us all know how you get on and I hope the seekback gods look after you ;)

PS - Dare I ask is it another Aussie you are planning????

Of course Ptolomy. Is there any other breed :rasberry: I toyed with the BC idea for a little while, but I just love my aussies too much ;). Hmm... might even include a trip to WA.... :thumbsup: We'll see :p

Oh I will act like I got a perfect score if Leo finds his seekback. :cheer:

What colour?! :rofl: and if it includes a trip to WA, can I puhleeeeeease meet puppy?! :D

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Bit of a rant from me today!

What do you all do when you see someone obviosuly doing the wrong thing with their dog? Using a tool incorrecty, smacking the dog in the face etc? If you've tried talking to them about it... Do you eventually

give up and look the other way? Sometimes I just get so frustrated :thumbsup::rasberry:

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Well I have some semi-exciting news! Lincoln is going to his breeders next week and staying there till September and will hopefully be getting some hunting training ( :thumbsup: ) he will be shown there and then they are driving him to the Adelaide Royal. Which is much less stressful then fly in Thursday night, show Friday. :rasberry:

I am gonna miss him though. :cheer:

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Well I have some semi-exciting news! Lincoln is going to his breeders next week and staying there till September and will hopefully be getting some hunting training ( :thumbsup: ) he will be shown there and then they are driving him to the Adelaide Royal. Which is much less stressful then fly in Thursday night, show Friday. :cheer:

I am gonna miss him though. :cheer:

Thats is very exciting Valley CBR but I you will miss him terribly.

I have just the answer - Strauss cuddles :cheer: and a red dog to show instead :rasberry:

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Well I have some semi-exciting news! Lincoln is going to his breeders next week and staying there till September and will hopefully be getting some hunting training ( :thumbsup: ) he will be shown there and then they are driving him to the Adelaide Royal. Which is much less stressful then fly in Thursday night, show Friday. :cheer:

I am gonna miss him though. :cheer:

Thats is very exciting Valley CBR but I you will miss him terribly.

I have just the answer - Strauss cuddles :D and a red dog to show instead :rasberry:

Sounds like a plan ;) How long till Strauss is out of quarantine? Are you going to show him as a baby? :rofl: I love Baby class. :cheer:

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*pokes head in* :laugh:

Hi all, thought I'd join in here. It's Luuka and my 3rd night of obedience tonight (first night was just hearing the rules lecture). Last week, she was so great, I was nearly teary :) The instructor came over to me while the rest of the dogs were being settled into their sits and said "I hope you are going to trial her, she is very focused on you and her movements are very precise. You're doing really well and you both look like you're having a lot of fun". :rofl: :rofl: :D I couldn't have been happier. I even got to help a young boy in the class who was struggling with his dog :D I would really like to be a volunteer trainer there one day.

Can't wait for tonight! So different to when I first started training with Atlas, I would dread it, then come home in tears :laugh:

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Wow valley he will be gone for ages! You are going to miss him terribly and wonder what you've done! :rofl::laugh: But it all sounds very exciting and a good opportunity for him :laugh:

Yeah I think after a couple of days the house will be eeirely quiet without two boofhead boys running amock around the place. And Toby will be so bored.

But it is a good opportunity or I wouldn't be sending him! :)

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Sounds like a plan :rofl: How long till Strauss is out of quarantine? Are you going to show him as a baby? :) I love Baby class. :laugh:

Strauss is currently somewhere in the air between Frankfurt and Singapore. He arrives in Perth tomorrow arvo and then its 30 days in Quarantine. I don't usually show in baby class but happy to make an exception if somebody is sticking their hand up for it. :laugh:

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*pokes head in* :laugh:

Hi all, thought I'd join in here. It's Luuka and my 3rd night of obedience tonight (first night was just hearing the rules lecture). Last week, she was so great, I was nearly teary :) The instructor came over to me while the rest of the dogs were being settled into their sits and said "I hope you are going to trial her, she is very focused on you and her movements are very precise. You're doing really well and you both look like you're having a lot of fun". :rofl::rofl: :D I couldn't have been happier. I even got to help a young boy in the class who was struggling with his dog :D I would really like to be a volunteer trainer there one day.

Can't wait for tonight! So different to when I first started training with Atlas, I would dread it, then come home in tears :laugh:

Hi FranCQ - you can't just poke your head in without posting photos of Luuka.

and have you given any thought to trialling???

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Sounds like a plan :D How long till Strauss is out of quarantine? Are you going to show him as a baby? :laugh: I love Baby class. :laugh:

Strauss is currently somewhere in the air between Frankfurt and Singapore. He arrives in Perth tomorrow arvo and then its 30 days in Quarantine. I don't usually show in baby class but happy to make an exception if somebody is sticking their hand up for it. :rofl:

Definately :) I am so excited for you! The anticipation/nerves of getting a dog from interstate is so huge I can't imagine what it's like for getting a dog fom overseas!

Care to share anymore pics of the little orange bundle :rofl:

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*pokes head in* :)

Hi all, thought I'd join in here. It's Luuka and my 3rd night of obedience tonight (first night was just hearing the rules lecture). Last week, she was so great, I was nearly teary :laugh: The instructor came over to me while the rest of the dogs were being settled into their sits and said "I hope you are going to trial her, she is very focused on you and her movements are very precise. You're doing really well and you both look like you're having a lot of fun". :rofl: :D :D I couldn't have been happier. I even got to help a young boy in the class who was struggling with his dog ;) I would really like to be a volunteer trainer there one day.

Can't wait for tonight! So different to when I first started training with Atlas, I would dread it, then come home in tears :rofl:

Hi FranCQ - you can't just poke your head in without posting photos of Luuka.

and have you given any thought to trialling???

Sure have! :) I really want to! I'm aiming to enter our first trial early next year. I will post some photos soon! :laugh: She is the loveliest girl.

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*pokes head in* :)

Hi all, thought I'd join in here. It's Luuka and my 3rd night of obedience tonight (first night was just hearing the rules lecture). Last week, she was so great, I was nearly teary :laugh: The instructor came over to me while the rest of the dogs were being settled into their sits and said "I hope you are going to trial her, she is very focused on you and her movements are very precise. You're doing really well and you both look like you're having a lot of fun". :rofl: :D :D I couldn't have been happier. I even got to help a young boy in the class who was struggling with his dog ;) I would really like to be a volunteer trainer there one day.

Can't wait for tonight! So different to when I first started training with Atlas, I would dread it, then come home in tears :rofl:

:laugh: How nice to see you over here, Fran - and with such a good news story! :)

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Hi all, thought I'd join in here. It's Luuka and my 3rd night of obedience tonight (first night was just hearing the rules lecture). Last week, she was so great, I was nearly teary :) The instructor came over to me while the rest of the dogs were being settled into their sits and said "I hope you are going to trial her, she is very focused on you and her movements are very precise. You're doing really well and you both look like you're having a lot of fun". :D :) :) I couldn't have been happier. I even got to help a young boy in the class who was struggling with his dog :) I would really like to be a volunteer trainer there one day.

Can't wait for tonight! So different to when I first started training with Atlas, I would dread it, then come home in tears :D

:rolleyes: :D I am in a similar boat. Going to obedience classes with Satchmo wasn't much fun at all, and it is sooo different and nice having a dog that wants to work with you (although I wouldn't change Satchy for the world, he is damn stubborn! :()

How old is Luuka now?

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Thanks guys! She just turned 9 months on Sunday. I have started a blog for her, just about to do an update about last week :D But I really want to have a record of her achievements which I am sure will be awesome :( She is so clever and funny and friendly and happy, I couldn't be happier with my decision to get a lappie, and from the particular breeder I chose :rolleyes: She is very supportive of my decision to not show and do obedience/agility instead :)

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Yay so glad to see you here Fran!

You must post some videos of Luuka :rolleyes:

StaffnToller I really want matching dogs too, I am thinking of getting another dog next year but can't decide on another beagle or a more people orientated/drivier breed. I really really want to see what it would be like to train a beag from puppy hood the way I train Daisy now, I must admit I love having a breed where people don't expect them to be any good or to be able to do dog sports at a competitive level. Although when I get to handle breeds that are more people orientated or more naturally inclined to train like Tollers or Aussies I do get a little jealous!

Edited by huski
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I wish you Lappie owners would stop talking about how awesome Lappie's are! :(

I want 2 dogs that match for a change and there's all these Aussie and Lappie owners raving about their breed on dol!!! Lol. :rolleyes:

I have two colour co-ordinated dogs, one is a breed and one is a mongrel :) . You could always get a red Lappie. :D

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I wish you Lappie owners would stop talking about how awesome Lappie's are! :D

I want 2 dogs that match for a change and there's all these Aussie and Lappie owners raving about their breed on dol!!! Lol. :rolleyes:

My next dog will be a miniature bull terrier :( I know what you mean with non-matching dogs!

huski thanks :D Like I said to TN on Facebook I'll probably set up the video and move out of the frame :) But I'll give it a go! I'm going to use her video of training Soaks to do 'shy' to teach Luuka that trick, it's awesome!

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