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Hi guys,

I think I can officially join this thread now :laugh:. I began Obedience training (yes at an actual school) on the 25th of March and both me and Brennan are LOVING IT . Because I don't have a car I get a lift with a kind DOLer who has her own dogs in the same Obedience club. I was a bit nervous given Brennan's past fear reactivity but she did great. Our first ever time trying Obedience (when she was 6 months old) she was so reactive that we had to work in a one-on-one setting away from other dogs, and she just had very little interest in working, despite how hard I tried. However, older, wiser, and having been helped by an awesome behaviourist has seen a real change in her. We are actually working in class (that alone makes me proud). On our first day the Instructor said to us that she was looking to me a fair bit, and when I mentioned Brennan was/ had been fear reactive she was in disbelief :dropjaw: . She said you couldn't tell :D. The first 2 weeks we were in the 'Puppies/ 6 months and over' class, but at the end of our last lesson we got the all-clear to move up to 'Learners' (which starts at a later time).

I'm sure I'll pop in with some questions. At the moment we use what we learn in class to dictate what we practise the following week. We practise on our walk, at a park on our walk and at home daily.

We've just added 'Stand' to her list of skills, and are currently working on Stay as taught in class and Right-about turns.

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Hi everyone!! It's been a while! The pups and I moved house and are finally getting back into the swing of things!!

Nothing really to update except Rev is just about ready for his first OB trial (except that I forgot about stays!! :o )

And Jedi is entered in Open in a couple of weeks so that'll be intereting! Hoping to just make it to stays. It's been sooooo long since we've been in the OB ring!

Love the video, very nice work :)

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Goodonya Brennans Mum - better watch out - Obedience can be addictive!

Ohh yeah- definitely have caught the addiction :D. We had our first lesson in Learners today and did really well. Have to change Down to Drop as our instructor prefers it. She says that if she says ''Down your dog'' then the dogs having been taught to respond to drop won't accidentally respond to her 'Down'. I've always taught down- but luckily it's pretty easy to fix- hardest part will be training me to say drop :laugh:. Today we had a lady watch our class with her aggressive dog- and I kept seeing her standing there all nervous, thinking ''That's no longer my dog :D''.

Got to work on R-About turns and 'drop' this week. Also need to work on keeping Brennan sitting. She sometimes will do into a drop when doing a sit or a sit/stay, or when doing a stay she will slightly move. She doesn't do it when we practise at home, but in the class situation she does so really need to work on it.

Was really proud of her today- I caught her looking to me/ giving me eye contact as we were working- and so was praising her.

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Ohh yeah- definitely have caught the addiction :D. We had our first lesson in Learners today and did really well. Have to change Down to Drop as our instructor prefers it. She says that if she says ''Down your dog'' then the dogs having been taught to respond to drop won't accidentally respond to her 'Down'. I've always taught down- but luckily it's pretty easy to fix- hardest part will be training me to say drop :laugh:. Today we had a lady watch our class with her aggressive dog- and I kept seeing her standing there all nervous, thinking ''That's no longer my dog :D''.

What if your next instructor says 'drop your dog'? I've never seen this become a problem - don't feel you have to change for that reason! If you prefer down say down. Besides in a trial your dog will have to learn not to respond to commands that the judge calls out, or that the person in the next ring is giving their dog. I like to train my dogs to ignore commands they here from other handlers anyway.

Glad to hear you are enjoying obed!

Edited by huski
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Ohh yeah- definitely have caught the addiction :D. We had our first lesson in Learners today and did really well. Have to change Down to Drop as our instructor prefers it. She says that if she says ''Down your dog'' then the dogs having been taught to respond to drop won't accidentally respond to her 'Down'. I've always taught down- but luckily it's pretty easy to fix- hardest part will be training me to say drop :laugh:. Today we had a lady watch our class with her aggressive dog- and I kept seeing her standing there all nervous, thinking ''That's no longer my dog :D''.

What if your next instructor says 'drop your dog'? I've never seen this become a problem - don't feel you have to change for that reason! If you prefer down say down. Besides in a trial your dog will have to learn not to respond to commands that the judge calls out, or that the person in the next ring is giving their dog. I like to train my dogs to ignore commands they here from other handlers anyway.

Glad to hear you are enjoying obed!

Yeah that's always been my thought/ experience is that it is what suits the handlers. Most instructors I've known have said you can say anything so long as the dog complies. I did ask her if it really mattered but she said that it does and my dog is a 'smart dog'. I'm kinda wary of her- apparently she is of the belief that the only 'trainable' dog is a Cavalier KCS and not so fond of bigger dogs. Though I spoke to her after as I wanted her to check my R-A-T and she said that Brennan and I did well today.. :).

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Time for me to join the thread. So I have 4 show pointers and old muttly who I did obedience training with MANY moons ago and a pug. I decided I want to do more with my pointers than just show and would like them to be skilled in all areas of life so the training has begun.

So far it has been VERY challanging, pointers it seems are not easy to train. I have had to start clicker training as they just werent getting what I was asking them to do and the progress from starting that has been amazing I now have most of them sitting dropping and standing when i ask (well they always knew stand as thats all Ive ever taught them as they are shown). just getting my girl kite to site was MASSIVE she is three and is such an easy going lovely girl ive never felt the need to teach her anything. My boy Konrad is the one who sparked the idea of getting their brains motivated. Hes from feild and show lines and I guess for a pointer he has alot of drive.

Im now looking for new and interesting ways to get them all thinking, and am trying super hard not to bore them as they do get bored easy!!!

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The pointers will be awesome! You will see. Your hard work will pay off!

I was just looking at the judges for the next trial we are in which is a double :eek: Never done a double before! That will be insteresting! Ive also never been under these judges so will be interesting to see how we go. Got a bit of heeling to tidy up between now and then and we will be right.

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The pointers will be awesome! You will see. Your hard work will pay off!

I was just looking at the judges for the next trial we are in which is a double :eek: Never done a double before! That will be insteresting! Ive also never been under these judges so will be interesting to see how we go. Got a bit of heeling to tidy up between now and then and we will be right.

I sure hope so. Went and bought some "training" toys today so I can start rewarding with play not just food. So far so good they love them!

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Did anyone else trial or do anything fun on the weekend?

We had an obedience and rally trial on Saturday. Bombed the obedience in the morning, Ava forgot what "sit" means in the COP :laugh: Am having some motivation issues in the ring at the moment. Ugh.

Then we had rally in the afternoon, where we got 96 points and 3rd place in Advanced. It was a real effort on my behalf as she just wanted to go home and have a nap!

So we need one more pass in Open and one more in Rally Advanced for those titles :)

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Congrats on the Rally result wuffles :thumbsup:

I spent the weekend camping with young Em at a retrieving trial. I have already waxed lyrical about it in the retrieving thread so will only say that I had such a lovely time and was thrilled that she finished both days - if you miss one item of game you are out for the day. But we need to win 3 times to get her Novice title so a long way to go yet!

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Congrats on the Rally result wuffles :thumbsup:

I spent the weekend camping with young Em at a retrieving trial. I have already waxed lyrical about it in the retrieving thread so will only say that I had such a lovely time and was thrilled that she finished both days - if you miss one item of game you are out for the day. But we need to win 3 times to get her Novice title so a long way to go yet!

But only 5 finishes needed for her QND! You guys will get that in no time thumbsup1.gif Ruby, however.... :rofl:

Congrats wuffles!!

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Bombed the obedience in the morning, Ava forgot what "sit" means in the COP :laugh:

Aww Ava looked to be doing so well during the parts I managed too see with my inexperienced eyes :p. Wish I could of stayed to watch some Rally O, if only I hadn't made other plans that day :(. Good stuff on the Rally results though :thumbsup:.

Edited by Ben and Jerry
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Long time that I've been in here. I kind of lost the plot a bit when I Brock died and then Amber got sick. For some reason I can't face doing normal obedience. But have just started Poppy in Rally and that is going well so far. Would like to do it with Amber too but I can't do it with her at Croydon as she hasn't passed her Basic 2 obedience there. She is stacks better at it then Poppy so it is a bit annoying.

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Nice to see you here, JulesP - can certainly understand how the mojo would have gone :( . But great that you're starting Rally O, although it's a shame about the club rules. Is there anywhere else close doing Rally - or in any case, you can download the signs yourself and practise at home - another of the nice things about Rally - can just do a few signs at a time. :D

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Bombed the obedience in the morning, Ava forgot what "sit" means in the COP :laugh:

Aww Ava looked to be doing so well during the parts I managed too see with my inexperienced eyes :p. Wish I could of stayed to watch some Rally O, if only I hadn't made other plans that day :(. Good stuff on the Rally results though :thumbsup:.

Thanks, her heelwork was pretty miserable but the rest was ok. With only one pass in CCD and one in Novice on the day I don't know if the conditions were particularly good for trialling :laugh:

Now that your first trial is out of the way, will we be seeing you at any upcoming ones? :)

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Nice to see you here, JulesP - can certainly understand how the mojo would have gone :( . But great that you're starting Rally O, although it's a shame about the club rules. Is there anywhere else close doing Rally - or in any case, you can download the signs yourself and practise at home - another of the nice things about Rally - can just do a few signs at a time. :D

Agree, I rarely practice full rally courses, the individual signs are the most important thing and I do most of that in my lounge room! :)

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Entries close Friday August 17, 2012



KCC Park, 655 Westernport Hwy, Skye


Entries to the Trial Secretary, Ms Sharon Campbell. PO Box 499, Pakenham 3810. PH 59 412 472 (no calls after 10pm).

Email: [email protected]

Cheques payable to Westernport Obedience Dog Club Inc.

** No late entries accepted **

THE Committee Reserves the right to Substitute Judges if entry is Excessive



Mr David Hutson


Ms Lorna Piper


Mrs Heather Diamond / Mr Bernie Wilkinson


Mrs Lorraine McKay / Mr Frank Valastro


Mr Eddie Howden


Mrs Gwenda Carr

Conditions of Entry: Separate form for each class. HAS in mm, including all titles.

Include SAE with entries if receipt is required.

Entry Fee: $12.00 ( includes catalog )

Check in time: 10.15 - 10.45am & vetting

Judging Time: 11.00am

Catering: Available

Awards: *Sash & Prize for Class winners.

*Ribbons for second and third placings

*Title Sashes & Qualifying ribbons.

* Highest scoring exhibit in trial - Sash ( CCD class not eligible ).

*Highest scoring Westernport Club Member - Sash

Proudly sponsored by Canidae

Any Additional Sponsors will be Detailed in the Catalog

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