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I actually think my puppy will be CCD ready before the older dog :laugh:

Every time I think of doing stays with him it makes me feel sick to my stomach, so I don't know how I will not let nerves effect me in a trial situation. However we are closer then ever to being ready with the ring work, his duration heeling for a remote reward is awesome, he seems to have clicked with the stands and his recall is as steady as ever.

Been working on rear end work and show stands the last couple of days with the pup. She is awesome to train :thumbsup:

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I was thinking of giving Orlando a break & work on Malika to get her up for CCD & E T next year

The funny thing is Orlando had a 6 month break & then jumped straight back in as if there was no holiday at all :laugh: go figure

RV the more nervouse you are the dog feels it & picks up on it, then stuffs up, so to speak. Just think of it as a training season, like yesterday at the trial Iwe did, I kept on hearing our judge say to each competitor " Now Relax, Breathe deeply & think of it as a training season" she even said it to me :D

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I was just given the links to my last novice round today. It was done by a camera that only films in short blocks, and the footage is not very good, but I thought I'd share our figure of 8. When I figure out how to link it all together I'll post it on here too. Thanks to GSDs4Ever for hosting my vids :)

Annie figure 8

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RV I am sure all will be fine and we will all be there to support you! I am so nervous for novice heelwork and recalls. Mason has no focus lately he runs off to sniff stuff at the drop of a hat. And if my friend has her dog in the ring next to us and he sees her it will be a disaster :rofl: :rofl:

ETA Mason now will drop on every recall halfway, I have not been practising drop on recall or anything its something he has just added in :eek:

Edited by Mason_Gibbs
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We started working on Malika today, her bigest probs are SFE & Recall :eek:

SFE, she would roll over & be submissive evry time some one would walk up to pat her. between my OH & I we now have her stading to get a pat, even though she is very fidget on her feet, but that will improve with time, paitence, tuning into the dogs brain & working with her :D

The weather is shit here to start on recall so we are going to wait till the weather is better to work outside

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Yep good work Nik. Don't you love those judges that just keep you going around and around and around that figure 8. I had one on Sunday :)

I had one on Saturday as well :laugh: all I kept thinking was - stay with me Lot, stay with me Lot!!

I have a bit of a question for the gurus :D I really need to work on Lotties drops - at the trial on Sat, during both rounds Lottie missed a drop - she just stood there looking at me, and the ones she got weren't as nice and snappy as I would like. I got the clicker out today, and really worked on nice sharp drops, to reinforce them again, but is there anything I should be trying??

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Yep good work Nik. Don't you love those judges that just keep you going around and around and around that figure 8. I had one on Sunday :)

I had one on Saturday as well :laugh: all I kept thinking was - stay with me Lot, stay with me Lot!!

I have a bit of a question for the gurus :D I really need to work on Lotties drops - at the trial on Sat, during both rounds Lottie missed a drop - she just stood there looking at me, and the ones she got weren't as nice and snappy as I would like. I got the clicker out today, and really worked on nice sharp drops, to reinforce them again, but is there anything I should be trying??

my suggestion would be to be fussy about the criteria you reward. if she drops slow, dont reward, dont mention it, just reset and try again...only reward on the ones where she drops quick, and when she does drop quick, make it a jackpot treat then have a play! the next time she drops should be even quicker! :)

if she wont drop fast at all, rev her up, get her excited, throw a couple of treats for her to chase and run back to you, then ask her and see if she is quicker. these both worked for us, and now i can hear kudas chest thud the ground when she drops hehehe

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Beth all my kids drop like they have been shot - so I must be consistent what ever I am doing, or however I am training them :rofl:

I think I would be working on the drops separate to the heelwork in a game format and sometimes using a toy and rewarding the second her elbows touched the ground, other times throwing food and either telling her to get it or throwing food between her front legs and saying get it. If they weren't fast enough I am not even sure I would be using a no reward marker, I would be getting her up by slipping a foot under her belly, or reving her up to chase me before turning around and giving her a drop signal again.

There is a possibility the"drop" signal has been posioned, but I doubt it.

The missed drops - my kids miss them if I come to a halt and then give the signal rather than giving it in the process of taking a step. So all missed drops are my fault :eek:

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Thank you for the replys Krustie and Ptolomy - I want Lottie to drop like she's been shot :laugh:

Krustie - I do that alot with lottie, but it just doesn't seem to be working at the moment - that's how I fixed her drops last time I broke them :laugh:

I will definitely work on them - I will take them away from the heeling and really get them consistent, and have lots of fun with them!!

Ptolomy - I really need to work on my footing for the drops as well, as I just haven't got it to where it should be, and I think i'm sending mixed signals - it doesn't help that I think i'm nervous because I think she's going to miss them :laugh: (if that makes sense!!).

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Whoa Hoa :thumbsup: CD training tonight went great, have to teach Orlando to heel when we do the Recall, tidy up his about turns a bit more, cause he goes a little wide, other than that all is great :D

How is everybody else going????

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Yep....work out your footwork hand signal combination...keep it absolutely consistent and if necessary go back a step and re=train her to your new down language.

Yep good work Nik. Don't you love those judges that just keep you going around and around and around that figure 8. I had one on Sunday :)

I had one on Saturday as well :laugh: all I kept thinking was - stay with me Lot, stay with me Lot!!

I have a bit of a question for the gurus :D I really need to work on Lotties drops - at the trial on Sat, during both rounds Lottie missed a drop - she just stood there looking at me, and the ones she got weren't as nice and snappy as I would like. I got the clicker out today, and really worked on nice sharp drops, to reinforce them again, but is there anything I should be trying??

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Yep....work out your footwork hand signal combination...keep it absolutely consistent and if necessary go back a step and re=train her to your new down language.

Yep good work Nik. Don't you love those judges that just keep you going around and around and around that figure 8. I had one on Sunday :)

I had one on Saturday as well :laugh: all I kept thinking was - stay with me Lot, stay with me Lot!!

I have a bit of a question for the gurus :D I really need to work on Lotties drops - at the trial on Sat, during both rounds Lottie missed a drop - she just stood there looking at me, and the ones she got weren't as nice and snappy as I would like. I got the clicker out today, and really worked on nice sharp drops, to reinforce them again, but is there anything I should be trying??

Yep - I think this is what I need to do - my handling and footwork for everything needs tidying up!! That's for sure!

Sounds like your training session was great, Murve!! :D

Edited by Beth.
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We practiced return to heel after a recall this morning, poor Orlando :( was not sure what was going at 1st, but after doing it a couple of times he slowly picked up what to do :D

the method I used is with the lead around my back & step backwards with right foot, to guide him around, telling him "heel" at the same time using my right hand to signal heel :D

I am happy he is it picking it up

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We practiced return to heel after a recall this morning, poor Orlando :( was not sure what was going at 1st, but after doing it a couple of times he slowly picked up what to do :D

the method I used is with the lead around my back & step backwards with right foot, to guide him around, telling him "heel" at the same time using my right hand to signal heel :D

I am happy he is it picking it up

Are you training this with the recall or separately? I have always been told to train it as a separate exercise so that the dog doesn't anticipate it every time you do a recall, as you still need them to sit in front before being told to finish.

I'm sure you're doing this :)

I'm working on out of sight stays at the moment. Using going in for a takeaway coffee as the time limit :D. She's staying in position 90% of the time, which I'm happy with as we're doing it informally at the moment. She will always stay where she's told, but 10% of the time I find she drops on a sit stay.

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