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Hope the guys at the Bunbury trial today are doing well. It's a shockingly wet and windy day today!! (plus side, at least it's not hot :laugh: I'd rather trial in the rain than a hot day). So glad I'm inside and rugged up, though!

I hear they had hail...Cider got 2 CDX passes and Scoota won UD :thumbsup:

Heard the news too, how awesome for Ptolomy :D

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UDX fairies were absent today but Brookie worked beautifully...full of enthusiasm so I was really pleased. He came away with a win in the morning Open 198, and a win in the afternoon UD 197 :champagne:

Both UDX rounds were really lovely but failing judges scent in the morning (very windy with cloths very close together) and he didnt go all the way down in the positions in motion in the afternoon. Got Multiple retrieve in both trials...Yay!!!

Congratulations to Ptolomy with Scoota winning the morning UD trial and Cider Bear putting in two lovely Open rounds with a first and a second place. Good girl! :cheer::champagne:

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Soggy was a soggy dog after this mornings trial ;) BUT she did 2 x sit stays, coming straight out of the first lot of stays, into the next ring for her ring work and being last dog in this ring, straight into another lot of stays. She looked confident in what was awful conditions and has improved a lot over the last couple of months. Think I will keep her a wee bit longer :rofl:

Bedazzled - have you opened that popping bottle yet????? Well done mate - a nice trial run for the states next week.

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I always take for granted that the dogs just sit in the back of the car and when we arrive somewhere they get out and so be it.

Today was a country trial in BUnbury - 2 hours south of Perth. I used to live in BUnbury and for the first 2 years of Scoota life - he would train at this oval. Well today I drove down to Bunbury and as I turned off the main road into the road that leads to the oval - Scoota started crying - he knew exactly where he was. I got him out of the car, let him off lead and he went nutso, like a foal kicking his heels up and pig rooting - that was my boys today.

Hard to believe he knew where he was and it obvious brought back great memories to him :thumbsup:

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Goodonya Beth :thumbsup: Full marks for keeping going! Like us, sometimes dogs need a break and it can do wonders :)

Congrats SLLH!!!!! :D

Well, as many of you know, I've been having quite a bit of trouble with obedience (to the point I thought I would give up), but yesterday I decided to give it another shot at a double trial, I went out just thinking about one thing I wanted to get right, and we ended up with not one, but 2 lovely passes to finish off our CCD title :D I can't believe she worked so lovely in the heat (it was around 32 degrees during our first trial). She got full marks in both trials for the recall, SFE and stays, and in one trial lost 5 points in the heelwork, and the other she lost 3 points in the healwork :happydance2: - both times it was her drops that let her down, she missed one in each trial, so that's definitely something we'll be working on!!!

I really appreciate all the help I get on here - thank you Ptolomy and LP for all your help over the last couple months, yesterday I felt like we may yet actually make an obedience team, and i'm really keen to keep going now :D :D And what made it even nicer was the judge commented on the high standard of Lottie and another ladies BC who was also in CCD, and said our standard was so much higher then those that were competing in CD, I'm a very proud mum today :D

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Big Congrats to everybody who achieved passed & titles :cheers::clap: :clap: :happydance2::happydance:

ok now I will add my little brag Peperone Original Sin ET aka Orlando, gained his CCD title today with a score of 94/100 & placed 1st, he romped it in, 2nd place got 87/100 :happydance2: :happydance2:

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Hudson and I had a great training day at the dog park! I had him on leash and we worked on recalls, and also some different tricks on the table. So far he only knew stand, and we started working on sit + drop. :D

I am hoping to keep working on these, as I feel a little silly that he is 14 weeks and only knows how to stand! :p

He is finding it hard to learn the drop though? Any hints?

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Hudson and I had a great training day at the dog park! I had him on leash and we worked on recalls, and also some different tricks on the table. So far he only knew stand, and we started working on sit + drop. :D

I am hoping to keep working on these, as I feel a little silly that he is 14 weeks and only knows how to stand! :p

He is finding it hard to learn the drop though? Any hints?

What have you tried to do to get Hudson to drop & sit

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Sitting is going well, I have been luring him at the moment, and trying to start to fade into just the hand signal.

For drop ideally I would love the drop from the standing position, but at the moment I am trying just by luring down and forward from the sit, but he seems to struggle a bit and just looks at the treat.

On the bright side, our stand is really getting strong!

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when we taught our babies to drop we get them into a Sit, them lure them down into a drop, with the treat by having your treat go down in towards their chest towards the ground, when they are in a drop reward him by placing the treat on the ground between their front legs, close to the chest, at the same time say drop

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To train a drop I like to start them from a stand and lure with treat between the front legs. This causes the head to drop and the elbows to go down. I click and treat low at this stage even though the dog hasn't gone down completely. Progress to a lower body position and at some stage the bum will go down...click and give multiple treats in the down position. Work towards putting it on a verbal and then if you want, you can change your hand signal.

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Lots of congrats coming for the weekend.

Ptolomy - LOVED your description of Scoota at 'his' ground - they truly don't forget! :D And wuper well done on both kids, especially yor little Cider - yes - think she might be a keeper :rofl: .

Bedazzled - your Brookie is amaxing (think I might have told you that before) - you and he are such a lovely team.

murve - congrats to you and Orlando - nice way to finish that title. :thumbsup:

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I did the same with my 2 Bedazzled, i dont do it from a sit at all

And another one. I find when I'm teaching people in my puppy class to do it, that they want to move their hands too quickly - I learnt from Mary Ray to go slowly - even letting the pup lick the treat while he's thinking about it, and as Bedazzled says - don't be afraid to reward a darned good try a couple of times.

I initially only taught down from stand with Rory -- but had to add down from sit for Rally O. I prefer the down from stand as the first one, because IMO it's much neater in heeling, and in COP.

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Great work everyone in Bunbury on the weekend - was truly horrible (Siberian!?) conditions.

Zazu and I were so close to a pass - she dropped with 5 seconds to go on the sit stays in CCD. It wasn't a very pretty round with her losing her way a little on the heeling but....she didn't run off, yippee! And we got past the starting post, which beats our last two trials hands down.

Ptomoly - Scoota really did seem to enjoy himself at his old training ground! Even if he was having way too much fun in UDX.

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