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What do you guys take to an obedience trial thats a couple of hours away from home? Apart from the dog :laugh:

Since swapping dog clubs and training on a Saturday it means we get 4 trial ring specific training sessions before the Aug trial which makes me feel better! Another question- I understand if your dog has a title in one ring it must not compete in that ring and must go into the next ring.

What happens if you enter a trial say in CCD and the dog gets all its passes and can compete in the CD ring but your next trial is entered in CCD? eg- Ive entered 3 trials in September and am wondering if I enter a 4th (assuming we bomb this one in Aug) but we pass and get into the CD ring will we be moved to the right ring? Hope that makes sense.

I have a pretty good system that doesn't require much thinking - a cupboard full of stuff stored in the carport goes straight into the car (gazebo, bag with pegs, extra guy ropes & mallett, tarp, rubber backed matting, crate, fold-up trolley, chair) plus training bag (toys, tugs, dry treats, treat bags, poo bags, loose change), tiny soft esky (dog treats, milk, ice block), small bag (thermos, tea, snacks for me), towels and change of clothes/socks (if it's wet/muddy). So the only things I really have to think about are the cold and hot treats/food as I walk my dogs on lead to the car (Zig in his coat) and they have a non-spill water bowl in the car and a large bottle of water.

If you get your CCD title before the entry closing date, ring the club sec and have your entry changed to Novice. Otherwise just enter CCD as per normal. In retrieving it's different and you go up in the stakes straight away (which would be rather scary!!!)

ETA: In summer I take at least 10L of water, a bucket and cool coats.

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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What do you guys take to an obedience trial thats a couple of hours away from home? Apart from the dog :laugh:

Since swapping dog clubs and training on a Saturday it means we get 4 trial ring specific training sessions before the Aug trial which makes me feel better! Another question- I understand if your dog has a title in one ring it must not compete in that ring and must go into the next ring.

What happens if you enter a trial say in CCD and the dog gets all its passes and can compete in the CD ring but your next trial is entered in CCD? eg- Ive entered 3 trials in September and am wondering if I enter a 4th (assuming we bomb this one in Aug) but we pass and get into the CD ring will we be moved to the right ring? Hope that makes sense.

As far as moving up goes ... certainly down here, and AFAIK it's an ANKC rule, you can't move up till you have put in your title application to the control - Dogs NSW in your case. In agility, we usually contact the trial secretary once we have put in the title application, and they can move you up to the next class. Tracking - once you've passed the previous level, you notify the Trial Secretary and they will move you up, if your entry has already gone in.

Obedience trials are so few and far between here that it's usually a case of you already have your application in and your title approved. If you qualify for a title on a particular day in the morning, the afternoon trial is a 'freebie' at the same level - no nerves so everyone has a good time - handler and dog.

For a trial 2 hours away - I take the same as I do for a local - usually set-up - gazebo, etc. etc. dog crates, treats, drinks, food if there's no canteen, wet weather gear, change of socks :laugh: .

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LMAO Barb, and to think in the old days we just took a chair and a stake :rofl:

I still see people who rock up with a chair and sometimes not even a stake and just sit outside the rings with their dog until it's time to go in! Looks like they know how to travel lightly but that setup terrifies me! eek1.gif

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LMAO Barb, and to think in the old days we just took a chair and a stake :rofl:

I still see people who rock up with a chair and sometimes not even a stake and just sit outside the rings with their dog until it's time to go in! Looks like they know how to travel lightly but that setup terrifies me! eek1.gif

I clearly remember the Perth Royal. We never travelled lightly there.....a chair, a stake and LOTS of champagne :laugh:

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LMAO Barb, and to think in the old days we just took a chair and a stake :rofl:

:rofl: Or not even that - just the dog/s. I must say I tend to take a lot more gear since going over to the dark side (agility) and the very dark side (conformation) :rofl: . Of course it could have something to do with the fact I'm getting older :rofl: .

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Gosh, I don't take much :o I take a chair, soft crate, blanket to put over soft crate (for shade), treats, leash, water bottle and water bowl. SLLH, remember to take something to pin your number on with.

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I take too much stuff :laugh:

I take a gazebo and all the stuff with it, a picnic rug thing for the ground, a cover for lots crate, treats, chair and lots more stuff that I probably don't need :laugh: The one thing I always forget to take is a water bowl, but now i've decided to have a permanent one in the car so I don't forget!!

Hope Kenz gets better soon, Ness!

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We tried something different tonight. Change of position. We started this years ago but I never kept it up. So sat him in the kitchen because its too too wet outside, then stood right in front of him and made him drop, then asked him to "up" with a hand signal so he goes into a sit. Surprisingly after 3 attempts he got it good! So happy with how he is working at the moment. He just needed a few days to refresh his memory now we are nearly the team we need to be to trial!

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We tried something different tonight. Change of position. We started this years ago but I never kept it up. So sat him in the kitchen because its too too wet outside, then stood right in front of him and made him drop, then asked him to "up" with a hand signal so he goes into a sit. Surprisingly after 3 attempts he got it good! So happy with how he is working at the moment. He just needed a few days to refresh his memory now we are nearly the team we need to be to trial!

Woohoo! :thumbsup:

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I finally feel ready to share a video of Tobys dumbbell work. He is far from perfect but I feel pretty proud of myself as it's the first behaviour I have 100% shaped. :D

I am aware its a bit hit and miss and I am probably not being as strict with criteria as I should be - however as I don't plan to progress past novice and Toby's Change of Position is pretty solid so I would likely use that. So it's just something I changed for fun:)

Edited by RallyValley
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Great work, RV!! thumbsup1.gif I'm sure as you both gain confidence you will become stricter with your criteria :)

I'd like to share my two positives for the day. At the obedience trial today, Ruby's SFE and Millie's drop on recall were just lovely! The reason I found these so lovely is because these are probably one of their worst exercises. Ruby has always been too friendly to stand still while someone approaches her to pat her! And Millie's DOR has been a bit broken lately where she will anticipate the drop. She is confused about not knowing when to drop so will drop before I ask her or she will do it when I ask and then drop again on the final stretch. To fix this, I haven't done any DOR training laugh.gif I've done a few straight through recalls, but admittedly haven't even done any of those in the past couple of weeks.

Today, the girls pulled their "worst" exercises off and rather well I think :olaugh.gif

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:thumbsup: Lovely from both girls RS. SFE is still a little bit of a hit and miss affair with Rory - for the same reason. Last trial we had a new thing - judge put his hand on Rory's chest - and Rory obligingly did what he would do if his show handler did that - shifted the position of his front feet :laugh:
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Arghh! I feel your pain! Brookie does the same thing when a judge touches his elbow. He was show trained from puppyhood and those lessons stuck! It takes a special effort for him to hold position if he has stood crooked and the judge touches his elbow!

:thumbsup: Lovely from both girls RS. SFE is still a little bit of a hit and miss affair with Rory - for the same reason. Last trial we had a new thing - judge put his hand on Rory's chest - and Rory obligingly did what he would do if his show handler did that - shifted the position of his front feet :laugh:

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:D bless Brookie. It's interesting isn't it - people (me included) worry about some other issues relating to the show/obedience crossover, but the stacking one was one I hadn't thought of. :)

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Can I please ask people's thoughts on training the seekback sometimes without doing the heel pattern?

I know the point is for them to retrace your path, hopefully by scent, to where you so carelessly dropped your article! But in my case where I still find heelwork isn't as sharp as I'd like, I really don't want to encourage sloppy heelwork for the benefit of training a seekback. I've trained it in a small area using the heelwork method, starting with dropping the seekback near the start peg, but on Sunday night I thought I would show the article to the dogs (they want to take it into their mouth instead of scent it!) then head out the backyard on my own and throw the article somewhere. The yard wasn't very well lit and the grass a little longish. Then one at a time I got the dogs out and asked them to "find" it. Both of them went hunting in the dark and found it and brought it back :)

Just wondering if there is any issue with me mixing up the training like this?

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I cant answer your question RS but your girls work beautifully! Love the videos.

I took a short clip of training yesterday on my phone. It was a drop stay with a distraction. Im making the stays in training hard for him so that I can know 100% that he wont move. This is his favourite kid running around making noises and calling his name. I timed it for 3 mins and he didnt move a muscle. :D

I hope this works Its a FB link so only people with FB can see it at the moment. Its on my home computer which I will upload it to youtube when I get home.- Linky pie

Edited by spoilt lab lives here
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