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And Ross owns my agility BC girl's litter sister - has done herding with her. :D Should be interesting.

BC's are brilliant herders,

have you done herding or Ross???

the talk will be interesting

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Nope - no agility for Ross :) - he and his girl went the herding route, Kirra (my girl who is Ross's BC's sister) and I went the agility route. We did start out with some ANKC herding, but then had the good fortune to be able to learn to do some farm work on a friend's sheep farm. While she was never going to be as good as my friend's ISDS type working BCs, we did learn to be reasonably handy with some farm work - handling mobs of 200 or so. It was wonderful to be able to do that with her - then I went back to work, and so no more time :(

And cos I can't resist a little brag - her first big gather - she's off on the far left up the back of the mob



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On one of the lists I am on - they have been talking about sit boards to help train a dog to sit straight, present straight, and to even do stays on.

Have a look......

I tried it with Strauss last night using the lid off a plastic box. It does move around a bit - so I can see the advantages of using something wooden which doesn't move so easy.

Any thoughts........

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Chris Bach's DVD's seems to use them quite a lot - hmm although on an edit they are more like PVC frames or wooden frame whereas the one in the video appears to be more like a platform (went off to have a look at the discussion on the list you were referring to).

I toyed with the thought and then decided it was something extra to fade so didn't go down that path - or was it Ptolomy who convinced me it was something extra to have to fade :rofl:.

I just disappeared outside and find an appropriate plank of timber in the garden so spent a few minutes doodling with that and having Kenz line up at heel. Suppose I can see the merit to it especially as it forces the dog to sit nice and tight. For some reason though it worked great for lining up at heel it didn't work so great when I tried a front. I think the dog has to much association with rear end awareness games and planks of timber because she kept wanting to swing her but into heel rather than sit in front on the board.

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oh hum 1, 2, 1, 2, right turn 1,2,1,2, left turn, 1,2,1,2, right about turn (1,2,3,4,5) 1,2,1,2, down your dog etc :walkdog:

sorry guys got the pattern stuck in my head I suppose this is what you get from a dog trainer who is ex Army Drill Sargent :grimace: but I love my OH who has now taken a great interest in us gaining our Obedience titles :smurfanim:

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thank you Rubystar :D

it is good now we have really made progress in fixing up my about turns (leaving poor Orlando behind ) & even out my pass, this is just in 2 days work :D

Oh I will be very extactic if we come home with 2 passes at Geelong on the 9th July , ooopppssss that might be pushing it,

my OH is now very confident we will come a pass

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Ptolomy, I ma not sure. I think that with good timing and a clicker you can get really good sits, I am not sure I would use something like that as it would be another thing you have to "get rid of".

Will look some more :)

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I saw this too and am intrigued. Zac has been heavily rewarded for perch work so is inclined to do the rear leg swing stuff. I think I can change that though. I need to start shaping him to back up onto a platform for agility so I'm a bit concerned about confusion...he is a boy after all ;) ;)

I think the idea has merit and I'll have a little play with it tomorrow.

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On one of the lists I am on - they have been talking about sit boards to help train a dog to sit straight, present straight, and to even do stays on.

Have a look......

I tried it with Strauss last night using the lid off a plastic box. It does move around a bit - so I can see the advantages of using something wooden which doesn't move so easy.

Any thoughts........

I don't quite see the advantage..to be picky, a few of the sits were crooked anyways :)

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:rofl: bedazzledx2 let me know if you manage to change it. Second session Kenz still thinks its "perch work" and I am using practically a flat board on the ground. Having said that I did get a lovely square flip finish and those seem to be happening nicely. Does anybody have any ideas for an around the back finish. I have totally lost Kenz's because she keeps thinking I am asking for a flip finish to the right and ends up lining on the right hand side. I am assuming its because she is working off the signal but buggered if I can get through it. I have never really taught her a flip finish to the right either which is why I am confused as anything - at least not on signal. I guess I can see the confusion because my flip finish signal to the left i.e. a normal finish is similar to my around the back finish BUT given with a different hand. Surely she hasn't been clever enough to assume that the signal given with the other hand means line up on the right.

It wasn't broken Tuesday night in the ring at training its just broken since which is even more bizarre.

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Ok I need some help...

I haven't done much scent discrim work in the last several months (by much, I mean none :eek:) as we have been focusing on different things, and as of late, have been doing some SB work.

Daisy picked up SD in three or four days and has been 100% consistent on wood and metal (I lost my leather set) since then regardless of how frequently or infrequently I've been training it. We've always used the same set but I alternate the scented article every time.

I thought I'd bring out the SD articles today to mix it up, they had spilled out of their box and were hidden at the very back of the cupboard :o

Anyway I pulled them out and despite being keen D has COMPLETELY forgotten how the game works. She is grabbing anything she sees even if I only have two articles down. This has never happened to her before! Could it be that it's been so many months since we've bought them out? She's gone a long time without training them before and has never had this problem before. Could it be that the articles have a weird scent on them from being kept in the back of the cupboard? Could it be because she's been working on SB lately (our SB article is the same shape and size as the SD articles) so is confused?

She has worked on SB and SD at the same time before with no issue so I really don't know what's happened to break her SD :cry:

ETA: Tonight when I bought them out I started her on just two metal articles. She normally works a full set of metal and wood.

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I've hit a bump in the road with Toby's stand training (as in I have no idea what to do... he is very spaically sensitive and reacts badly when I try do kick back stands.) so I have been training the dumbbell retrieve. We are using Shirley's method and we are up to the part where you start moving the dumbbell further from the dog. Very proud of Toby and a goos exercise in shaping. :thumbsup:

Will post a video of course when we are doing a proper retrieve.

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Well done, RV!!

I've been working on gloves, send to the box and seekback. Millie thinks it's a party to retrieve the gloves, her usual style laugh.gif Seekback is going well with Ruby, and suprisingly it's Millie who stops to look at me for help if it is too hard for her, so I have to keep it nice and simple for her for the time being. I really need to pull my finger out and work more on scent, too.

huski, when I brought out a brand new set of metals I hadn't used before, both dogs went from knowing the game and getting it right, to absolutely flipping out in confusion. So I went back and trained Millie on them how I did when I first taught her. A couple of reps and she understood the game again and was back to a full set of metals (I haven't mixed them with the rest of the set in ages, hence me needing to pull my finger out and train this some more!) I would go and air your articles nicely for a few days, and then start again from the beginning with how you taught Daisy initially. I don't think it will take her long to remember the game again :)

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Huski - Kenz did this once to me and she picked it up in a similar fashion to Daisy early on. I put the game away for a bit then went back to just hiding one article in amongst other things like cans and pots for a few sessions then just went back to a normal full set. She soon got the idea that it wasn't a snatch and grab and once she was using her nose again it was easy enough to go to the full set.

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just started fixing my recalls, Orlando would wait for the 2nd call before coming :eek:, this is where I lost 20 points, the prob was I tenced up my shoulders, got to relax the shoulders or I will have bricks on them :eek:

with my drill seargent on hand it has been hard few days but at the same time good :D

About turns perfect :D

Passing near perfect :)

Stays perfect :D thanks to a group of puppies running around

SFE pefect :D well we already knew that :laugh:

Recalls need some more work :eek: on me

halts near good, will sit but sometimes on a slight angle :eek:

drops down pat :D will drop on wet grass with nice grace style to it :rofl:

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When is your next trial murve?

My training goals for the next few weeks are...

  • Be more mindful of my body language on heelwork positions. Need to stay still and stand upright to stop Little Miss Anticipation's hoverdrops
  • Get a STRAIGHT finish. My fault as I haven't trained them much... can't afford to lose points for this in trials!
  • Heel position basics :o Static heelwork positioning is nice in circles, but coming in from different angles she is lacking understanding. Not sure how I'm going to tackle this yet apart from doing more rear end awareness work and trying some of Kamal's exercises. Once I have this I want to make my LATs tighter :)
  • Start training out of sight stays somewhere other than in the house... with one Novice pass already, Open is creeping up on us rather quickly...

Now just to find the time to do all this (at least I can do most of them in the lounge room :laugh:)

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Hi Wuffles, our next trial is at Geelong VIC 9th & 10th July , they are having 4 trials over 2 days, we are doing the double on the Sat, was hoping to do Sun as well :( but unable to prior commitments.

Body language is a make or break for all work now I've been woken up to that & paying more attention & it is paying off in training

Hoverdrops :laugh: Orlando can be good at that, I corrected that by telling him boot & place my hand on his back ( not a lot of pressure) till he droped propperly :thumbsup: now if he decides to hoverdrop all I say is Boot, bang straight down he goes :laugh:

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