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OSoSwift - I think you need to move closer to the City so we can see more of you and you can trial more often - otherwise you need to rent the kids out for the weekend and do a car pool with your friends that came up last weekend - once a month sounds good to me :D

;) :) :)

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Tumbleweed like others have said work on getting focus in short bursts in low distraction environments and then slowly amp it up. If you can only get four steps of nicely focused heelwork then do three steps. With Daisy getting five seconds of focus used to be a challenge so we started with that and built it up from there. Maybe you can video a training session for us?

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Nice one OsoSwift :thumbsup: Who said sighthounds could do obedience???? Lovely lovely work :D

I am rather proud of myself at the moment, I have managed to upload a video to youtube - I knwo lots of people have done it, but it's my first :eek:

Anyway it is a small snapshot of a training session with Lewis. He is not working at his best, and I have picked up some things I need to address, but any comment would be appreciated.

Oh and I got a bit nervous being filmed so my footwork was a bit all over!

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We introduced Strauss to doekkens today and I have a little retriever on my hands - as she runs off to post in the retrieveing thread.

Can and will now use this to reward some of his obedience work.

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Nice to have a reward system like that :) Good boy Strauss! Maybe I need to bring some sheepies for Zac :rofl:

We introduced Strauss to doekkens today and I have a little retriever on my hands - as she runs off to post in the retrieveing thread.

Can and will now use this to reward some of his obedience work.

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Kenz says tell Zac there is no reason why not (wants to see bedazzledx2 rock up to training with a sheep) - although a duckie might be a little easier. Maybe you could get him is own indian runner and bring that to obedience :).

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Will someone please convince my dog that retrieving things is fun? I've been working on the dumbbell for a looong time now and she is just not interested. Today I decided to try my luck and throw it over a jump... and the little monster decided to do a perfect retrieve over the jump :eek: :eek: At least now I know she actually does know what to do, just thinks it's boring without a jump in the middle :rofl:

Edited by wuffles
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Hmmm sorry Wuffles can't help you Kenz thinks retrieving anything is mega fun but always has. Maybe try incorporating a retrieve at breakfast or tea time with a big reward or anything else your dog really enjoys :).

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Thanks for the compliments guys :D

It means a lot coming from the people I look up to

Here is Rommi, the quality is pretty crap but I will look at trying to get it better later - at least I got it on there! All so new this Youtube deal! She has a slight treat went down the wrong way moment in the middle, but then back to normal programming.

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OSS Rommi is lovely I'm not sure who is my favourite out of your 2 kids.

OK - you can't post a video without us giving you some homework...........

When you do a change of positions, Rommi moves forward. You are throwing away at least 1 point in novice and as you move up the classes it will be a couple of points. So your challenge is to teach her to drop on the spot without moving forward.

Looking forward to seeing video in a weeks time (no pressure!!)

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Wuffles I wrote a reply and then my computer has a spack attack and I lost everything (it had nothing to do with the handler!!)

Basically - today I was with some retrieving people who were helping me with Strauss and the doekkens. Their comments was not to introduce any formality into the retrieve until I had built value for the doekken. So they suggested that I got on the ground as he came back and took it off him without asking for a hold or a sit just take it off him before he dropped it and if he did well I didn;t get there soon enough. They wanted me to play with the dog and the doekken, bang it on the floor, rev him up are you going to get it until he was like a loonie wanting to race after it.

I am wondering if this might work in your case. I wouldn't usually suggest something like this as I tend to teach formality the hold, the pick up etc but it may work with your girl.

Anybody have any thoughts on this?

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Yep I agree with what Ptolomy suggested. I will often release Kenz on the return with the DB/take off running as she picks up the DB/also used restrained retrieves - so I'd rev her up and then get her really excited and release and race her to the DB.

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OSS Rommi is lovely I'm not sure who is my favourite out of your 2 kids.

OK - you can't post a video without us giving you some homework...........

When you do a change of positions, Rommi moves forward. You are throwing away at least 1 point in novice and as you move up the classes it will be a couple of points. So your challenge is to teach her to drop on the spot without moving forward.

Looking forward to seeing video in a weeks time (no pressure!!)

Homework is good :D

Yes she did, she doesn't always, and it is definately something we are working on!! I have not yet quite figured out why, but I will keep analysing! Um righto a week, gee you don't give a girl too much time do you! Any suggestions apart from super glueing her foots to the grass?

I have also noticed my drop signal sucks - put your hand back exactlyw here it was woman!!!!! I have smacked myself over that one already! I know why I have started doing it, but there are no excuses anymore!

Edited by OSoSwift
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OSS we are gentle people here and will only pick on you for one thing at a time until we can be sure you wont do a runner .....

Yep 1 week - it doesn't have to be perfect but it has to be a work in progress......

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I am finding it hard to build any value for the dumbbell really. I started out using the Shirley Chong method... she will take the dumbbell and hold it (although I don't think she enjoys it - I have switched from plastic to wooden dumbbell which has helped slightly) but we seem to get stuck when it comes to interacting with it on the floor/picking it up. I can have a few sessions where she will be picking it up every time. But then we seem to go backwards and the next time she will refuse to interact with it at all (sometimes she will paw it or lie down on it and this is all I can get in certain sessions).

So, I thought I'd try something different and have been encouraging and rewarding her any time she chases or brings me one of her toys as I thought that may get the concept into her head, but even that is very hit and miss. She might be really excited about chasing a soft toy once, then the next time she looks at me like I'm mad :laugh:

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Well my new training program seems to be working. After the last two trials that just seemed to go from bad to worse ending with a completely shut down dog last week I decided to emphasise the fun this week and try and change my body language and attitude. Went into the ring with the goal of a happy dog didnt care about scores just wanted tail wagging joy back..

Completely different dog tail never stopped wagging and to top it off we only had one missed article thanks to a far more interesting smell on the ground nearby.. Didnt let my shoulders drop still kept it togethor and heavy interaction/play between each exercise and she picked herself straight back up. WOOHOO

Good dog Coco now to keep it going.

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